If You Ran Into Mitt While Pumping Gas????

As in "Missed'r President"?

Upon rereading the thread title in a literal vein, I'm changing my answer to "make sure I received no bumper damage". cn
I'd just say "Haha, you might be rich...but you got beaten by a retarded flying elephant...go kill yourself you fucking LOSER!!".

Im a "people person".
yah, oregonians and jersians are the stupid ones.. sitting in their warm cars on a cold, snowy winters day as some douche pumps my gas.. what was i thinking??

Not to mention the job opportunity. Something nontheist forgot in his zeal to trap UB in a gotcha moment. Hypocrisy seems to run rampant in the GOP/Libertarian ranks. The same ideology that did its best to run this nation into the ground simply to get the Black Dude out of the White House.
Not to mention the job opportunity. Something nontheist forgot in his zeal to trap UB in a gotcha moment. Hypocrisy seems to run rampant in the GOP/Libertarian ranks. The same ideology that did its best to run this nation into the ground simply to get the Black Dude out of the White House.

there was a time many moons ago carne where young teen aged kids would get a job pumping gas at the local gas stations.. a friend of mine from high school used to pump gas at the local gas station years ago, not to mention pretty much every older member of my family including my dad and uncles et al, but anymore, the only people who work at a gas station whether it be pumping gas or running it, are dot heads.. not sure on nationality, which is why i just lump them all into the dot head category..
Two of my older brothers pumped gas while attending high school. They used most of the money to go to concerts and get drunk. Idiots. :p
there was a time many moons ago carne where young teen aged kids would get a job pumping gas at the local gas stations.. a friend of mine from high school used to pump gas at the local gas station years ago, not to mention pretty much every older member of my family including my dad and uncles et al, but anymore, the only people who work at a gas station whether it be pumping gas or running it, are dot heads.. not sure on nationality, which is why i just lump them all into the dot head category..
They have some kind of advantage in immigration if they have relatives and a job waiting
If you ever go to the Wisconsin Dells all the seasonal help is actually Czech and Romanian College students. Somehow they have a advantage to come here and work
They have some kind of advantage in immigration if they have relatives and a job waiting
If you ever go to the Wisconsin Dells all the seasonal help is actually Czech and Romanian College students. Somehow they have a advantage to come here and work

yah, it's crazy cheesus, pretty much every gas station in this state that i've been to seems to be owned / operated by a dot head... even 2 of the liquor stores here in town are now owned by the same.
the gas stations are odd though, you will see the same people for about a year or so, then suddenly they will vanish and a whole new crop will take over, than about a year or so later, in comes the old crew..
yah, it's crazy cheesus, pretty much every gas station in this state that i've been to seems to be owned / operated by a dot head... even 2 of the liquor stores here in town are now owned by the same.
the gas stations are odd though, you will see the same people for about a year or so, then suddenly they will vanish and a whole new crop will take over, than about a year or so later, in comes the old crew..

The answer is they support their relatives and when they get enough cash they move to a new gas station and sell the old one to other relatives. If the Relatives default on the money or want out the prior family comes in and takes over again. Indians Dominate in the motel and gas station industry becuase they support their relatives.
Damn, I didn't know Racerboy was Joe Biden. Hey Joe, you really need to tell Obama to get off our balls. Arresting people when you're supreme Choomster is really fucked up.
Not to mention the job opportunity. Something nontheist forgot in his zeal to trap UB in a gotcha moment. Hypocrisy seems to run rampant in the GOP/Libertarian ranks. The same ideology that did its best to run this nation into the ground simply to get the Black Dude out of the White House.

Yes because government forcing people to pay for a job market that doesn't exist is a good idea. Questioning someones capability to handle a class 1 flammable liquid in a automobile but letting them have free rein on lawnmowers, boats, generators, atvs, etc which can be far more dangerous doesn't make much sense unless you live in Oregon. DERP DERP