Club 600

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
thanks guys. up again to start the day. Might have to stop smoking for a new job? As I'm still on underemployment still. edd say they will pay for my class A drivers license for free too? I have clean pee, but might try to do this on my own???will see


Well-Known Member
Any additional skills any employer is willing to instill into you are worth their weight in gold. Do the right things Cali, get the job then do yer thing.

Found a new restaraunt to go to last night when we where out on a walk. Decided we'll try it tonight. Just checked on internet and it's closed Mon/Tues when the wife is off work, doh!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. up again to start the day. Might have to stop smoking for a new job? As I'm still on underemployment still. edd say they will pay for my class A drivers license for free too? I have clean pee, but might try to do this on my own???will see
As long as you have enough time to get it through your system! Burn some calories and drink plenty of water.

Any additional skills any employer is willing to instill into you are worth their weight in gold. Do the right things Cali, get the job then do yer thing.

Found a new restaraunt to go to last night when we where out on a walk. Decided we'll try it tonight. Just checked on internet and it's closed Mon/Tues when the wife is off work, doh!
aint that somthin? lol


Well-Known Member
Drink, flush, drink, flush and make sure you have a full belly. THC and such stores in your fat and if you're hungry your body will draw from that. Have a good meal before you go. I drove truck for a number of years and have done that test a few times. Always got the job afterward. I also did those cocktails as well but I'm not so sure that's what saved my ass. Good luck Cali. That's not a cheap license to get on your own.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need you to send some positive thoughts & prayers up to my mom in Alaska.
She's back in the hospital, and it's not looking good at all.
They CT scanned her lungs to see how much fluid is in them for vacuum-sucking it out, when they discovered a bad problem with the capilaries in one of the lungs.
The details on my end are sketchy, as it was relayed to me by my sister who talked with my dad about it via phone.
But the doctor in charge of her case has said that removing the fluid from the one lung will not do any good, as that lung is dead/non-functioning, and was asking my dad what he wanted to do about my mom's living will stating her wish to not have "extreme measures" taken to keep her alive .
He said she was not likely to recover from this one, and it may be days or weeks before she passes, even after removing the fluid from her functioning lung.
Will be talking with my dad in a bit to find out what's going on.
In the mean time, , let's send some 600 mojo her way to help out.
Thanks :-)

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need you to send some positive thoughts & prayers up to my mom in Alaska.
She's back in the hospital, and it's not looking good at all.
They CT scanned her lungs to see how much fluid is in them for vacuum-sucking it out, when they discovered a bad problem with the capilaries in one of the lungs.
The details on my end are sketchy, as it was relayed to me by my sister who talked with my dad about it via phone.
But the doctor in charge of her case has said that removing the fluid from the one lung will not do any good, as that lung is dead/non-functioning, and was asking my dad what he wanted to do about my mom's living will stating her wish to not have "extreme measures" taken to keep her alive .
He said she was not likely to recover from this one, and it may be days or weeks before she passes, even after removing the fluid from her functioning lung.
Will be talking with my dad in a bit to find out what's going on.
In the mean time, , let's send some 600 mojo her way to help out.
Thanks :-)
Man just keep your head up doubie!!!!!! Sorry to hear about your mom. Will give here some mojo for sure!


Well-Known Member
ah man doobie i hate hearing news like this.....i am sending positive energy and thoughts your way hope mom gets better my man.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Drink, flush, drink, flush and make sure you have a full belly. THC and such stores in your fat and if you're hungry your body will draw from that. Have a good meal before you go. I drove truck for a number of years and have done that test a few times. Always got the job afterward. I also did those cocktails as well but I'm not so sure that's what saved my ass. Good luck Cali. That's not a cheap license to get on your own.
thanks for the help Duchieman. If I go throw with it, it will be about a month to start. I thought I had to go talk with my work counselor today but it's tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!
Going to be a rough few days as things unfold.
She just turned 86 last week.
Hoping she makes it through Christmas (and beyond).
Anyways, much thanks, guys!


Well-Known Member
Before I forget to add my lousy 2-cents...

That is a cute "little" doggy!!
I hope we get to see him grow up into the jumbotron, moose-sized lap-crusher with lots of pics.
And that new camera is killing it!
I know we only get to see crappy internet versions of the originals, but the quality is a quantum leap beyond the norm, and I can only imagine what a full-sized RAW image taken with it looks like.


Well-Known Member
Prayers for your mom are being said now Doob. And prayers for you and your family as well.

