i found this bug and i think it bit me

You ll be fine just walk it off those are just the friendly litleinurasses found in many places.Just dont worry about it and if at all possible jog around to let the wound get new blood flooded through your viens.No worries.
Big pinches mean they are harmless. Little pinchers mean the stinger packs a punch!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's what happened. i was looking real close and wham !! something got me. i couldn't see because it hit me eye.
damn im glad we dont have them creapy lil fuckers in the uk ,i would shit my pants and cry if one of them stung me ,wasps n bees are bad enough for me !!
finally a little sympathy. thanks, i'm ok.
i went fishing yesterday and found him under a rock. it took me turning over 3 rocks to find one. if i look for an hour i could have hundreds. then i could mail them to the step-son in florida who wants to steal his step-dads pot. lol they are usually brown but this one was turquoise green/blue, really pretty. never been stung, heard it was no worse than a bee. i don't want to find out. they are rather cool to play with though. and they RUN FAST. like a mouse.

it never bit me. call me chicken little, boy who cried wolf, dumb ass stoner. i'm silly.

oh, i smoked the 10 joints anyway. it that ok?