the faces of meth

Make pseudoephedrine prescription-only or ban it outright. I don't think they can make meth without it.

Incorrect, but it's harder without pseudoephedrine. You can make meth from 1-phenyl-2-propanone (list I, so you also have to make it), you can also make ephedrine from brewers yeast (you can also extract ephedrine from plants, but I think thats more theoretical)

Doesn't really matter though, most of the meth now comes from Mexico, and they probably just find pseudoephedrine - not like putting it behind the counter in the US means it can't be obtained everywhere else.
Please explain how the war on drugs causes the negative effects not meth use itself?

The one girl was burnt in a fire because of a meth lab. If meth was regulated, no one would be trying to make it, and it wouldn't be full of toxic byproducts from poorly done synths.

Even if red phosphorous and pseudoephedrine were de-regulated, people could make meth with almost no risk of fire - only dangerous chemicals would be acetone, hydrochloric acid and lye.

And I'm not pro-meth, but propaganda is still propaganda and mis-leading. If I made a post with 3 schizophrenics, 8 people who got fat and 2 guys who got burnt in a grow op fire, and labeled it "Faces of Weed", I don't think you'd be as quick to take it as fact.
Son you want to drink right? well overdose on your adderal; and you will look older and you can come to the bar with me.
Make pseudoephedrine prescription-only or ban it outright. I don't think they can make meth without it.
you have to get it behind the counter where I live and there is a limit on how many you can buy.... kinda fucks it up for the guys like me who have allergies and have to keep the buying to a limit
Meth is the worst buzz ever, I just don't get why people like it. In my younger days I tried it a few times, and hated it. While on it I was nervous, sweaty and generally uncomfortable. Then I couldn't sleep that night. Next day I was not only tired, but just felt stupid, like I had lost some brain cells.
Crack,coke,speed,methamphetamine,all that shit does to me exactly as you just! Though admittedly I've never done or even laid eyes upon methamphetamine.
i hate all that didgy paranoid spaced out shit! I prefer downers,alcohol,weed,benzos and the heaviest of all,Opiates.
Once in a while devastation! Stick to that rule or fall!
if you fall you are fucked! Life as you knew it is dead, now you are a walking corpse!
Drugs are good! Drugs,all drugs are fun if used right. If not used right,you've lost the fight. The life,friends and family you used to know, GONE!!! It's a very sad,very destructive cycle.
An illness it is, people say it's not an illness. Oh it is! Both mentally and physically!

On a last note, drugs are fun! Massive amounts of fun, just be careful,take amounts according to your tolerance.
This applies to ALL Narcotics! Good luck and Massive fun,get real high, just DO NOT DIE! K.K.
i used to date this chick that was tweaker but i didnt know till after we split. soo o o o glad we split
i used to date this chick that was tweaker but i didnt know till after we split. soo o o o glad we split
I take it she was an occasional user? For I hear that shit keeps you awake for like 4 days straight, I'm sure you would have noticed some wired freaked out chick up all night pacing the house..
Can see you're from London. U heard of meth down there yet? Im from Scotland and its not made its way up here anyway.

Maybe Breaking Bad is just the advertising boost it needs :)
So 12 people out of however many meth users, took some shitty after pictures. Apparently meth isn't too bad, because the only real difference between methamphetamine and amphetamine (ie: Adderall, the shit they give to kids to concentrate in class) is strength.

Personally, I don't think any uppers are really worth the comedown. You can get energy (productive energy, not frantic tweeker energy) from steroids, for way cheaper, and lose weight while gaining muscle.

You sir, are an idiot.

Try doing some research before posting complete bullshit like this, makes you look smarter...
actually he speaks the truth.Like it,or not

I live in an area where meth is endemic. There's an awful lot of folks here with haggard faces and bad teeth. I've taken most of the drugs available on the planet ... and meth is one I set aside for its power to do damage. cn