Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

one thing thats been puzzeling me jigg, how come u did that run and ur mates look like they got dirty but u seem clean by comparison, how'd that happen??
They rolled up the hill, like hotdogs flopping around. I 'hip-crawled' the entire way. My shoulders were clean too, right up until the end, i rolled over once to pass a guy out of the barb wire. I don't know if they were skinny enough to do it like I did, not like their fat, but I fit in small places. They might not have been nimble enough either. I didn't see one other person doing it like I did... but I swear it was easier than what they were doing.
Hey just checkin in on your home turf. Your plants look awesome and the spartan run looks fun, too. Had some friends do similar stuff around here, like the warrior dash. They all sound super fun, but I'm crazy out of shape.... instead of a 5K I just want to do a "K"

Thai food sushi gorge fest weed smokeathon sounds awesome, tho!!
That's some hardcore race man. I just recently got back into running. I think I'd drop a lung if I had to do anything over 2 miles. Good for you though.
cause he's anal "cleanliness boy". Probably took wipes round the course with him, lmfao....
one thing thats been puzzeling me jigg, how come u did that run and ur mates look like they got dirty but u seem clean by comparison, how'd that happen??
queue tune.....
It's very funny in here. :P

Good morning Jig. Looks like you had a blast in that run. Not something I'd do but it does look like a great time. Happy Monday Bro. Have a good day.
cause he's anal "cleanliness boy". Probably took wipes round the course with him, lmfao....

HAHAHAHA lolol... you got me rolling over here. I'm pretty sure I was the only one stopping along the way to wash my hands in puddles. And while I didn't bring the wipes with me on course, you can be sure they were close by.

You know me too well bru.
It was: get back to the car. Smoke on the way to the restaraunt. Eat 3 meals worth of Thai food and Sushi. Trade some weed with my buddy. Get back in the car and smoke some new shit while driving along the Pacific Coast Highway. Shit.... life is blessed. Then drove to meet my wife and parents for dinner. With a smoke before that. Everyone kept saying how tired I looked, HAHAHAHA... I was just stoned out my gourd.

I called yesterday 'overdoing it day'.... I ate what I normally do in about 3 days.

Was a blast though. I'll toss up a pic of us after. Just gotta get out of bed. :( And yes... my legs are super skinny, and super white lol

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well, guess that's a easy way pick you in the line up. lol.

good pic jig
Haha... you guessed it.

Cool how that video is 4:20 long. Coincidence? I don't think so

I ended up buying the bike Jig. 300 euro for a Gary Fischer. Plus I got some other bits and bobs.
Quality. That is a nice bike. I hope you got a good deal for the storage fee.

Wife is out of town for a couple days, so it's time to make a mess and make some noise. Lol... I'm probably just sleep most of the time away.
That Gary Fischer looks like the dad of that guy who kept walking round at the cup like he was dartanian lol
Cool bro. Do it. Just don't complain that I said it was a good idea, cuz I never did lol. It is a lot of fun though.

I'm gonna take some pics soon. Why I announce it like anyone gives a shit, I don't know.
tree trunk there.

pic dump....