World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Ill have to try the flora. Just been using maxibloom dry powder. Only additive ive been using is Dutch Masters silicate product as a pH up and strengthener. My water is at about 30 ppm base and i prob should have been using some calmag. With the Blue Moon that was not necessary. Read all about LUCAS and figured ill try hempy LUCAS and K.I.S.S. just had better results before.
If you ever do try the Flora make sure to get the soft as they sell a hard and soft water formula. .... Ive never come across Blue Moon Nutrients but Ive heard alot of hempy growers having success Blue Planet Nutes. ...420fied uses them and swears by them.


Well-Known Member
Cool man thanks for the heads up. Blue Moon is a local Western Washington formulation by a hydro chain here. Last i talked to them they had a well known chemist reformulate their nutrient line so maybe they are pushing for brand expansion. They should offer samples online as it is the better nutrient ive used.


Well-Known Member
@Dr Dank

Sweet pics btw. Youve a proper SOG going on in that tent. Very nice. What did you germ those seedlings in before transferring to cups? Looks like jiffy pellets.

Good job man.


Well-Known Member
Cool man thanks for the heads up. Blue Moon is a local Western Washington formulation by a hydro chain here. Last i talked to them they had a well known chemist reformulate their nutrient line so maybe they are pushing for brand expansion. They should offer samples online as it is the better nutrient ive used.
From what Ive seen ... The best way to get brand expansion/exposure for a nute company is to sponsor a popular grower on web forums like ours. Blue Planet offered certain growers free nutes if they documented their results and bigged-up the brand. Now they have a semi-cult following with growers calling themselves the BPA 'Blue Planet Army' lol :roll:

I dont know about the formula but the 3 part solution are the same colour as GH Flora. lol.


Active Member
from this first grow i released hempys have a sensitive thing bout having not enough calmag. i give about 5ml/gal and thinking bout uping it 7.5 or ten. i released most of my problems before was cuz of cal/nag def. i upped the cal mag and now i see no more yellowing or brown spots which was the plague to me before. i also noticed that even on my nute sensitve sativa strains like hawaiian snow and slh, that in hempys maybe because its dtw or something but they have all been exploding when i put the recommended bottle dosage and that is weird because everyone suggested half strength to 3/4 max. but they have grown like a wildfire since i upped the strength to full strength with no signs of nute burn or curling whatsoever in the new growth. i made up my mind. im going to use my 15 months to make 12-15 more clones. grow them in 10 gallon short totes. and then veg the clones for another 2 months then use those close as mothers for the 256 clones i need in the second room. veg those out for about 2 weeks to a month and then sog them. im hoping each plant gives me about .5 oz each. i mean if most sog hempy growers can get .5-1 oz off 2 liters with 0 veg time, i think i can pull close to .5 with each plant having 1.75 gal pots. thats more than 6.5 liters. i know i have high hopes but i have the overhead and space to do alot, so i hope i pull that much in the second room. and with the 24-30 mothers in the first room, ill be happy with getting 4 oz off each mother (half will be vegged for 4 months and the other half 2 months) i plan to scrog in the first room as well to have more even canopy. i have 4x10 foot screens for each side of the room already made. damn if i pull this off i will be the happiest motherfucking man in the world! anyone get any good deals on black friday?


Well-Known Member
^ Ive had Ca/Mg def in my soil plants. My Mapito hempys are fine, leaves are glossy and greenish. Im going to flush in prep for the chop. I don't agree that hempys make plants any more prone to these def than any other way. JMO.

re half an O from each 2L > While I was offline a few weeks back I pulled a Lemon Skunk early, quick dried it and weighed it. It came to 16.4 grams, had cash flow issues so let 14g go to a buddy.


Well-Known Member
I just cut a jack frost at 6 1/2 weeks because im out of smoke. It was the smallest of that stain and weighing in at 63 grams wet. So just about a half O. Thats with it being cut before that final plump and with less than perfect plants this run. I think half O is reasonable to expect but dont be upset if you get less. It is your first grow and youve set yur sights high.


Well-Known Member
I just cut a jack frost at 6 1/2 weeks because im out of smoke. It was the smallest of that stain and weighing in at 63 grams wet. So just about a half O. Thats with it being cut before that final plump and with less than perfect plants this run. I think half O is reasonable to expect but dont be upset if you get less. It is your first grow and youve set yur sights high.
For me the weight is almost a secondary thought after Ive done everything I can to get a good fat pheno, provide the right nutes, environment etc.

