Suicide dilemma

Would you support someone seeking suicide to end suffering?

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If I don't die suddenly I will kill myself one day because being a prisoner in my own body wasting away in some filthy disgusting home or hospital somewhere that smells like lemon pledge and not being able to string a coherent thought together is my worst nightmare

if I can't enjoy life I have no problem moving on
If I don't die suddenly I will kill myself one day because being a prisoner in my own body wasting away in some filthy disgusting home or hospital somewhere that smells like lemon pledge and not being able to string a coherent thought together is my worst nightmare

if I can't enjoy life I have no problem moving on
True that.. But I'm gonna fight to enjoy life everyday so I won't hate life.
i think anyone should be able to commit suicide , its there life , no one asked them if they wanted to be born and live on this planet being a slave to something as stupid as currency .its there life and no one has the right to say they have to stay alive and live it .
i personally would never commit suicide ,unless of course i was suffering in a bad way , i see life as a game ,and at the end of the day has no meaning or point,you may aswell play along to the end , try and have fun and excitement along the way and enjoy your loved ones .
to me it dosent really matter if i fuck thing things up , if i dont get a good career house car etc i know that in about 100 years every single human that is on this planet will not be , simple as .and all this i know as reality will no longer exist to me .
who knows there may be another life in another place after i die ( i highly doubt it ) if there is there is , if theres not , i wont know anything about it .
What about a degenerative condition the increasingly creates more and more of a burden on loved ones?
wait i thought there were no loved ones?

absolutely one should be able to end their own suffering.

we love our animals enough to help them end their pain. surely we should assist our human loved ones with them same kindness :eyesmoke:
no one has the right to tell someone to live , fuck anyone who thinks there selfish fuckin self can make someone live a life of torture .
wait i thought there were no loved ones?

absolutely one should be able to end their own suffering.

we love our animals enough to help them end their pain. surely we should assist our human loved ones with them same kindness :eyesmoke:

That was for Hzbodin. He was only allowing cancer as a qualifier so I upped the stakes a little bit. :p

Sorry about that.
if someone wants to die .fuckin let them . do not take a stance of playing god .
my friend hung himself from a bridge because his girlfriend cheaetd on him , a gf of mine , i caught her red handed fucking another guy with my 2 month old daughter in her cot 3 ft away , i could of easily killed everyone in that room .
then myself .
would it of changed anything ? no .
in about 109 years no one on this planetwill be alive its a fact lol
life has dealt me many shit cards but now i see it dosent mean a fucking thing , im going to die and all this will not matter .
i will die and none of this drama you call life will mean one fucking thing .
What about a degenerative condition the increasingly creates more and more of a burden on loved ones?
sounds like Alzheimer's then yes do it. fuck shoot him yourself put them out of their misery worst condition ever.

my grandmother has been raped while in the hospital thank goodness she cannot remember it, she is down to 70 lbs, she sits in the fetal position all day mumbling in italian she cannot open her eyes, the nurses dont take the time to feed her, so she is left with food on her all the time, shes never cleaned up shes barely fed.....i wish i wish i wish i could just end her suffering
I watched my mom wither and die from cancer. I guarantee I find out I have the shit fuck chemo, it's a hanging for me. I almost put her out of her misery for her.
i dont see how it would be wrong, when it is "IMHO" mercy to let them do uncle is in Chicago sumwhere in a nursing home just rotting to death and thats perfectly legal...and accepted!

In the WISE and KNOWLEDGABLE words of Def Leppard.."its better to BURN OUT!!...then fade away!..
We don't allow our pets to suffer, yet we allow the people we luv most to live their final days in agony, tis one fucked up world we live in ;) No person other than myself will decide how I spend my final days.
My mom died not too long ago from lung cancer. It was.... scarring.

Yep Mine too, I hadn't seen her in a while. She came to visit, the day after she got back to Nebraska she passed out at work. Found out she had a massive tumor in her lungs. Toward the end I drove there, spent a while with her as she finished up some chemo then hit the road back to my home to give her one last vacation with the family. She was really bad at that point. Couldn't go more than a few seconds without oxygen. I had her with the family for two weeks. Used up all my vacation and savings before I had to take her back home and check her into hospice.... on fucking mothers day week. Talk about feeling like total piece of shit. I wanted to keep her by me but her medicare /aid what ever would only cover NE. She passed about a week later... I missed her call. She left me a voice mail in total panic. You could hear her at deaths door. 15 min later I got a text from her phone saying call its an emergency. It was the hospice... they told me she just passed and the funeral home wanted to know how I was going to make payment. I told them to go fuck themselves fucking vultures... shit.