Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
When you want me to help you with something,call me the day before and tell me what and exactly you want me to help you do so I can decide weather or not,I want to help you do it,don't just come to my fuckin house,waking me up,bcuz you will get your fuckin feelings hurt.Now I can't go back to sleep,this is what I'm talking about.


Ursus marijanus
Man. Wish I still had a sweet tooth. I'll eat sweets but nothing like that. For me life is now all about the savoury. Dried meats,dried fish, cheese. Got me about 15 whole squid in the freezer, think I might go a bit nuts before bed :-)
When I was coming off the oxydone, my sweet tooth disappeared for a bit, and I too became a craver of the savor. Sour cream&onion potato chips (crisps in your idiom) were the stuff ... with dry-rub BBQ ribs also scoring very high. Alas, that has changed. Last night at an unearthly hour, i woke up to destroy a bar of Milka. cn


Well-Known Member
Man. Wish I still had a sweet tooth. I'll eat sweets but nothing like that. For me life is now all about the savoury. Dried meats,dried fish, cheese. Got me about 15 whole squid in the freezer, think I might go a bit nuts before bed :-)
damn sorry to hear that. dont get me wrong, im gna hurt for few days but these are super potent and soo chocolatey and well worth the suffering

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Doesn't really bother me tbh. Deserts have never interested. Would much rather some shrimp or dried pork :-) although it I just wish we had decent priced jerky. We mostly just have crappy mass produced nonsense. Also never really enjoyed edibles. I like how stoned it gets you, but I don't like the lack if control moved my high I have.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really bother me tbh. Deserts have never interested. Would much rather some shrimp or dried pork :-) although it I just wish we had decent priced jerky. We mostly just have crappy mass produced nonsense. Also never really enjoyed edibles. I like how stoned it gets you, but I don't like the lack if control moved my high I have.
see i was gonna start debating with you but then you said shrimp.. i fold


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I look at the calender like where did the time go?? seems like it was halloween a couple days ago LOL..thanksgiving has come and gone,talk about high times.


New Member
I just changed my alternator on my truck.It was 10 below zero last night,not much warmer today.My fingers are still tingly


Well-Known Member
Today doing some yard work I found 2 MJ seedlings in the pots I used for this year. It has been rather sunny the past couple of weeks but the temp has been on the low side with some frost and even snow...so do I grab them and bring them inside {don't have a set-up for indoor} or do I just let them wither away?


Ursus marijanus
Today doing some yard work I found 2 MJ seedlings in the pots I used for this year. It has been rather sunny the past couple of weeks but the temp has been on the low side with some frost and even snow...so do I grab them and bring them inside {don't have a set-up for indoor} or do I just let them wither away?
Option A!! Those are fighters. cn


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that very thing cn.

I could possibly set something up for them, but mind you it has be on the cheap side of the scale.

If I may pose a query cn...can you make a decent extract from bud that's been dried and stored for say 2-3 months or must you use fresh cuttings?


Well-Known Member
This was a clone that spent 3 days in the trash, then on the way to the compost pile I thought just for shits and giggles....
If it can make it to Jan. I might get a bowl or two. LOL I did water once 4 weeks ago when it went "on" the ground.