the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
lie about what..... it didnt come wityh a controller charger
you've had weeks to buy games.

they typically come with a controller. and everything else you may need.

did you buy it used off eBay or something?

who goes thru this much drama just to get an xbox?

the whole story just reeks of nonsense.



Well-Known Member
nah I'm lying but n64 was the shit if I get a van ill throw one in it with golden eye 007 lol

Call it the "hoxbox machine"


Well-Known Member
im a lil depressed... but i feel better after flamming on da doc aka d.o.c. aka department of corrections... aka tropic breeze... aka deeeeeeeeeze nuhhttzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
that fucking lemon afghani lemon afghoeey shit wtf ever it is.. i underestimated that shit.. this shit is smoking.. i think i vac sealed it a lil moist cuzz it was darker.. now it got wayy liughter colored and taste bomb....


Well-Known Member
how much money u got? the docs sister might work with u for a couple dabs..
hah I"m good did meet a cool chick recently maybe shit might happen she does blaze we'll seeee....... I hate that point before you know if anythings gonna happen or not, I'm just pretty sure its gonna happen ahaha