Kicked Out

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I am not fucking with you. You play mind games. You shit-stir. You provoke. I am being straight and calling you out.

I just wish I learned to see through the sarcasm, pretend friendliness and smiley faces before. I actually feel a bit sick looking through his old PMs and realizing he had me wrapped around his little finger. Fine, I'm done. I just put my avatar back up, too..
Wtf???? Is everything ok?

continued.. hahahahahahahahahaha
i sure seem to be getting a lot of "likes" and "rep" over all this. i must be doing something right. LOL

some people just need to learn to lighten up. like i said "shit-n-giggles".
he went too far imo opinion with the rape bit, see sig, and the suicide shit. i don't think suicide is funny. i don't think it's cool to troll using it. i've had close friends succeed and the mrs made several attempts many years ago.
other then that i don't give a rat's ass what the guy does. i know it's not easy to kick out your kid. any parent can tell you that. if they were abusive, i'm sure we would have heard about it. and if so why would he want to stay there. so i don't buy it.
he reminds me of nusky, remember how his dad was always threatening to kick him out, 25, no job, liar of major proportion.
Wtf???? Is everything ok?

Yeah... Ish. Thanks for your concern. I just realized everything he ever said to placate me was bullshit.. to placate me. Shut me up. Winding me and others up then telling them to 'calm down'. Infantile shit.

Even April is kissing is ass after the things he said to her.

And after I and others made a point of sticking up for him in the Help Fdd thread. Jeez.

Thought I'd stay on RIU whilst I'm bedridden- big mistake.

Have to say though, that song is a classic. Yeah, I'm a beast. Wolf girl keeps on fighting.
I know the pain of being cheated on, of being lied to, led on, played... I wish that on no one... not even the one that did it to me. I have heard it from the whole town.... for all the last year and a half... "lavenstar was in the grocery store with horse cock..." "lavenstar was at the gas station with horse cock" "lavenstar is moving in with the walrus..." Seeing her being driven around by this guy.... her sending texts to someone saying she loves them right before she makes love to me and says she loves me while we are doing it.... lying to me when I already know the truth.... I hate it. I would wish all these pains on no one. It angers me to think of all that I have been through FOR this girlie... makes me feel stupid and pathetic... I dont know whats wrong with me... will the committment I made inside of myself to her ever go away... will it ever stop lingering so I dont feel inclined to stay faithful to her??? and NO, her pussy isnt that great (was once definitely not anymore), its not that I am stuck on (yes I have slept with a couple of other people since we broke up)... but the ideas and the dreams we shared together.... we lived them together.... what ultimately seperated us were words like this- "accountability, maturity, responsibility, honesty, integrity, morals... etc. etc." I suppose I should kind of write my own story out in general to share with the community my "life story" ... and yeah... as much as it will be a "life story" for you all.... it will also be me reaching out for answers to questions I dont ask, and help with things I would never ask for help with ;)
And YES, FDD the op made this thread as a request... a public outcry for attention, pity, and answers/provisions... and I can tell you, deep down and quietly to himself... he was hoping someone would lift him up and do for him, provide the easy way out... out if pity/empathy.

FDD- Your a hypocrite- and thats something Im not going to argue with you about- indeed not going to argue with you about anything at all. Im a hypocrite too... sometimes. You got some drama with Carne... cuz you get a rouse outta him??? or what? There are literally tons of people around here that disrespect women and are hypocrites (might want to go through ALL your posts too ;) )... You guys wanna argue and say stupid funny shit back and forth.... Ima make some popcorn... ;)

since we all basically posted all at once...
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