shrooms on an empty stomach?


Well-Known Member
I have been eating shrooms on an empty stomach because i thought that eating them after/with food would dilute them. I THINK i ate about 0.7g dry (which was a treasure coast and a thai shroom or orissa india) but i didnt weight it out i just got a couple that looked like udner what id weighted a gram up to be last time. Anyways, i THINK i ate it about 2 hours after my dinner, but could have been as early as 1 hour, and was brewing in a tea for 10-15 minutes. The psilocibe level im feeling is just as powerful as ive ever experienced, which is usually after 3-4 hours without food. SO does it just kinda accumulate in the blood for a few hours and just build up, before its excreted? coz yeah, its taken a few hours longer than normal to get this trippy, but its still the same level all the same


Well-Known Member
everytime i eat mushrooms i practically starve the whole day and i fry within 60 minutes, first time i had mushrooms i hadnt eaten in over 24hrs and i ate 3.5grams and i drank a quart of orange juice and i was so far gone lol, also i have stomach problems like bad indigestion and my stomach kills me everytime i eat them and it ruins my trip which blows. ive never had a trip last no more than 6 hrs though


Well-Known Member
I do it both ways, last time me and my buddy made this epic meal, smoked turkey, smoked ham and smoked tri tip, then had corn and potatoes. After our feast we ate about 5 grams of shrooms each and trip balls all night. It was great.


Well-Known Member
listen to terence mckenna as far as dosing with mushrooms. he knew how to do it. although, most people are too much of a vagina to eat 5grams dried, on an empty stomach, after not eating for 6+ hours. But, he knows what he's talking about.... but sorry terence, I have gone farther than you ;)

do shrooms as you please. it depends on what you want. do research. do you want the full experience?

and sorry, i really only read the title, and op to the point of " i ate .7g" .... .7???????? that just means you are scared, and probably not ready for the greatness of mushrooms. you haven't grown enough. when you are ready....... eat at least 3.5 grams dried to know what mushrooms are.


New Member
listen to terence mckenna as far as dosing with mushrooms. he knew how to do it. although, most people are too much of a vagina to eat 5grams dried, on an empty stomach, after not eating for 6+ hours. But, he knows what he's talking about.... but sorry terence, I have gone farther than you ;)

do shrooms as you please. it depends on what you want. do research. do you want the full experience?

and sorry, i really only read the title, and op to the point of " i ate .7g" .... .7???????? that just means you are scared, and probably not ready for the greatness of mushrooms. you haven't grown enough. when you are ready....... eat at least 3.5 grams dried to know what mushrooms are.
Lol a measly 0.7 hahaha might as well stick to weed.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what you're trying to do, I like to eat less than a gram if i'm going out in public or to a party or something that way i can stay mobile. nice pick-me-up, way better than shit ass molly or coke or some shit. but yeah, if you actually wanna trip, you gotta eat more.


Active Member
listen to terence mckenna as far as dosing with mushrooms. he knew how to do it. although, most people are too much of a vagina to eat 5grams dried, on an empty stomach, after not eating for 6+ hours. But, he knows what he's talking about.... but sorry terence, I have gone farther than you ;)

do shrooms as you please. it depends on what you want. do research. do you want the full experience?

and sorry, i really only read the title, and op to the point of " i ate .7g" .... .7???????? that just means you are scared, and probably not ready for the greatness of mushrooms. you haven't grown enough. when you are ready....... eat at least 3.5 grams dried to know what mushrooms are.
So far 5 grams is my tap out zone. I was fried and after 4 hours of turning my bathroom into a steam hut my roommate took a picture of me and my peace pipe and I look crazy as fuck. It was fun but I don't think I will eat that much very often.


Well-Known Member
your are bitches if were talking weight in eating, me and my buddy ate 14grams with a quart after starving, i also know someone who has eaten 28 grams and starved for a day with a quart of oj, he was still mobile and knew what was up, pro shroom eater there.


Well-Known Member
I have been eating shrooms on an empty stomach because i thought that eating them after/with food would dilute them. I THINK i ate about 0.7g dry (which was a treasure coast and a thai shroom or orissa india) but i didnt weight it out i just got a couple that looked like udner what id weighted a gram up to be last time. Anyways, i THINK i ate it about 2 hours after my dinner, but could have been as early as 1 hour, and was brewing in a tea for 10-15 minutes. The psilocibe level im feeling is just as powerful as ive ever experienced, which is usually after 3-4 hours without food. SO does it just kinda accumulate in the blood for a few hours and just build up, before its excreted? coz yeah, its taken a few hours longer than normal to get this trippy, but its still the same level all the same
Others handled the empty stomach aspect, but:

You eyeballed it? Out of what? No way. Can't be done unless you are simply cutting something in 1/2, and even then, doubt it. Don't care how good you are. Mushroom density varies, so size is meaningless, and I'd put some serious money on a bet that you can't tell between .7 and 1.5 if you are just using your hand. And even if you tested yourself with a scale, you'd have to get right a bunch of varying samples, not just 1 or 2.

And if dealing with something as strong as PE, depending on your weight (150 for me), .7 is threshhold feel, while 1.5 if fucking blown away.


Well-Known Member
your are bitches if were talking weight in eating, me and my buddy ate 14grams with a quart after starving, i also know someone who has eaten 28 grams and starved for a day with a quart of oj, he was still mobile and knew what was up, pro shroom eater there.
What's your point?

