anyone else in mi got spider mites recently?...


Well-Known Member
I agree Silus, I don't want to ingest the shit either. Unfortunately not everyone has patients and peoples health in mind, just the almighty dollar.
I like to call them "bagseed millionaires" :P Thanks to these type of people, grow equipment can be found dirt cheap all over craigslist :P

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
That sucks. I would tell someone what I used on the plants before I gave them to them. I always tell people I use all of the full line of fox farms and some mighty wash. that's all I use and so far so good. if it gets bad and I need azamax or something I'd say so when I transfered the materials. I don't agree with everyone hating on people trying to earn a anything. Don't be a hater everyone has to start to end up you don't need more kicks and knocks when you start out.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a matter of hating on anybody it's just that some people will do whatever they have to to make that buck, whether or not it puts the health of others at risk.

You really going to tell everyone you put Agent Orange on your shit and expect that they are still going to buy it? The guys trying to get fat stacks aren't. Just like the coke dealer isn't going to tell you he cut your shit half n half with aspirin... or how much poison is in their meth..

Apples to oranges? I think not because if I'm going to put hazardous chemicals into my body I won't choose weed to do it, I'll make it more worthwhile.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect anyone to buy it, but I'd tell them if I did put nasty shit in there....probably because I wouldn't put that shit in there in the first place.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried this with CO2------At very high concentrations (100 times atmospheric concentration, or greater), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites
kinda spensive idin it? I had a few attempt to get in when the cold snap hit us but I use might wash as a prevent and never saw more than a few in between treatments. I like the stuff, I know people say it's expensive and stuff but it works and I tasted it...nothing rong with me yet so it must be as safe as they say LOL


Well-Known Member
kinda spensive idin it? I had a few attempt to get in when the cold snap hit us but I use might wash as a prevent and never saw more than a few in between treatments. I like the stuff, I know people say it's expensive and stuff but it works and I tasted it...nothing rong with me yet so it must be as safe as they say LOL
I’ve never tried to figure how much fuel you would have to burn but it would seem like it would aid in the growing ? I don’t even know if it would work , just read that it worked . Another thing that I read was that grapefruit seed extract will get rid of mold and mildew ? Just thought I would put the idea out there .

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Grapefruit seed extract... To sanitize a plant of powdery mildew(?), cld be a good...

as far as CO2 to kill mites. attempt to do smaller mothers, not a whole flowering room w co2. place them in xlarge plastic bags, fill w tank, careful to to freeze burn, seal bag for hr or two. repeat. / Also, spot spraying mites w iso alcohol is very effective in minimizing damage.


Well-Known Member
Grapefruit seed extract... To sanitize a plant of powdery mildew(?), cld be a good...

as far as CO2 to kill mites. attempt to do smaller mothers, not a whole flowering room w co2. place them in xlarge plastic bags, fill w tank, careful to to freeze burn, seal bag for hr or two. repeat. / Also, spot spraying mites w iso alcohol is very effective in minimizing damage.
Hi abe , as you know I’m still stuck down here in Florida and doing a lot of reading and most of what I say can be taken with a grain of salt , I have no idea if its true or not . Some of it sound logical . I have a lot of things I want to try when I get started , learning from you guy’s is still my top priority .

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I really don't want to breathe in those damn 'fresh' pest strips. Yeah they work if you use them correctly, all the more reason to Not Breathe. you are supposed to take them down and alternate w another measure so the mites can't develop a resistance. guess they are only a prevention, but no thank you chemicals.


Well-Known Member
This grow I took everything out of the room and bleached it with a heavy amount. So much so that it made me gag but I haven't seen one! and I can say that my plants have never looked so good. It's hard to believe that they take that much of a toll on your plants that they have less resin and less size when finished.

Edit: I also bleached the entire room top to bottom, yes it works to bleach everything!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
you really only need between 5-10% bleach concentration to be effective. next time, open the windows and exhaust too. same reason I won't use yellow no pest strips.


Well-Known Member
no pest strips-

are relatively safe. the residual is minimal, BUT breathing the vapors can make some very sick. if you live alone put seven in there and in two days everything dead. if you have kids, use only while they are at school, then evacuate the atmosphere before their re-entry.

in order to be affective, pest strips must be used in a relatively sealed enviro. an eight inch crack three feet long flows the same as an eight inch diameter hole. said amount of leakage renders strips ineffective for shock and awe style warfare.

spraying dawn dishsoap and water every three days for a month kills them all. really preventive maintenance is the key. once there is an infeestation, there really are few cure alls.
i stay away from all oils, as the residual is fubar.

check into ionized water. most commercial greenhouses have a water ionizer on hand, and use the water to mist on a daily basis. stay away from miticides, as they are carcinogens.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
crazy the whole proprietary blend bs w them not disclosing what's actually in the product. generic as all-get-out, made by "npk industries" and grow shops still sell boatloads of that fancy water.