Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yeah hate that, trying to keep myself from cooking that fliet mignon in the fridge lol.
I have a loaf of italian bread, thick cut center bacon and some real maple syrup. I'm going to bed just to get up and make french toast in the morning.
My cat finally came home after being gone for over 24 hours, I thought she had gotten killed by the neighbors huge dogs that roam all over the damn place. They have a sign on their gate that says "beware of dog", they don't chain them up and the 20 foot wide gate in their front yard is open 24/7.

Beware of dog, they're probably a mile away from the sign and in someone else's yard, but beware.
It was so ungodly foggy today I thought I woke up in Silent Hill, that or I was dead. Also, hot showers = heaven.
I like to piss in public in every big city I go to. It's like marking my territory or something. It's not a public exhibition thing, I try to make sure no one sees.
My cat finally came home after being gone for over 24 hours, I thought she had gotten killed by the neighbors huge dogs that roam all over the damn place. They have a sign on their gate that says "beware of dog", they don't chain them up and the 20 foot wide gate in their front yard is open 24/7.

Beware of dog, they're probably a mile away from the sign and in someone else's yard, but beware.

Can't tell you how many outside cats I've lost. They're more calm and collect but more prone to do that on ya.
Can't tell you how many outside cats I've lost. They're more calm and collect but more prone to do that on ya.

She snuck out when my mom came over to use the computer, I don't normally let them out without me supervising. Had the neighbors dog tree her sister in my own yard, so I make sure to keep an eye on them.
It's a condition going around called "Noassatall" and its a very serious epidemic.

I seen a chick with a extended lower back and it connected to her legs...NO ASS Idk how it happened but it did
I'd rather see noassatall than a a-sweater-over-fat-ass.

When a chick is so fat she needs to wear a long sweater to cover her fat ass.
Disagreed. I have plenty of ass and wear a long sweater over leggings for modesty and it just doesn't look good. Only skinny girls can get away with extremely short skirts and leggings without something covering there ass. I saw a cute girl wearing just a short hoodie and leggings that were so thin you could see through to her panties and it didn't look good.

This is coming from a girl who posts picture of herself in lingerie and likes other women lol
Seriously, long sweater, figure-hugging that comes just below the butt... More coverage but you can watch the contrasting sweater hem go up and down with her buttcheeks lol
Don't feel I should make a new thread in the cookery section for one frozen treat x

This is for Imchucky666; I made kakigouri with a green tea syrup and ginger syrup with tsubu-an from scratch <3

