Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Airgas bro has the specialty gas dept. You can get isobutane, n-butane, propane, hexane, what ever gas you want. Nitrous oxide, I've used nitric oxide for pressure, any gas can be used that is liquid under pressure.

Special ordering butane seems sketch to me. Not really flying under the radar, idk.
You guys aren't quite getting it. Instead of thinking more butane, try learning about some less harsh methods now available to the common man. Eden still wants bookoo bucks for a cosub2 unit, it's extreme cost is due to a liquid co2 pump that I deviate around and still hit the targeted bar pressure their unit does. I have contacted Eden and let me post their prices.
You guys aren't quite getting it. Instead of thinking more butane, try learning about some less harsh methods now available to the common man. Eden still wants bookoo bucks for a cosub2 unit, it's extreme cost is due to a liquid co2 pump that I deviate around and still hit the targeted bar pressure their unit does. I have contacted Eden and let me post their prices.

co2 extracts look cool, but they are far inferior in terms of yield and potency right?
Power 5x works mint. No need to pay more for anything else. Less than 3 bucks a can, no residue, no mercaptans. People not in the know should not pretend to know.
Yeah well post some shit stranger. Yo verde, who the fuck is this j-cat? Just further proof when someone not know wtf there talking about. Stick to power5 and get your experienced knowledge people don't really give a rat's ass to hear. So unless you got some shit to contribute to the topic at hand, sit the fuck back and try learning something new, shit for brains.
My buddy has a butane recycle system and claims power 5 leaves a visible residue almost greasy. Idk about that, but you can't compare the two as power 7x was blown out the game, just like co2 will spank on butane, even isobutane isn't a worthy contender for an oil as good, let alone better. Fat chance bro.
My buddy has a butane recycle system and claims power 5 leaves a visible residue almost greasy. Idk about that, but you can't compare the two as power 7x was blown out the game

I've done side by sides with vector, power 5, and power 7 and couldn't tell the difference between any of the final products.

, just like co2 will spank on butane, even isobutane isn't a worthy contender for an oil as good, let alone better. Fat chance bro.

I'd like to see some evidence of that. Nearly all of what I've seen sold as a co2 extract tests out around the same as bubble hash. Not even in the same ballpark as butane extracts.
Here is sun. Cheap ass shit.IMG_20121205_071355.jpgIMG_20121205_074715.jpgIMG_20121206_001329.jpgIMG_20121206_001354.jpgIMG_20121206_120635.jpgI used acetone to purge out the butane. The bottom picture is my brand new plc programmable logic controller. It's $1,850 and will automate my rigs. All I do is set parameters and walk away, it does it's thing w precision.
strait tane extract(Sun) w acetone purge.IMG_20121203_223345.jpgThis isn't quite done as theres some water locked on the bottom left corner area. When it is all clear and no hint of acetone, the bitch is done. Ethanol is way less harsh of a chemical than acetone, but acetone dissolves it faster and dries quicker. But it's what's around at the time I guess.
I think power 5x is made in the same facility as vector. It have seen product blown with it and cant tell a difference between vector. I still use vector for open system extraction. The end product is so valuable, saving 2 or 3 dollars is not worth the uncertainty imo.
Shit where I'm @ power 5 is $2.50 a can, Vector is $10, Ronson is formulated quite similar to vector, but @ $3.00 out the door, I'm not using power 5 unless there's nothing else.And call me crazy, but I like king better than power 5.
I think power 5x is made in the same facility as vector. It have seen product blown with it and cant tell a difference between vector. I still use vector for open system extraction. The end product is so valuable, saving 2 or 3 dollars is not worth the uncertainty imo.

I used to think the same way. Then I got pissed at how much vector was costing, and picked up some power 5x.. I'm all about the power5x now. $42 a case of 12 shipped feels good too.

It's the same exact shit, if not slightly better than vector. At least I think. Vector gives me a mildly stuffy cloud of vapor, power seems a little more flavorful and smoother. I have asthma though, maybe my lungs are more sensitive.
I developed asthma and about 30 years old, I had a hard time catching my breath and realized it's not baby asthma but the full grown adult shit. So BHO really antagonizes it, especially the under purged shit. I'm not all for co2 extracts because it's slightly better, BHO isn't at all near the quality, and in all aspects is of such higher quality that I thought it would be a lot easier to convince people. It's easy in person as the proof really does so w out a doubt. There has been released about 50 students who I taught,some do bigger things than me...but not better. I am proud to be on the front line of this honey oil revolution that is taking the country by storm. So as some newbies try disrespecting me w their very first post, I am well known and well hated on, and I love it! When was the last time you stablized a supercritical fluid extraction? I get power 5 for $30 no tax. It's nothing at all like Ronson. So next time you see it, buy it. That tiny can will yield more than power 5 or 7. Verde, be the first to verify the shit I spit is GAME.
I developed asthma and about 30 years old, I had a hard time catching my breath and realized it's not baby asthma but the full grown adult shit. So BHO really antagonizes it, especially the under purged shit. I'm not all for co2 extracts because it's slightly better, BHO isn't at all near the quality, and in all aspects is of such higher quality that I thought it would be a lot easier to convince people. It's easy in person as the proof really does so w out a doubt. There has been released about 50 students who I taught,some do bigger things than me...but not better. I am proud to be on the front line of this honey oil revolution that is taking the country by storm. So as some newbies try disrespecting me w their very first post, I am well known and well hated on, and I love it! When was the last time you stablized a supercritical fluid extraction? I get power 5 for $30 no tax. It's nothing at all like Ronson. So next time you see it, buy it. That tiny can will yield more than power 5 or 7. Verde, be the first to verify the shit I spit is GAME.
Dude, you have some kinda complex, or suntin huh?

