

Pickle Queen
Fuck my plump lips are pretty chapped, and I need to moisturize 2-3 times daily, soooo dry, humidity is only a word in the prairies, but the men are buff and their choice of words is epic, hey anyone know what a bunnyhug is?? lol or a kitty corner ;) new places new worrds....fuck


Well-Known Member
Fuck yes things have changed. Some of it not for the better.

Fuck the feds and the fucking bullshit drug war.

Fuck fake people

Fuck this cold ass weather.

Fuck posers.

Just plain Fuck!!


Well-Known Member
..... I smoked a half gram of hash today. But I worked from 7am -8pm and didn't get to smoke at work. But tomorrow I'm on the night shift.... 7pm-8am. Best bet I'm hittin that loud