Once I move out to a more rural area I'm getting an akita or 2. They so purddddy.

Another massively huge breed, 140 lbs! They're classed as a dangerous dog here in the U.K. Pit bulls are banned full stop! Or neutered so if you have one you defo cannot breed it, muzzles to be used and on a lead at all times, to be registered and tattooed. Poor animals, ll that happened is a neighbour was getting irate, kicked the garage door where the dogs were, the got out and destroyed him. For that, all fighting/ big breeds are subject to ridiculous laws.
he looks just like the breed standard for a bull mastiff

He's from a registered breeding but ended up with a couple of white toe nails (non-breed standard) which makes him ineligible for breeding.
In other words I didn't pay nearly the going price for my best buddy.
Oh, and 148 lb last vet visit.
Ahh! Poor bibi! She's not ugly!!! She's my powerful miniature rhino...lol. Love her.
She has a patch on her other eye too. Show her some love peeps...lol. Nasty bastards,aHAHAHA, each to their own I suppose.

i know you guys like those ugly chico bull terriers across the pond.... to each there own.. they do look real intimidatingwhen they snarl at u
johnny your akida is bad ass... thats the japanese fight dog... they use them to roll against pittbulls since there so massive, and have all that extra skin and fur its harder for pitts to get a good grip on them... there good dogs. my buddy has one and its fiercely loyal animal. extra protective of his kids even
I would assume if they were brought up together from a young age they would get along. Maybe not tho.

We got them 2 years apart. We got one at 8 weeks and the breeder kept one to show and breed. After two years the breeder finally decided that she had enough of the show ring...hated it, but won. She offered her to us so after a bit over two years we reunited littermates. They get along fine...flatties usually do :)
once you own a bull terrier, youll always own one. pound for pound the strongest dog...

kenny ken is yours a mini? she is a great looking dog...