First grow


New Member
Oh yeah, a little personal tip. I don't defoliate my plants usually. I have a science when removing foliage as well and we can get into that later when your girls get bigger.


So I can use 3 cfl lights to grow how many plants going to use 26 watts like you did... growing regular weed.. What to do when im done with veg stage can I use same cfl lights for flowering sincebits a regular strain? Reply or go to my forum to help me


New Member
Well, since you came to our conversation, I'll answer you here. You can flower with the same CFL's yes in a situation like this.


Technically you can flower a week into vegetive growth but it really depends on how big you want your plants to get and how much room you have, Rule of thumb put them into 12/12 when they start showing sex or whenever you want to flower them. But for the most part if you wait and let your girls get bigger you will get a bigger yield.


How will I be able to tell sex and I have room jus dnt wanna to be tall want em to be short in bushy so what should I do growing a regular strain its reggie or mid idk what to cal it jus know its regular and jus want 2 plants to start and I have 2 23 and 2 26 watt cfl they all are warm colored is tht to much for 2 plants of reggie


Well sex starts showing roughly 2 monthes into veg growth usually five nodes up when the plants reach maturity. You can flower them at anytime when you believe the time is right, switch the light schedule to 12 hours on and 12 hours off, after a week of 12/12 the plants will show you there sex, but thats if you wanna force them. I would recommend you run up to Walmart and grab the 43W (150w equiv) soft white for 8 dollars and a lamp house for 10 bucks You will see a huge improvement in growth. As for making the plants bushier there are many different approaches.


Well-Known Member
What i did shrude was walmart and i started off with 3 then went to 6 bulbs walmart they have a 6 pack of 26 watt cfls at 6500k and a 6 pack of 26watt cfls at 2700k i think i just bought one pavk each so im running 156 watts for 4 small plants and mine are sositioned to the best that i could for how little space i have


Well-Known Member
Buy your lightbulbs and supplies at walmart though cheaper for bulbs and power strips and mylar(emergency blanket) soil i use fox farm ocean forest


New Member
Also hit up your local Hydro store if you have any questions, thats what I did when I started a few years back they can be really helpful! Also pick up some good soil for your girls.View attachment 2430416

They can also be wrong and not know what the hell they are talking about. In this situation, I always ask them questions I know answers to first. That way I can see what kinda bullshit they will feed me.


Well-Known Member
Ya at my local grow gear store the guy was set.on trying to sell me an hid, i just read a crap tone of forums on here and built my own from using other designs...also on my free time i just sit on and read any thread that seems interesting and i have learned so much just from reading all the random threads and stickys


New Member
Ya at my local grow gear store the guy was set.on trying to sell me an hid, i just read a crap tone of forums on here and built my own from using other designs...also on my free time i just sit on and read any thread that seems interesting and i have learned so much just from reading all the random threads and stickys
Your seriously on a road to success with this mentality. I too did my extensive homework before I started. Had I started without doing so... good god, well, I wouldn't be the man now. Now when I speak about the topic, people sit and listen like it's a classroom. Random threads and stickies, and keeping subscribed to threads helps a lot. There's a lot of knowledge on this board so soak it up.

After a while, you'll get bored with the basics (room design, feeding, ppm/ph, etc) and start getting into more complex stuff, like, If I add too much Nitrogen what happens? Or too much potassium = ?? Well, I know the answers, but I had to expand my mind (as cliche as it sounds) and keep seeking information. Knowledge is power in this hobby for sure.

The more u know, the more you'll grow. Well... that holds true for me anyway lol


Well-Known Member
Thats y as much info on here that i can so.i know everything i need to...tonight ill put up a pic of the plants they are getting taller everyday and i think tonight will be the first lst session


New Member
I am running out of room. Mine are at 22" tall and are fighting each other for space. Gotta scrog it today.


Well-Known Member
What is scrog lollipop ?...also when i get incme taxes im gonna buy a cabinetmaid cabinet for the 35 inchs tall 2 feet wide and a foot deep...or shoud i try to find a deeper cabinet oh just continue growing in my current setup but use only 1plant in a like a big square planter 14inchlong 14 wide and like 8 incd deep? Or buy a pantry and grow all year round to grow and flower