you could care less, meaning it is possible for you to care less about something ?
or you couldn't care less, meaning it would not be possible for you to care less about something lol
i have never understood why you Americans say it that way, seems illogical
The phrase "I couldnt care less" originated in Britain and made its way to the United States in the 1950s. The phrase "I could care less" appeared in the US about a decade later.
In the early 1990s, the well-known Harvard professor and language writer Stephen Pinker argued that the way most people say could care less?the way they emphasize the words?implies they are being ironic or sarcastic.
Other linguists have argued that type of sound at the end of "couldnt" is naturally dropped by sloppy or slurring speakers.
Regardless of the reason people say they could care less, it is one of the more common language peeves because of its illogical nature. To say you could care less means you have a bit of caring left, which is not what the speakers seem to intend. The proper "couldnt care less" is still the dominant form in print, but "could care less" has been steadily gaining ground since its appearance in the 1960s.