ell on your way to another storming avatar pic there pukka. good drills man
heavy duty
i hope you had the top pheno in the genetic variation
cause im sure you did your part but only so much you can do rest is genetics
to find out soon -good luck
hey ukka whens the next update?
yo dat list sounds stout heardy
cant wait to see them
alreet fella, aye i've been over the who's who of where those pips came from and i'm still none the wiser, i think they were from WBW. or dwez via someone. there was some beef over them. i just stayed clear n popped a couple, ran my smelly cherry stud through it. the resulting pips were fuckin huge. bit like the nugs.
was meaning to ask if there's pics of any of the GK crosses you knocked up? any winners to look out for?
the QQ is qrazy train x cheesequake X Livers
the QQ is pretty much 2 pheno's the larger being the better. yield wise it's good, nice main sog colas. smells citrusy, loads of frost like caked. should compliment the fruity livers nicely.
yo my dude
the chemband is my cross and it
was named by Mr Bill at time i had no name for it
it does not follow my name convention -which is female first
chemband = (res priv) headand mom X (rezdawg) chemdawg x sour diesel dad
i hope you enjoy them both parents serrious shit full body