you had the ass of a toddler, be proud!

Haha shit I thought he was younger then me and then I find out he is 5 yrs older than me! Damn I feel so old err I guess look old or so I think.

Oh well at least I don't get carded anymore and can grow me a full man chew lol
keep it 100.....

hmmmmmmm ???? thats u to the left aint it...
Heres a douchebag pic from back when I did the x. Lost like 70lbs

one more work pic too

I was a lil too skinny. Made my ears look big LOL!!!

For real bro you look just like my home boy lol. Everytime you post a pic I'm like oh shit there he is again! But I know it can't be cuz he's locked up lol