actually tho. if was me-
i wouldn't even run those streetlights in my house. i mean, they are meant for outside! that CAN"T be safe. just think of the turtle for cryin out loud. and the neighbors.......what would they think?
trust me. my father in law said don't do it, and his brother is an electrician!
Cooltubes and ceiling mounted fire extingushers..(spelling);
there is advice to give-
if you must, run hoods, with glass. if a bulb ruptures it's contained. if there is a short, regardless if the envelope has ruptured or not, the breaker will open the circuit. of course, if your knowledge of sparks is half that of politics, you're good.
also. bulbs are available that extinguish the lamp if the envelope is compromised.
happy growing!
i don't even trust the one in the cooltube.
once we have our own place instead of renting, i'll be installing a fire sprinkler system installed.