Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Just the thought of you trying to run away is hilarious in itself Westy! lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol at West running away from anyone. Mate that gave me a good chuckle. I'd just imagine you taking about 3 strides and turning around and asking if everyone can just talk it out.

And yes... I might as well join the UK growers thread now and start drinking heavily. If you ever catch me buying a soapbar send the weed authorities to scoop me up. Was thinking of taking a couple tiny buds yesterday, but 5 weeks is just too soon. :)

Yesterday I went on a Mud Run thing. It's brand name stuff these days. Called the Spartan Race. I have to say, it was a lot of fun, also seemed a bit like torture and half way through I though "What the fuck is wrong with people. We actually paid folks to do this to us?!?" It was 5km of steep hills, up down, up, down. It had been raining for a few days leading up so the roads/ paths were INSANE mud. We don't get mud like that out here so much. Reminded me of what it must be like in the south, where everyone goes muddin' in their trucks. Then there were obstacles (what a weird word that is). Kinda like Boot Camp. Climb over a 30 foot cargo net, jump a big wall, crawl under another one, and go through a window type thing. Strap your ankles together and hop up a giant fucking hill (in 4" mud). Pull a 100lb cement block up with a pulley. Monkey bars from hell, climb a wall with a rope thing, go across a rock climbing wall type... that shit killed me as I almost made it across, but didn't so I needed to do the penalty. The penalty for not completing a task was 30 burpees. It's when you do a push up, stand up, then jump with your hands over your head, drop down, repeat. I probably did 100 over the course of the 2 hours or so.

The wildest part was at the end. They had barb wire strung across the road and you had to crawl/ roll under it. It was all uphill and lasted probably 400 yards. Needless to say one was quite muddy by the end.


Well-Known Member
Cool shit Jig. I looked at the tour dates and i figured they don't come out into the south much. Lol, thats everyday life for some folk. Hope you had a killer time and a good smoke afterwards, followed by a meal. And another smoke :)


Well-Known Member
It was: get back to the car. Smoke on the way to the restaraunt. Eat 3 meals worth of Thai food and Sushi. Trade some weed with my buddy. Get back in the car and smoke some new shit while driving along the Pacific Coast Highway. Shit.... life is blessed. Then drove to meet my wife and parents for dinner. With a smoke before that. Everyone kept saying how tired I looked, HAHAHAHA... I was just stoned out my gourd.

I called yesterday 'overdoing it day'.... I ate what I normally do in about 3 days.

Was a blast though. I'll toss up a pic of us after. Just gotta get out of bed. :( And yes... my legs are super skinny, and super white lol

SAM_0001 - Copy.JPG

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
We had a spartan run last summer and a friend competed-after 3 bowls of DOG and two cookies. The pics say he had a good time.......he doesn't remember.



Well-Known Member
I mean, the truth hurts but what can I say lol. I'll take comfort in knowing I can outrun any of you lot.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit. That would be a technique for catching me. Make me laugh so hard I can't stand up lol.

Nice avitar bru. Gangsta

mr west

Well-Known Member
Knowing you tho jigg, you will probably be all concerned and shit and rather than laff at me ur help me cuz ur a nice bloke like that lol. Id more than likely get us both killed lol.


Well-Known Member
Too true. But I'd also figure out a way of turning the situation to my advantage. I've never been good at fighting so I find ways to alter the course of events. Offering people weed usually helps lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah yeah, put thaty bat down and hit this bong instead doooode, its not worth it. Chill out for fucks sake, yourll have an aneurysm.