Check out my babies(video) Let me know what you think

looking for feedback, tips they are about 5-6 weeks old. When is the best time for me to start the flowering stage. and why do some of my leaves look burnt?



Well-Known Member
Lot's of problems here, to begin with you need more light, more pots, more soil, and some growing knowledge as there are very evident pH issues. At 5 - 6 weeks these ladies should be ready to flower but they are far from ready to flower.



Well-Known Member
looks like your using a hallogen light which is your first problem, second problem is your over fertilizing them thats what the burns are on the leaves, miracle grow is notorious for being way to easy for new growers to burn thier plants with.

third, you need seperate pots for all your plants, but this isnt a huge issue and cant really do anything about it now.

head to the home depot store and pick up 2x surge strips.
12 12v plug in light bulb recepticles, 12 light bulb Y's and 24 23w CFL's of mixed spectrum daylight and soft white, get that halogen work light out of the room and bring it to a job site where it belongs.

them plants are pretty much what there going to be, not saying they arehorrible but they definatly would be alot better off if you provided the proper lighting. get the lights i mentioned above and put em in flower, stop feeding them that miracle grow crap for a while you probabally have enough fertilizers in that soil to finish out your grow.

best of luck to you. for your next grow i recomend reading up a bit and working on getting some good products for your plants if you want to make growing canabis worth the time it takes to grow out a plant.


Well-Known Member
also im not sure what your budget is but you can pick up a decent 400w HID light for around 150 bucks

a light like that would drastically increase your plants overall productivity, unfortunatly at this point theres not much any light is going to do but the light will help it produce some decent main cola buds and it will make your next grow alot more sucessfull. 5-6 weeks in veg under a 400w will give you 4x the amount of branching that what you have now.
Thanks.. this is kinda a test grow using shit around the house. wanna see how this turns out then i may invest in better equipment. All feedback appreciated :) Happy Sunday!!


Active Member
Lot's of problems here, to begin with you need more light, more pots, more soil, and some growing knowledge as there are very evident pH issues. At 5 - 6 weeks these ladies should be ready to flower but they are far from ready to flower.


Gonna have to agree with ru4r341.... definitely PH issues, as that is what I have had since 2 weeks after flipping to 12/12. Remember that the flowering cycle the girls will get very picky and not as tolerant as when in veg. Like any hobby, you need to invest 3 major things.
1. time
2. money
3. effort
time - to keep up with the plants and make sure your 'on time' so to speak.
money - I feel that the cost of getting good to great results has gone down in the past years from the research that I have done. I have spent approx. 900 dollars and that is getting a good ballast, HPS bulb, tent etc... But when spending this much in 3 months on 'corner stores' I am definitely going to see a great return on my investment.
effort - this is the biggest thing in my opinion, cause if you do not have the knowledge then you will surely not reach the potential. research, research, research..... They are weeds and do grow like weeds, but indoor growing has to mimic the outdoors and mother nature as much as possible. Some people are lucky and just have a green thumb... but most of us, myself included, will kill a plant 7 out of 10 times...
hope this helps, cause they are your babies and will treat you as you treat them :)


Active Member
I just dont understand why people 1/2 ass things, you could almost be flowering if you would gave taken some time and educated yourself. It would have maybe taken a few hours to get started.

Invest in some lights, even cheap cfl would be better and way cheaper then running your current light setup.

I have plants that were started from bag seed that are less then 1 month that look a million times better then yours and im also a newbie and only using a 400MH.

I bet that area gets really fucking hot with that light too..

are please keep it one plant per pot!!


Well-Known Member
if you dont improve something your going to spend 6 months growing out a 1/2 ounce if your lucky........halogen lights???? really have you not read anything on here....your asking for more feedback and unwilling to change you current horrible setup.....