Shooting Black Teens in Florida? A God Given Right? Another tragedy in Florida


Well-Known Member
You don't think 9 kids can pummel a man to death? You don't need a gun to kill, the Marines taught me how to take away a knife from someone, flip his ass onto his back while breaking the arm of the assailant and then a hard Marine combat heel to the skull easily crushes him to death. No shotgun needed.

Maybe the kids just said they were gonna kill him?

A terroristic threat is only terroristic when it is obviously not being enforced at the time. If you call me on the phone and say your gonna kill me with your bare hands, does that mean I am justified to drive over and shoot you? If you yell the same thing at me from across the street and then walk away its the same thing, I am not justified in shooting you at all. On the other hand if you say that to my face and then come at me with your fists I get to shoot your ass, even if you only intended to scare me.

The whole defense pivots on the mind of the DEFENDER, if he truly thought his life was in danger beyond any reasonable logic, then he goes free.
First I do not think 9 kids were in the car, but sure even four can. But, saying you are going to shoot someone when you do not have a gun is a terroristic threat unless you can use "mind bullets, thats telekinesis Kyle."
What you are stating then puts the burden of proof on the defense. A defendant then has to PROVE he had a legitimate reason to fear for his life. And I don't know where the fuck you live but four kids saying they are going to kill you or even that they have a gun is not a sound defense for murder in self-defense. But if you can cite a case where a person killed another person on the whole he said he had a gun and would shoot me, I would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
Oh make sure it is a recent case. Do not dig up some shit from 1878 Dodge City, Kansas, He needed shootin' 'nuff said bullshit that would never fly in a modern court of law.


Well-Known Member
loud music makes me fear for my life. justifiable homicide.
Them Black Kids told me to fuck off after I told them to do what I say so I shot them. It's covered right?

LOL wait till this guy is in a Car in Prison.. That means who you sit with to eat. Maybe it will be fair game on his ass.


Well-Known Member
The Zimmerman defense isnt going to work for Zimmerman

it sure isnt going to work for this guy
-never called the cops
-hid out in a hotel
-fled when the news broke out
-no weapons found on teens


Well-Known Member
who says there wasn't a gun? i'm sure if there was the kids would have held onto it for evidence. no way they would have hid it while waiting for the cops. nobody would ever do that.


Well-Known Member
and what if the dude is a racist?

does it change anything?

or does that simply make the people calling him a racist right?

do people really believe there are no racists?

what does all this mean?



Well-Known Member
who says there wasn't a gun? i'm sure if there was the kids would have held onto it for evidence. no way they would have hid it while waiting for the cops. nobody would ever do that.
3 living witness and 1 dead one say no

1 guy who is trying to come up with an excuse says yes

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Dead is dead . It can't be much worse than that . Does somehow there being a racist involved make this any worse ? I mean how dead does someone have to be to make that bad enough ?