Do you care about the people here?


Well-Known Member
I know the internet shouldnt be taken that seriously and that everyone here is an actual person behind a computer, but does anyone here care about the impact of their words used here?

Not that someone is going to kill themselves from someones comment, but from a respect point of view.

I know in real life I would probably not say some ridiculous comments that I have here, but is that a bad thing? Are we all on a different brain wave when we read the stuff here?

I notice that some people have patterns when they post, like some always post a one liner joke, or some always like to argue or some like to talk about themselves, etc.

So I guess my question is, before you make a post do you think about the impact(big or small) that your words say? Or do you just think "F#*k it, its a free country I can say what I want "b#&ches"?
I care, I've written many things and then deleted them cause I didn't want to start shit or hurt someone's feelings, unless it was Kaendar... Fk that douche bag... lol, stay high.
People have killed themselves from things said on the internet.

Let's be frank. I've cried myself to sleep and self harmed over trolling from members here.

Not everyone is affected in the same way, granted.

I just got sent a PM being told to relax because it's 'just the internet'. But it is not. People are indeed behind the computer screen and if you use 'Its only the Internet' as an excuse to be an asshole, then let your allotted wrath befall you for such selfish immaturity.
People have killed themselves from things said on the internet.

Let's be frank. I've cried myself to sleep and self harmed over trolling from members here.

Not everyone is affected in the same way, granted.

I just got sent a PM being told to relax because it's 'just the internet'. But it is not. People are indeed behind the computer screen and if you use 'Its only the Internet' as an excuse to be an asshole, then let your allotted wrath befall you for such selfish immaturity.
crystal clear,here in black and white! Read it and think before you type out your spite filled posts. (To no one in particular), we should all think before letting rip! Some people find being trolled hard. I should imagine no one would like such, just some are more susceptible than others, though NO ONE likes it! At the end of the day, the seriously saddened/trolled! Can and should make the right choice of block the hater or leave the site. Life is where it is at! Not suicide/self harm. Live strong peeps! ( oops! I shouldn't quote that, that was Tour de France cheat armstrong's!). Though It applies aptly here. Live strong! Peace and love and best of all happy and healthy!
i think most of the people i meet on the internet only read my posts in an attempt to find something they disagree with, weather it be politics, how to grow weed, or even grammar. so i put very little effort in to typing anything meaningful anymore. If this site has taught me anything it is that most people outside my area do not care for me, and have wildly opposing opinions, often to the point that are unable to maintain basic cognitive thought during discussions. In real life i get along well with almost everyone i meet, but then again i don't go out of the region much.

much of what i read on this site makes me fear humanity. they are aggressive argumentative, irrational, illogical, and conceded. and in there eyes i may be too.
never take the internet seriously, but if you kill your self because of something typed on the little black box, you already had deep problems. Don't blame a good trolling.
Most people come through here make a lot of noise and vanish, I've been around long enough to know there's what's on the surface here and a whole sub community underneath. That community is full of all kinds of people and relationships, the older community here runs deep though most of the originals have wandered off

People here do care about each other, after all were all the oddballs from the weird corners of life, I at least with the older more original members of the site do get a sense of community
never take the internet seriously, but if you kill your self because of something typed on the little black box, you already had deep problems. Don't blame a good trolling.

It's worth remembering that one person's good fun is another's anguish. I am not suggesting we should descend to absurd depths of sensitivity; that stinks of pc, which I despise. Nonetheless the standard that is very simple and sound is this: Imagine your interlocutor there in the room with you. If I would not say it face to face, i choose not to type it out. cn
I know the internet shouldnt be taken that seriously and that everyone here is an actual person behind a computer, but does anyone here care about the impact of their words used here?

Not that someone is going to kill themselves from someones comment, but from a respect point of view.

I know in real life I would probably not say some ridiculous comments that I have here, but is that a bad thing? Are we all on a different brain wave when we read the stuff here?

I notice that some people have patterns when they post, like some always post a one liner joke, or some always like to argue or some like to talk about themselves, etc.

So I guess my question is, before you make a post do you think about the impact(big or small) that your words say? Or do you just think "F#*k it, its a free country I can say what I want "b#&ches"?
I care, I hate any kind of bullying or spitefulness and I think only a coward does it over the Internet or phone, chances are if they were standing in front of you they wouldn't have the guts to do it for fear of a smack in the gob! However when someone is unkind to you it is very tempting to retaliate with harsh words and because their not in front of you it's easy to say things you wouldn't normally say, although I do try to look at the bigger picture and try not to lose my temper. The people on here seem okay you get the odd one that takes things a tad to far but and in doing that let themselves down.
the internet just like life is what you take from it.. there are tons of tools on this board and there are tons of people willing to help the others... if you acknowledge the tools and feed into them they get exactly what they are wanting..

it's easy to go off on them and try to explain more of your case but they are not interested in anything but being tools
People have killed themselves from things said on the internet.

Let's be frank. I've cried myself to sleep and self harmed over trolling from members here.

Not everyone is affected in the same way, granted.

I just got sent a PM being told to relax because it's 'just the internet'. But it is not. People are indeed behind the computer screen and if you use 'Its only the Internet' as an excuse to be an asshole, then let your allotted wrath befall you for such selfish immaturity.

I'm scared for what the real world could be doing to you then. Yikes.
Absolutely I do, I tend to think about everything I say on here, re-read it multiple times and send it through a checklist of whether or not it's worth saying and if it will come out well. Things like, is it important, does it sound good, am I being an asshole (if yes I decide not to post lol), things like that. I'm always very picky with what I say online because I care about the people on here very much (I've grown to love this forum in particular and it's members) and I care about what they may think of me too. I always tend to be a middle man and make as many people as I can happy with what I say, unless I feel very strongly on something, and I also tend to just keep out of things unless I get called out or some crap like that.
I care, I've written many things and then deleted them cause I didn't want to start shit or hurt someone's feelings, unless it was Kaendar... Fk that douche bag... lol, stay high.

I dont know who Kaendar is, but if he trolls and makes people upset then he probably needs the most love. Most people only spread hurt when they are hurting themselves.