when to change nutes


Active Member
when approaching flower? when i used foxfarm it said to add open sesame last week or so of veg. i have heard some say no flower nutes for first two weeks. also. am idea. do they make heat mats is size like 4 x 5'? this would keep roots warm. as i noticed, with a small mat, my clones do better rooting, faster. even to i put em dirrectly into soil pots, they go way better, with a heat mat under em.


Active Member
when approaching flower? when i used foxfarm it said to add open sesame last week or so of veg. i have heard some say no flower nutes for first two weeks. also. am idea. do they make heat mats is size like 4 x 5'? this would keep roots warm. as i noticed, with a small mat, my clones do better rooting, faster. even to i put em dirrectly into soil pots, they go way better, with a heat mat under em.

NO the plant will grow/cure as it does... the HARDNESS ismost often pressed (not good) because it was smuggled. All strains aredifferent... Some tight, some lose, and good lighting will help the plant to dowhat it does.


Well-Known Member
I change over to bloom nutes after 2 weeks of 12/12. I lower the grow nutes and start the bloom nutes.^^^ dunno what Q their answering lol


Well-Known Member
Yep, stay with veg nutes for the first two weeks of flower. When I started doing that, the leaves stayed nice and green longer


Well-Known Member
NO the plant will grow/cure as it does... the HARDNESS ismost often pressed (not good) because it was smuggled. All strains aredifferent... Some tight, some lose, and good lighting will help the plant to dowhat it does.
Wrong thread?


Well-Known Member
Depending upon the NPK values of your nutes will determine when or IF to change to bloom.

I like CANNA AQUA VEGA the whole way through.

Zero yellowing healthy green plants until harvest.

I use the vega in coco with added cal/mag.



Active Member
I like to slowly change nutes when going into flower from 3/4 veg/bloom the week when they enter the flowering cycle then 1/2 veg/bloom the next 1 1/2 weeks later after that and then 3/4 bloom/veg the week after that so on my 4th week into flowering I'm at bloom nutes with no signs of nitrogen defiency then flush depending on the strain when ready a 1 1/2 weeks prior to harvest. Using GH line by the way.


Active Member
i am using the gh line to. the flora vega, flora nova, and koolblooms. also, big bloom, and kangarootes. the kang really speeds up root development. lots of good mycortizae. i think my flora nova, bloom, is like 4-8-7. i had really good luck with canna terra vega, but its hard to find. darn it.


Active Member
i have been quitting all feeding three weeks before harvest. flush each time they thirsty, takes like four days to dry out. so i like get at least 3 good flushes, checking my draining water for ph......uped my feed ph from 6.3 to 6.6. lets see it this boosts yield, a bit.