I really want too...
Don't want to, DO it! At 33 I lost my job, I made a job for myself and now I grow weed and make as much as a use to! Retired! Now I aint gonna BS everyone i couldn't do it without my awesome wife but we all pick out lifes and the people we share it with and I picked a fucking winner!I feel she didn't get as good of a deal as I did but it's a mans world!
If you want the property bad enough the banks will want a good down payment and it will also be a short loan. My brother has worked in lending industry for over 15 yrs so he has been advising me. It isn't impossible guys just plan that shit out and you will be fine! Get your hands on the property that is the fist step, then run a 200+ plant gorilla grow one shot one year= substantial cash flow to get you started on the property! Buy everything off C/L machinery and whatnot and keep it movin! Who is going to come out on your 100+ acres and stuble onto your plants?
I know it sounds simple but sit down and draw out what you need to get done to acoplish this goal and do it! Life is short my friends and I would rather spend it with my wife and family on a farm and work for what I got, rather than punch a card every fucking day then go home to a life that I know could be better! The only thing in life that stops you is you?
sounds nice to have that much but the price is crazy lol. i got a 2 bed, 2 car garage, boat house, 1 bath house thats paid off in the mountains on a huge river with 30 acres. came furnished although most of its gone now for 30k cash. if you look hard enough you can find some good deals!
lol 200+ plants?? i like my outdoor grows here but idk about that many plants
I do 30 in my garage in a community! I know 200 will be a pain but I am not afraid of work! Considering i have only grown indoors for 4 yrs so I feel I still have alot to learn! No matter how much I talk on here I wont know till I try to run that many girls! Worst case is they die off on me, and I wont let that happen! Cool thing is that property I found that I know I am not going to get unless it is there in 3-5 yrs is 40 min away from my brothers house! Bout 9 from where I am at now! So get property, do a big run, then slowly start building! That's the plan now and it will all change! Probably by tomorrow but the goal will be the same! Happiness
haha ya but my dream is a little simpler than most of you guys i think. and ya i hear ya man. i got 30 acres that i own but a whole mountain to play with if i wanted so im happy with that. i dont need much, as long as im healthy, in a relaxing environment, and have my plants im perfectly happy. check this out, i know a guy that has 180k acres out in canada somewhere he got a really good deal on. dont remember the price but hes got so much land he hasnt seen all of it and has to go out there all the time to kick people off his land. people keep trying to squat on his land.
Yeah that sux man, I found a place up in Canada with it's own spring fed lake! It was a little out of our range but not by much! I wan't alot of land because I want to have cows again! Need seperate pastures to run them in, also rabbits, chickens and pigs. But to be honest the only thing I would truley need is your 30 acre spot with my wife and my plants and I'm happy! We can just live off the military retirement and do whatever the fuck we want! Easy Peazy brotha! And the property I am looking at has Mule deer, white tail, moose, elk and turkey, just to name the main wildlife! So hunting, growing, smoking and fucking? how can that be bad?
lol true that. i got white tail, rabbits, wild hog, and wild turkey. these parts are FULL up of wild game to hunt. got me a little deer november 5th actually and WAS gonna go get a turkey for thanksgiving but got lazy and just had deer lol. no springs on my property but i know of several in the area i could walk to if i had to. also live on a river thats 150 yards across so its pretty big piece of water if i need it for anything. might start watering with it actually.
I am supprised you don't now man! My plan is to water from a stream or spring when I do my grow cus there will be no choice with that many plants! Wont be using RO water anymore. The reason I want a spring so bad is you have water pressure naturaly so with no power you still have a small amount of water pressure. Also if the water/rain becomes undrinkable your spring is always good! The rain and all water has to go through alot of natural filters before it gets down to your water source. IDK I love to think and plan! It is a fun idea to think about! Just straight up retire onto a farm by the age 40?
Organic living! I plan on running a greenhouse with veggies year round I do that now in my grow rooms, and Im gonna build a small 8X12 greenhouse at my place to learn how to grow year round in similar weather! It's all possible we just have to keep an eye on the prize!
You were talking about that being alot for the property? Just prospective, we bought a 4 bed 2.5 bath 2000 sq ft in a community for $250 a little over 4 yrs ago. And the fucking thing isn't worth what we owe! But all the upgrades we have done should alow us to break even in 3-5 years............. Hopefully! Or we should be like all the other shitty Americans and secure the property I want then default on our house loan and let the tax payers clean up the mess?????? JK I couldn't do that and live with myself.
I'm on my wayheres a waterfall i found out here
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someone had the same idea out here and i ran across these out in the woods one day lol
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the river
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and the view is pretty nice here too
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heres a waterfall i found out here
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someone had the same idea out here and i ran across these out in the woods one day lol
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the river
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and the view is pretty nice here too
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