Kicked Out

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Well-Known Member
Wakey wakey! Eggs and Bakey! Wake up you immature piece of shit, no more sleeping in till noon, waking up to jack off, and going back to sleep. It's time to grow up and be a man, you egocentric lump of social filth. Oooohhhh....You make 3k a week drilling asshole in scat porn? I hope you choke on a piece of shit. Where's the money now? Hookers and hotels? You fucking loser.....

Haha...Just playin'

We still cool, right homeboy?


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
man a lot of you are a bunch of sheep . . . you attack him for not wanting to live life like you . . . . . . . i hate to pull a fin shaggy . . . but shut your fucking mouths . . . .if dudsky wants to sleep till noon and jack off 4 times befores he gets up let him . . . who are you to push your ideals on to another person . . . . .your opinoin doesnt matter cause its his life and its RUNS house . . . . . i cant believe all the . . . . negatvie connotations you all assign to someone who doesnt want to live life like a sheep with a different haircut like some of the a holes(meta)

all dude has to do is find a better job that suites his needs . . . . .

bad karma on you to judge another for just living . . . . hell ya sneak into that hot tube . . its on . . . . . your parents are ridiculous if they prefer you jobless to live in your car then with them . . . bottom line a tent in the backyard is better support . . . . . . .what they did was turn there backs . . . . but as soon as your on your feet they will be all smiles . . .. .fair weather people piss me off . . and get little respect in my book

OP obviously is not a saint but at the same time he is not piece either . . . . . . all of a sudden this guys expresses his lifes frustration and you shit all over him . . for it . . .FIN Couchy shaggy has been on here for a year plus, mooching from couch to couch . . but because he is delusional . . he gets a pass . .. . . . wtf

people need to express what you think and leave the rhetoric to things you actually care about or you just look like a posser . . . playing daddy


Ursus marijanus
man a lot of you are a bunch of sheep . . . you attack him for not wanting to live life like you . . . . . . . i hate to pull a fin shaggy . . . but shut your fucking mouths . . . .if dudsky wants to sleep till noon and jack off 4 times befores he gets up let him . . . who are you to push your ideals on to another person . . . . .your opinoin doesnt matter cause its his life and its RUNS house . . . . . i cant believe all the . . . . negatvie connotations you all assign to someone who doesnt want to live life like a sheep with a different haircut like some of the a holes(meta)

all dude has to do is find a better job that suites his needs . . . . .

bad karma on you to judge another for just living . . . . hell ya sneak into that hot tube . . its on . . . . . your parents are ridiculous if they prefer you jobless to live in your car then with them . . . bottom line a tent in the backyard is better support . . . . . . .what they did was turn there backs . . . . but as soon as your on your feet they will be all smiles . . .. .fair weather people piss me off . . and get little respect in my book

OP obviously is not a saint but at the same time he is not piece either . . . . . . all of a sudden this guys expresses his lifes frustration and you shit all over him . . for it . . .FIN Couchy shaggy has been on here for a year plus, mooching from couch to couch . . but because he is delusional . . he gets a pass . .. . . . wtf

people need to express what you think and leave the rhetoric to things you actually care about or you just look like a posser . . . playing daddy
1) Fin didn't get a pass. Plenty of folks here have called him out. It just doesn't stick to him, is all.
2) There was nothing "all of a sudden" about this. Bud came back with triumphal tales of oilfield work ... and slowly, by increments, his story changed to the one on this thread. Jmo. cn

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ok . . my rant over . . but alli ahve to say is ego centric is a lot different then self satisfying . . . ..if you spend life living for others then you will be unsatified . . live life for yourself at your rules . . . .

parents if they cared to actually work at being supported vs mouthing the words as they go . .well we did all we could . .is BS

dude is no John stamos . . . but that doesnt mean he can be thrown out like a cats that pees to much inside

everyone is at fualt , but guy is no villian for not wanting to live a 9-5 rat race life


Well-Known Member
man a lot of you are a bunch of sheep . . . you attack him for not wanting to live life like you . . . . . . . i hate to pull a fin shaggy . . . but shut your fucking mouths . . . .if dudsky wants to sleep till noon and jack off 4 times befores he gets up let him . . . who are you to push your ideals on to another person . . . . .your opinoin doesnt matter cause its his life and its RUNS house . . . . . i cant believe all the . . . . negatvie connotations you all assign to someone who doesnt want to live life like a sheep with a different haircut like some of the a holes(meta)

all dude has to do is find a better job that suites his needs . . . . .