Let us know if there is anything else we can do.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need you to send some positive thoughts & prayers up to my mom in Alaska.
She's back in the hospital, and it's not looking good at all.
They CT scanned her lungs to see how much fluid is in them for vacuum-sucking it out, when they discovered a bad problem with the capilaries in one of the lungs.
The details on my end are sketchy, as it was relayed to me by my sister who talked with my dad about it via phone.
But the doctor in charge of her case has said that removing the fluid from the one lung will not do any good, as that lung is dead/non-functioning, and was asking my dad what he wanted to do about my mom's living will stating her wish to not have "extreme measures" taken to keep her alive .
He said she was not likely to recover from this one, and it may be days or weeks before she passes, even after removing the fluid from her functioning lung.
Will be talking with my dad in a bit to find out what's going on.
In the mean time, , let's send some 600 mojo her way to help out.
Thanks :-)
Doob sorry to hear the news.
I hope she doesnt suffer, and hope that you are ok as well.
We love ya Doob!!
Positive thoughts are out for your mom, you and the whole family!


Well-Known Member
have to disagree cof.. whilst they are high maintenance border collies are regarded as the most intelligent dogs in the world.
a quick google search "most intelligent dogs" will confirm.

was fortunate enough to have a collie and an Alsatian and a south african boerboel.. all of which are incredible breeds.

about collies......high maintenance, and not the sharpest tack in the box.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need you to send some positive thoughts & prayers up to my mom in Alaska.
She's back in the hospital, and it's not looking good at all.
They CT scanned her lungs to see how much fluid is in them for vacuum-sucking it out, when they discovered a bad problem with the capilaries in one of the lungs.
The details on my end are sketchy, as it was relayed to me by my sister who talked with my dad about it via phone.
But the doctor in charge of her case has said that removing the fluid from the one lung will not do any good, as that lung is dead/non-functioning, and was asking my dad what he wanted to do about my mom's living will stating her wish to not have "extreme measures" taken to keep her alive .
He said she was not likely to recover from this one, and it may be days or weeks before she passes, even after removing the fluid from her functioning lung.
Will be talking with my dad in a bit to find out what's going on.
In the mean time, , let's send some 600 mojo her way to help out.
Thanks :-)
Lets make the doctor wrong, and overpower that lung with the power of 600. Keep a positive mental attitude, Doob. All the best from my corner of the planet.


Well-Known Member
Doobie, that is very kind of you to take the time to say that with all that's going on with your mom and your family again. Thank you.

As before, we're all thinking of you and your family here at Duchies house. It's easy to forget about yourself in times like this so don't forget to take care of yourself too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again, guys :-)
She's still alive, and that's what I'm going to concentrate on.
Still waiting to hear from my dad, but should be soon.

A quick hempy update:
All is going great!
Very impressed with the growth since transplanting to the hempy bucket, and it's only been 4 or 5 days now, so the roots haven't even hit the water reservoir down below them.
I'm feeding every day with one flushing of nutes (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, CalMag, and Sweet Berry).
I pour in 1/2-gallon (2L) and then suck up the over flow with a turkey baster (getting a 1.5-gallon wet/dry shop-vac today to make quick work of the removal).
I fed her this morning at 7-am (was running late on the feeding by several hours), and only recovered 5-cups of overflow this time (1.25L), so everything is looking good so far.
Looks like she grew about an inch over night, but not in a totally stretchy way.
Very easy to train using a screen vs. LST.
Night & day.
If I can maintain the plan't health, it's looking to be a good one.

Will check back in later to say "howdy".
Thanks again for the well-wishes, she's going to need it, and so is my dad if she ends up not making it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again, guys :-)
She's still alive, and that's what I'm going to concentrate on.
Still waiting to hear from my dad, but should be soon.

A quick hempy update:
All is going great!
Very impressed with the growth since transplanting to the hempy bucket, and it's only been 4 or 5 days now, so the roots haven't even hit the water reservoir down below them.
I'm feeding every day with one flushing of nutes (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, CalMag, and Sweet Berry).
I pour in 1/2-gallon (2L) and then suck up the over flow with a turkey baster (getting a 1.5-gallon wet/dry shop-vac today to make quick work of the removal).
I fed her this morning at 7-am (was running late on the feeding by several hours), and only recovered 5-cups of overflow this time (1.25L), so everything is looking good so far.
Looks like she grew about an inch over night, but not in a totally stretchy way.
Very easy to train using a screen vs. LST.
Night & day.
If I can maintain the plan't health, it's looking to be a good one.

Will check back in later to say "howdy".
Thanks again for the well-wishes, she's going to need it, and so is my dad if she ends up not making it.
I was/am considering the same approach with a new shopvac. I dont water water sitting around and bringing in bugs/mold