after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part

Great. I was about to say all of my ranting is growing with coco or pr-mix. If you can I would highly recommend airpots.
Sorry dude, I can't swallow that one. You sound like a republican pollster LOL.
Haha. Funny. For real though. I've been doing this plant for a little while, 3.2 oz per plant, 4 plants under 600hps, it has been very consistent. I'll know soon enough, but from what I see this looks like 4 oz per plant. I should have said a 20% increase, not 20-25. I am a little hopeful though that the 4oz guess is on the lower end. It could be.

I don't exagerate my numbers. I am not an expert grower. My genetics are doing most of the work. In my opinion, assuming you have adequate growing conditions, genetics trumps all. density, yield, taste, resin content.... those are genetic traits, not the result of your nutrient brand. Especially resin content. Just my opinion though.

I think the dramatic increase in N is a big part of the bump. I've been hearing UB and HB say it forever and I decided to give it a try. It has definitely made a difference.
No disrespect but you've posted some really weird observations at multiple forums in regards to your plants and I've yet to see one picture of a plant of yours at any stage. Will you post some photos of your grow here?

I also noticed you're feeding at '3-400ppm' on the .5 scale. First thing; why are you not feeding at a more precise EC? '3-400ppm' is a big range, I could tell you exactly where each-and-every res of mine is at within 30ppm at any time during the week. Secondly, 3-400ppm is a good range for vegging. You're at almost week 3 of flowering and you're wondering why you're getting slow growth? There is your answer.

Good points about the ppm, i think you should get a better schedule and retest Dyna Gro
it doesnt matter how the test is run

if u like the results it was done rite
if u dont like the results it was done wrong

very few people can really stay impartial and none can do it if they want the results to be one way or the other
if growers are biased only a double-blind study can prove anything and thats just not possible

any grower worth running a side by side test can tell which nutes are which just by looking at them

i just think it says a lot that people who love AN love how well it works
people who hate AN hate it for some other reason than how well it works
Is that why there are currently four threads on the 1st page of the Nutrient forum asking for help with AN?

What has that got to do with how well it works? Aeroman has a point. I don't see thread after thread about bad growth with AN, Foxfarm yes.
No one asks for help with Dyna-Gro I'm sure. Ever think it's the cook and not the broth? Like when you tested Connie?
Your first hand experience "sucked" because you thought you were some Master grower and got in over your head. Like the saying "less is more". Only small penis bearers advocate that.

BTW, what is the title of this thread?
I can't find myself in this thread without insulting Treeking... it makes me feel like an asshole. haha.
But really. Read the first post. The creation of this thread makes no case for Dyna sucking... I will leave it at that.

The conclusion I have come to is that NPK balance is more important than the manufacturer... I have sample bottles of V&B and Dyna Foliage pro 9-3-6. Also, I have half full buttles of House and Garden Coco AB and Hydro AB... I am going to use V&B and H&G supplemented with Foliage Pro 9-3-6 for the Nitrogen lacking in H&G and V&B. Not because I believe it will do something superior.. Just because I either got it for free or i have it sitting around, and as long as I give the plants a good NPK balance of adequate quality nutes then I should pull out a nice harvest. I feel a nitrogen boost is needed in the V&B and H&G. Probably AN too, I have not looked at it yet. But I look forward to trying it out in the future. Especially if I could get some samples.

I'm growing from a Super Silver Haze plant this round. They stay nice and green with less nitrogen than most of my others... so I suspect that the Foliage Pro sample bottles will go a long way.
Your first hand experience "sucked" because you thought you were some Master grower and got in over your head. Like the saying "less is more". Only small penis bearers advocate that.

BTW, what is the title of this thread?

Apparently this is the 'patlpp wants to be relevant so he talks shit to people he's PM'd for help' thread. Does that sound about right?

It'll all make sense to you one of these days.

^^ Beautiful..
I love the yarn like red pistils... is that a c99/J Herer? I've noticed it has that yarn/thick pistil thing going on. NL a little bit too.
So we get Bud porn? Compensating? Here is some more:


Must be the nutes, not the cook. I asked for your help feeding plants with your sacred Dyna so as to provide a realistic, pragmatic comparison for my side-by-side test, not just throw nutes at it with your "opinion" of what the PPM's should be. Get it? So much for confidentiality. When you come on threads slamming AN for no valid reason, I will respond. Get off your "relevant" high horse, you are far from a Master grower mr 6 plant wonder. Your frosty bud shots are 99% genetics.
So we get Bud porn? Compensating? Here is some more:


Must be the nutes, not the cook. I asked for your help feeding plants with your sacred Dyna so as to provide a realistic, pragmatic comparison for my side-by-side test, not just throw nutes at it with your "opinion" of what the PPM's should be. Get it? So much for confidentiality. When you come on threads slamming AN for no valid reason, I will respond. Get off your "relevant" high horse, you are far from a Master grower mr 6 plant wonder. Your frosty bud shots are 99% genetics.

lmfao. looks like a mold problem too. you know what they say about cleanliness. this is the same guy who said that he can go away for a day or two and tell you what the EC of his reservoir is when he gets back. too funny. can he tell us what the mold spore count is too? :lol:
Cleaning out the lower growth helps with this too. I have been keeping a nice gap between media and the start of lower growth lately. It leaves good room to both work and allow airflow. (mold/fungus/algae). It helps with pests like thrips and fungus gnats too. I am not seeing a loss of yields from cutting out the lower bud sites.

So throw up some glory shots with AN. I'm thinking you both have them. I've seen scoobys botany skills on here plenty of times, but it has been a little while. I haven't seen anything from pat.