F'ing meaningless. So you had 7 grams of what? Which cubes, dried how, stored how/how long, really. And the buddy? Same questions, plus when was the last time tripped. Sounds like crappy shrooms or recent tolerance rather than some personal heroic ability.

You eat 7 grams (freshly dried under 95 degree breeze, or 70 wet) of PE and tell me how many diapers your caretaker had to change during your trip.

And do it after you haven't tripped for a couple of weeks. I'm tired of people whining about bad shrooms when I find out they tried them after a 3 day hard bender and have full tolerance.

Kids. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
I got tired of that as well. "well, we took a quarter ounce of those and we barely felt anything".

did you store them in the glove comartment of your car for two weeks in summer?

How many did you eat the day before and the day before that?

Oh, so you accidentily let them get damp like I told you not to, and then you dried them in the oven

I found this package lying on your kitchen table in direct sunlight - how long have they been there?

you see, this is a primary reason drugs are illegal in the first place. Drugs are illegal because people have problems with simple concepts.


Well-Known Member
lol thanks for all the opinions. I presumed that eating on an empty stomch would be stronger, but after the night i posted this i realised i didnt have to do the whole 6hours after food thing i normally do, in order to get to a trippy place. And yeah, i have not tripped on them yet. Its not really something i fancy doing often and i wanna do it in the right place, with the right people. But ive been enjoying my 1g doses alot, its not maade me hallucinate, but it gets me on a nice mellow level with slight body rushes and change of perception. I eyeballed a guess at around 0.7g because i had previously been weighing 1g out and it looked like just under what i normally take. Im in no rush, im gonna do 2g on saturday as im havin friends over and its my birthday so gonna double my normal dose (which as i said i really enjoy just to get a rush feeling and get deeper convos going and play some intense xbox etc) ill see how the 2g goes and will prob go 3g around new years or something. and yeah 28g LOL wtf that just has jefferson street incident written all over it lol those must have gone past their use-by date hehe :peace:


Well-Known Member
Im in no rush, im gonna do 2g on saturday as im havin friends over and its my birthday so gonna double my normal dose (which as i said i really enjoy just to get a rush feeling and get deeper convos going and play some intense xbox etc) ill see how the 2g goes and will prob go 3g around new years or something.
Perfectly fine. Everyone has their own personal tolerance and goals.
Enjoy it.
When people go "yo dude, you be pussy for that" they are obviously morons.
In my previous profession I'd call them script kiddies.
They have a limited ability to follow instructions, achieve occasional results without knowing how or why, and have a vast overblown opinion of their knowledge and abilities.


Well-Known Member
Im not really up on all the scientifics, but i've done shrooms prolly 6 times in the last 3 months... I don't know which strain they are, but they've been the same strain each time. the time before this last time I had eaten a nice ass filet mignon with mushrooms and onions. We waited a couple hours and ate 3.5 grams ( the usual amount to have a nice trip, any less and you'd run the risk of having a really really weak trip. It took 45 minutes to get the yawns ( how i know im about to trip balls every trip.) and get that awesome about to blast off stomach feeling. within this 45 minutes we usually smoke a bowl of good MJ to settle the nerves and calm the stomach.. We tripped for about 4 hours riding out the waves of the shrooms.
fast forward 4 days from this trip.
got the same shrooms. Had eaten 2 hot dogs the entire day. ate 3.5 chewed and dipped them for like 20 minutes until it was a giant turd.. then swigged em down with some good ol OJ.. by the time we could load up a 4 player round of zombies we all had started feeling the funny stomach feeling. I tripped the hardest i've ever tripped. but it was still for about 4 solid hours. We also took a couple shots prior to eating. we did this both times as well.. I dont know if this even makes sense to be posted here but im pretty sure it does. I will always eat them on an empty stomach and take 2-3 shots before eating them. I would recommend being careful and not get drunk just a couple to take the edge off.
Also my 2cents on dipshit saying 7 grams yada yada..I too would love to see you drop 7g of PE.


Well-Known Member
I will always eat them on an empty stomach and take 2-3 shots before eating them. I would recommend being careful and not get drunk just a couple to take the edge off.
2-3 shots for me would leave me on the floor.
About 5 years ago I had some bad sex.
A bit drunk. Not trashed, but enough to affect me.
From that moment on I swore I would never drink if I might be having sex in the next 4 hours.
Then I married a sex addict. YAY!
And yes, it is still a possibility no matter how blown away I am on shrooms.
Drinking is very rare for me.


Well-Known Member
Two points:

-Any drug is absorbed faster on an empty stomach. Faster absorption = higher peak concentration, which "should" (but not always) mean a more intense effect.

-Some people like eating shrooms on an empty stomach because the drug makes them nauseous, and this helps prevent vomiting.


Well-Known Member
-Some people like eating shrooms on an empty stomach because the drug makes them nauseous, and this helps prevent vomiting.
Other people actually eat something to throw up because dry heaves are worse.

I haven't gotten stomach problems from shrooms for a couple of years, seems I'm immune now, but it was really bad the 1st few times.


Well-Known Member
I haven't really had stomach issues in a while either. ever since I started chewing them up better. I think they messed my stomach up more when I used to swallow giant chunks to just get them down quick. But chewing them up good seems to hit harder, and less nausea. I have no science behind this of course. a lot of people make shroom tea and say that helps the nausea. every time i've drank tea, I made it waayy too strong, and end up on the floor pissing my pants. so be careful with tea.

and as far as an empty stomach. i actually like to eat throughout the day, and i just won't eat for about 2 hours before the dose. I just eat more shrooms.