First time Bubble Cloner. Loving It!

past times

Well-Known Member
so i just built a bubble cloner out of a 2.5 gallon fish tank and piece of painted and sealed wood. I cut last night and already see small almost hair like fibers coming from 3 or 4 of the 8. I have them in a low area of the veg and they look happier then any clone i have tried with any other method...and no humidity dome. I dont feel like i need constantly spray for humidity. Awesome.
ill put pics up in a sec. not roots...literally the size of a thin hair or silk suture. i dont know if i can get a pic of the hairs...not sure my camera is good enough but ill try.
Bubbler i made took several weeks for clones... grab a submersible pump and on the side that pushes out the water fit peice of pvc with tiny holes to stray mist up to top of bucket... roots in 5 day, plantable couple days later
i have tried rock wool, cup of water, soil, peat pellets...all with mixed success.

With the bubble cloner even the smaller, scragley clones i took look great.
i have 3 airstones in the tank. The one pic that shows the water only shows one of the bubblers.


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Nice interesting to see how it works time wise for roots. Never have been convinced against the mat + dome technique.
That was them immediately after clipping, they have perked up a lot since then, I accidently bent/smashed a couple of the roots with the rim of the tank...kind of bummed about that, Found them this morning...but even those, after 12 hours look feel solid, they curled a bit though
just added a cap full of H2O2. just a cap...Not sure if that is enough or too much. When i first took the clippings i put like 2 drops of superthrive and like 1/10th strength flower nute. I am a little uncertain about where I want the water level. I had it like an inch from the top. Some of the clippings had more than an inch in water. I lowered it about 3/4 of an inch so the shortest ones are just barely touching the water. leaves still look good. even on the smashed ones.
ill put pics up in a sec. not roots...literally the size of a thin hair or silk suture. i dont know if i can get a pic of the hairs...not sure my camera is good enough but ill try.

lolll, are you sure that wasnt a random fiber? under 3 days is too amazing.
that is fancy! Nice work.....I use a big clear plastic salad tray I modified for clones. Mine isnt a bubbler but works 95% of the time. Bought at walmart.
lolll, are you sure that wasnt a random fiber? under 3 days is too amazing.

Thanks. I painted the top first, then I laquered the hell out of the bottom. Feels like plastic, that much laquer. It left a bunch of bubbles on the top so I was sanding them off and took some of the paint off at the same time. After laquering the top, it left that almost tie-die appearance
The first actual roots showed yesturday...8 days from clipping. It was from the most vigurous plant, but also the one I am pretty sure is a male. Switched to 12/12 on sunday for the plants I took these clippings from. Want to make a bonsai MUM.

Some of the lower leaves are starting to yellow slightly, should I add nutes? I had like 1/10th stregnth veg nutes, but changed out half the water 2 days ago for fresh water, but didn't add nutes back.
At the 2 week mark (Tuesday) 5 out of 8 had rooted, at least started. The 3 that didn't root where all from one plant...The female mango. I was able to root 3 Blueberry bag seed and the 1 mango male that was super vigurous. They all went into dirt thursday.
Built me a bubble cloner a few months ago, 2 runs with it and 100% Failure :( They all fell over and died both times. Went back to cloning in rockwool, no hormones or heating mat, just cut em and stick em in the dome and throw em under a flouro- 100% success rate so far. Even now that it's getting really cold down there. So cold this last time took almost 2 weeks to pop roots (normally all have em by day 10 at the latest), but they all did once again. Thinking of trying the bubble cloner I made again, but this time putting the dome over it and maybe they won't all fall over and die again. Anyway, glad to hear you're having success with it though.