seedsman genetics? opinions


Well-Known Member
hello just wondering if anyone had any experience with seedsman seeds. i'm thinking about ordering a few strains from attitude seedbank by them

white widow
original skunk No. 1
original afghani No 1
northern lights
and possibly ata tundra

37 bucks a pack, seems pretty reasonable if the genetics are good, anyone with any info? thanx


Well-Known Member
bump. has anyone grown a strain by seedsman? i know someone must have, just give me some thoughts on them, were the plants strong and healthy? were there multiple random phenos. anything would be great


Well-Known Member
damn, i was hoping someone would know something about seedsman. if their strains are as pure and homogeneous as they say, then id go for it, but for now im on the feminized paradise seeds. for seedsman, i was particularly interested in swazi redbeard, and the afghani.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a fan of fem seeds. never grown any but from what i've heard they seem to have a fairly high hermi rate. that been your experience? i want to keep my seed purchases to a minimum since they are so pricey, breed by best male and female for future seeds, did it once with bag seed and it worked out well, going to try it on an outdoor grow this summer, sweet purple, new purple power(0 purps in my area), and early special, going to take cuttings of each female plant, pollinate them in a small indoor grow box, and move the cuttings back outside a week or so later.

i'd really like to get some solid genetics fairly cheep tho for a few crosses but not going to blow a ton of extra money on a company that i can get anyone to vouche for.

if anyone has grown any seedsman seeds please drop a post


Well-Known Member
bump for the last time. someone must have grown something from seedsman, doesn't matter what strain as long as its by seedsman. just let me know it you thought it was worth the price, if it seemed stable or if each seed had its own pheno, ext


Well-Known Member
Ive got a good amount of seedsmans variety's here in my fridge.
Ive grown possibly 1/2 of his stuff.
He as a people growing his fem variety's now on ukcultivator .

I would go so far to say the White Widow is a second best to the Original Black Widow from MNS seedbank. The Hindu Kush Skunk as some of the potent est Mid skunky sativa/indica Ive ad from seed. The Skunk#1 is also another stable hybrid. Seedsman as been selling Haze-Skunk#1-Durban-Swazi since the 90s so that itself speaks for itself.
At the moment I have some of seedsmans Kush Skunk-Durban Skunk-Mighty Might germinating for a outdoor grow I exspect good things of them as past exsperience as shown


Well-Known Member
I thought greenhouse made the original white widow...
This as been said 1 million+ times by myself and others.
Arjan-Ingenmar Both Claim to have created the White Widow species.
Green house did have a part in the creation and was breed with Green houses then in house breeder Shantibaba . In around 1999 ish Howard Marks - Nevile - Shanti all meet at a HTCC cup event and decided with one and other to setup a seed co. Being the creator and owner of all pareant stock Shanti- Nev did what Arjan did to sensi walked away with the lot.

Now your number 1 selling seed pareant as gone what do you do??? Grow what seeds you can and reselect??? How so when at that time it was made illegal to breed cannabis in amsterdam.Bobble head can be seen calling his W Widow a near pure Indica. When infact the true species is sativa/indica

Franco as been known to buy $15,000 worth of Chem Dawg seed from Rez. This will cover the pareants in their next release chem dawg. Like all his seed he buys F1-IBL whatever and makes S1 from the best phenotype. Why buy them when you can get them from the original source