I use a stainless canteen, power 5x, and brick weed to make the most pristine glass around. I plan on doing a run next week once the weather cools down again (rock salt and ice have been retired until spring) and I'll be sure to post pics.
I used to think the same way. Then I got pissed at how much vector was costing, and picked up some power 5x.. I'm all about the power5x now. $42 a case of 12 shipped feels good too.

Last case I grabbed was under $36 shipped...I can't help but smile whenever my boys are complaining about Vector prices at the local head shops.
I developed asthma and about 30 years old, I had a hard time catching my breath and realized it's not baby asthma but the full grown adult shit. So BHO really antagonizes it, especially the under purged shit. I'm not all for co2 extracts because it's slightly better, BHO isn't at all near the quality, and in all aspects is of such higher quality that I thought it would be a lot easier to convince people.

Repeating "it's better" over and over again isn't likely to convince people.

I asked you why it's better and did not get a response beyond "it's better".

The co2 extracts I've seen have all been between 30-55% thc. That's inline with bubble hash and doesn't come close to bho.

It's easy in person as the proof really does so w out a doubt. There has been released about 50 students who I taught,some do bigger things than me...but not better. I am proud to be on the front line of this honey oil revolution that is taking the country by storm. So as some newbies try disrespecting me w their very first post, I am well known and well hated on, and I love it!

Having a hard time believing you're some sort of teacher when you can't answer basic questions on the claims your making such as "why are the things you're saying true"?

When was the last time you stablized a supercritical fluid extraction?

Never. You haven't given a good reason to why I should even be interested in making a weaker concentrate.
Like I said before, ain't nothin you can teach these people you do different about your process that makes it any better than anyone else using power 5. Good now that you understand my point, I would like to state something on another deviation from my methods, from which I created. I like my co-solvent to hit the matrix at like 1,000 psi if not higher. Here I use ethanol and dry ice filling the green tank, the baby tank has an oz in it, then I screw together and make sure the valve is closed. At the other end is a check valve and I tank transfer co2 at this point. Your gauge can hit quite high. I've hit 2,000 psi on this type of fill and as it warms it will get higher. So there isn't an addition of heat needed and bleed off any foreseen overpressure w its rate of increase. So if you see your gauge climbing fast towards your max psi rating, crack that bitch until enough headroom is made for your peace of mind, Re-close the valve and maybe now heat can be added. So Dr.brownstainforbrains, you see how I try to teach but dumb shits like yourself make it real hard to do so? And Dan, it's hard to believe the credentials you have(superstoner or whatever), but who am I to discredit or not to read your posts prior to writing w you recently? I assume people know I am co2xtractr or fusionfreak2009 from my youtube channels where I do have the first video showing a co2 extraction, thus making it easier for a whole industry to break out the dark ages and get current w some more modern applications that are GREEN.IMG_20001231_160128.jpgStart thinking outside the box, this is my cheap thrills list of equipment. It's very competitive in terms of producing dank. No less capable than the supercritical fluid extractor, just limited by yielding capability and this vessel isn't stainless. But my other rigs are, and parameters can be set via that new programmable logic controller I just got! So I can get very specific on times, temperatures, pressures, 2nd charges of co-solvent as to reduce the cost of pumps, and it's a more accurate then I could be all w the computer as the specific coordinator amongst the pressure sensors, valves, thermocontroller, etc., it's going to fuckin rock. It made something like almost triple this units value as it can do many different commands like two seperate extractions at one time! That's happening.
Like I said before, ain't nothin you can teach these people you do different about your process that makes it any better than anyone else using power 5. Good now that you understand my point, I would like to state something on another deviation from my methods, from which I created. I like my co-solvent to hit the matrix at like 1,000 psi if not higher. Here I use ethanol and dry ice filling the green tank, the baby tank has an oz in it, then I screw together and make sure the valve is closed. At the other end is a check valve and I tank transfer co2 at this point. Your gauge can hit quite high. I've hit 2,000 psi on this type of fill and as it warms it will get higher. So there isn't an addition of heat needed and bleed off any foreseen overpressure w its rate of increase. So if you see your gauge climbing fast towards your max psi rating, crack that bitch until enough headroom is made for your peace of mind, Re-close the valve and maybe now heat can be added. So Dr.brownstainforbrains, you see how I try to teach but dumb shits like yourself make it real hard to do so?

Are you for real?