So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Ooooohhhhhh... That stuff will store a looong ass time in a mason jar in the fridge. Excellent initial thing to apply to new soil. Really gets the microbe machine jump started. Awesome job, man!

I'm smoking a bowl of SSH in your honor right fucking now!


Well-Known Member
Got the remainder of what I didn't mix into the soil chilling in the fridge. Match ya a bowl of crystal mountain(insert smoking smileyface here). Damn phones..


Well-Known Member
I never added the blood meal, I didn't think I would need it. Also realized I had never added the kelp meal so I mixed in a small amount as best I could. Maybe 1/2 cup altogrther. Went light on the worm castings too. Last thing I wanna do right now is burn these clones up


Well-Known Member
You've got Alfalfa which will be great. You can add a little bit more as a top dressing later on, like after you transplant


Well-Known Member
I'll try to make/get ahold of some compost for next time. Also will add nematodes soon. And charcoal. Other than that I think I am set.


Well-Known Member
Nematodes are awesome. I use them every time. Steinernemma or some such.

Someone in MI should grow all these things and sell them to the rest of us. Super-premium worm castings (what I'm talking about is not commercially available), nematodes, etc. Clay powders. Everything you need for the finest soil possible (at least in my opinion). There's even a special peat found only in these parts (MI and IL) that would be perfect for us in soil-building. Why? Because it's pH neutral. I'd drive to buy it.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
think buckaroo was visiting the sixth or seventh dimension to acquire space nation zoning approved land for similar purposes.he'd be the one to ask if the document was stamped for '13 '14 season, or right now

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
db1e135b476912a866e28d27cdd6cba0_zpsd8821e5d.jpgit's gonna be a long and cold winter--plenty of time before spring to network I have my list too
mayb we could pow-wow sometime.....w Abe letterman

and brainstorm--315a59c2da90c04c8cff4f135941d96e_zps895dee8a.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think that the value (cost and health) associated with growing in real living soil without bottles just needs to catch on. There could be some real volume here if this is communicated properly.


Well-Known Member
People are 10x more worried about yield, than over-all health. Sucks, but that is why it hasn't taken off more.
We get it down to yielding nice and people will turn healthy really fast.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
yeah dude. it's yeild. I did supersoil and I did some lightened up super soil with bottle "organic" ferts and straight hydro and honestly my fav of all of them is a basic hydro grow in soil for it's forgivness. Not living but same flavor and taste I got from the organic super soil but with a 30% or more increase in yeild. I didn't look back I just kept doing what worked and works. I'm revisiting the living soil stuff and trying to get a real general and in depth knowledge of it. If you want newbs and people just starting to grow their meds themselves to do it that way you're going to the FUCK YOU alot cuz it's hard complicated and not for everybody. Hydro and dirt-hydro is hard enough for most: shit reading all the fox farms bottles and PH'ing your water/soil and most people staring blankly and fuckin' up like it's their part-time job to fuck up. Good in fo guys.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing - nothing cheaper or easier than soil. Chem companies have complicated it. After all, it's just dirt, and if you let the microbes alone they will do all the work. Just add water and some simple, cheap amendments. It's also completely forgiving IF the microbes are alive. The problem is we use soil that is likely still too hot, then we add nutes to throw the whole natural scene out of balance.

If the soil is rocking, you'll give hydro a great run for their money. And don't forget, soil can be re-used for maybe a dozen grows before you have to re-mix it. As lond as you add the proper little amendments as you grow. Can't get any cheaper than that.


Well-Known Member
I am not looking for cheaper or easier, I know most are. I am after the best medicine possible.
It is very complicated, and it is an extreme pain in my ass getting the 50 amendments I need. lol.
That's all ok. If this works, and this is how I grow then I will have, or become a source for all
the amendments and will encourage others and make it as simple as I can for myself and others.
Some people get really funny when you are growing for them. It will be nice being able to give a
plant to someone and know that if they water it, they will have great results. I have no choice,
but to learn this, understand it, and then make proper, educated, decisions.