bad karma on you to judge another for just living . . . . hell ya sneak into that hot tube . . its on . . . . . your parents are ridiculous if they prefer you jobless to live in your car then with them . . . bottom line a tent in the backyard is better support . . . . . . .what they did was turn there backs . . . . but as soon as your on your feet they will be all smiles . . .. .fair weather people piss me off . . and get little respect in my book

OP obviously is not a saint but at the same time he is not piece either . . . . . . all of a sudden this guys expresses his lifes frustration and you shit all over him . . for it . . .FIN Couchy shaggy has been on here for a year plus, mooching from couch to couch . . but because he is delusional . . he gets a pass . .. . . . wtf

people need to express what you think and leave the rhetoric to things you actually care about or you just look like a posser . . . playing daddy
Hey, it's cool to talk about raping people to see the look in their eyes, right? It's just the internet, after all...But that really lowered my opinion of the OP.

And yeah, I don't care how someone lives, as long as they can take care of themselves without expecting others to always come to their rescue, and don't harm others in the process.

P.S. I don't think very highly of FinShaggy either, but he's shown us nothing but stupidity. Budsmoker seemed like he was going places, and turned out to be a scumbag...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
thats the thing . .the one strike your out , or camels back straw mindset is BS to me

there is no now its the worst . . . i live life with integrity, if i said a week he gets a week not as soon as i get a sandy vagina

guy will and can find a job . . and then all of a sudden that qualifies him as human grade animal again . . . i call BS . . . . ..i hate two faced people . . . if they were my parents .. id probably move towns and not talk to them. if they reach out maybe

you turn your back on me . .you just lost the most loyal person ever . . .thats all i have to say . . there is tough love then there is just excuses for being an asshole


Well-Known Member
thats the thing . .the one strike your out , or camels back straw mindset is BS to me

there is no now its the worst . . . i live life with integrity, if i said a week he gets a week not as soon as i get a sandy vagina

guy will and can find a job . . nd then all of a sudden that qualifies him as human grade animal again . . . i call BS . . . . ..i hate two faced people . . . if they were my parents .. id probably move towns and not talkto them
Im sorry, but personally, it's not the fact that he's homeless that I have a problem with, it's his attitude toward women that I find offensive.


Ursus marijanus
thats the thing . .the one strike your out , or camels back straw mindset is BS to me

there is no now its the worst . . . i live life with integrity, i fi said a week he gets a week not as soon as i get a sandy vagina

guy will and can find a job . . nd then all of a sudden that qualifies him as human grade animal again . . . i call BS . . . . ..i hate two faced people . . . if they were my parents .. id probably move towns and not talkto them
We know effectively nothing of his family history. We do not know what was tried, and failed. We have only fragments from a rather interested source. Imo the benefit of the doubt should run both ways.

And after what he wrote to one of ours a coupla days ago, he has forfeited any last trace of my sympathy. There are genuinely bad people out there, and he might just be one of'em. Ultimately the choices are his. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
man a lot of you are a bunch of sheep . . . you attack him for not wanting to live life like you . . . . . . . i hate to pull a fin shaggy . . . but shut your fucking mouths . . . .if dudsky wants to sleep till noon and jack off 4 times befores he gets up let him . . . who are you to push your ideals on to another person . . . . .your opinoin doesnt matter cause its his life and its RUNS house . . . . . i cant believe all the . . . . negatvie connotations you all assign to someone who doesnt want to live life like a sheep with a different haircut like some of the a holes(meta)

all dude has to do is find a better job that suites his needs . . . . .

bad karma on you to judge another for just living . . . . hell ya sneak into that hot tube . . its on . . . . . your parents are ridiculous if they prefer you jobless to live in your car then with them . . . bottom line a tent in the backyard is better support . . . . . . .what they did was turn there backs . . . . but as soon as your on your feet they will be all smiles . . .. .fair weather people piss me off . . and get little respect in my book

OP obviously is not a saint but at the same time he is not piece either . . . . . . all of a sudden this guys expresses his lifes frustration and you shit all over him . . for it . . .FIN Couchy shaggy has been on here for a year plus, mooching from couch to couch . . but because he is delusional . . he gets a pass . .. . . . wtf

people need to express what you think and leave the rhetoric to things you actually care about or you just look like a posser . . . playing daddy
Finshaggy isn't real. I thought everyone knew that.
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