
Well-Known Member
All I got is a little chunk of mexi brick....damn you sativa hurry up!:cry:But on the bright side im havesting some san pedro so yay!


Well-Known Member
Man that pookiedough avatar freaks me out....
Well I'm going to jam at a friends...Smoke some m39...(KAK) better than nothing.
It's still a good day if I get to play & smoke


New Member
That avatar totally spoks me too.
Man that pookiedough avatar freaks me out....
Well I'm going to jam at a friends...Smoke some m39...(KAK) better than nothing.
It's still a good day if I get to play & smoke
Hahaha twisty. Randy Paua and Simoe.
OM dude you aways brighten my day. :mrgreen:
Hubby is going fishing again today. :roll: so sorry guys but you are stuck wif me. :?


Well-Known Member
That avatar totally spoks me too. Hahaha twisty. Randy Paua and Simoe.
OM dude you aways brighten my day. :mrgreen:
Hubby is going fishing again today. :roll: so sorry guys but you are stuck wif me. :?

why not go fishing with him ?
Im here till about 1 pm then I have to go check on my workers ..


Well-Known Member
Dreamed about a reefer 5 feet long
Mighty Mezz, but not too strong,
You'll be high, but not for long,
If your a viper.


Well-Known Member
Dreamed about a reefer 5 feet long
Mighty Mezz, but not too strong,
You'll be high, but not for long,
If your a viper.
Just think about that......?
A 5ft joint if really smoked would send you back to the beginning. You'd have to learn how to walk, talk, stand and all that shit again. So that's the key to immortality.....A 5ft. joint