ATM.. Im all about searching, Im growing bud so im going to have smoke and the extra dough but im really thinking and preparing for 2 grow cycles down the road. When im tuned in then I know the weight will come.


Active Member
i mean my total grow time will be 7 months total from first sprouts, so expecting the weight i expect is me having my sights low. im trying to dial it in while im learning. with the amount of time, money, light, and space im giving these two rooms, i think conservative amount would be 10 lbs from both rooms. btw what is shake? is that like lower buds and sugar leaves or is that just lower buds?


Well-Known Member
How much wattage? I really cautiin you to not expect as much as you assume. A grower with low medium skill would usually need about 12000 + watts to pull 10 lbs. I had a 13000 watt two room NFT cO2 enriched grow with an old partner and once dialed in the room with 4k watts did between 5-6 lbs on avg and the 9k room did about 14 lbs. Thats a run with few problems and a well producing strain. My partner was skilled too.

Its not a knock on you and i hope you hit your goals but even first run or two of a new strain by someone with experience isnt usually as productive.


Well-Known Member
There is a time of veg at around 3weeks that I call the hempy "explosion". The plant has figured out the root zone and starts calling it home. Here is my G13 PE in the 2g mapito buckets @25days from seed. The growth spurt comes a little later this time due to FIM'ing I did to each. They took some time to recover and just now show the increased inter-nodal activity in the center of each. Ive watered only once in past 7 days since transplant and really never even filled the reservoir. The initial pre-soak of the mapito kept the buckets heavy and I watered simply to keep the upper "croutons" moist as they had dried out. Today they will get the first full dose of Canna Substra while cutting back on the Rhizotonic. I will fill the res to overflow for the first time too. There's no perlite in these buckets, just mapito. It will be interesting to see what quantity of water it takes to fill the res of each and the length of time till next watering. The big C99's in 2g coco hempy's are flushing now and look like they will provide my standard 4 o's per plant. So these new girls will go into the tent early next week and start 12/12. So far nothing really notable about mapito over coco except water frequency.



Active Member
2012-11-24 12.59.34.jpg2012-11-24 13.01.50.jpg2012-11-24 13.01.42.jpg

those are the unknown moms I flowered as promised

2012-11-24 14.23.27.jpg

this pic of one of the moms does no justice to the flowering clones side branching.

2012-11-24 13.21.19.jpg

set of flowering clones hempy style. I put them in as soon as they started growth


Well-Known Member
@Dr Dank

Sweet pics btw. Youve a proper SOG going on in that tent. Very nice. What did you germ those seedlings in before transferring to cups? Looks like jiffy pellets.

Good job man.
Thanks Moebius! This is my 6th grow ever. I too following 420fied and fell in love with "Come SOG with me". I had the pleasure of having Xare follow my first ever 6 plant SOG under a 150 watt HPS. He was really insightful and got me on the right path with 2 liters and defoliation.

Yes, I start my seeds off in jiffy peat pucks with a heating mat and under a single T5. I actually cloned this run using jiffy peat pucks and that was a first for me. I was curious to see how they'd turn out and I got 100% success. The key was ensuring that the peat moss isn't too wet. Ive been working with it for a while, so I've gotten the feel for when its drenched vs moist. I have a turbo kloner too and will start off another round, but had issues my first go because I was using too much light and the plants tried to grow taller instead of roots and they fried. I like just misting the plants 2 times a day vs checking PH, but seeing visible root growth is key. I noticed when I used the turbo kloner that I got a lot of "teeth" for roots, but nothing ever dipped into the res. The clones just grew more and more teeth. I then tossed them into solo cup hempys and they took off.


Well-Known Member
Last week was filled with some hi's and low's. A hi was seeing the dr to get my prescription renewed, and I got my plant count increased from 6 to 12. Now to see if the wife will let me set up the led panel in the shower upstairs.

Here's a quick rundown on the 5 in 12/12. First off all signs of the cal def are gone.

Boys 001riu.jpg
Boys 004riu.jpg
Boys 008riu.jpg
Boys 016riu.jpg

So that just leaves one girl for this run. I've never had this low of percentage of female before.
I was following one of those theory's that lower temps in veg create more females. Well these were vegged in the upper 60's (20C). I took clones from these plants before the flip, and I tried an experiment to see if clones would root at the lower temp also. I can now say that without a doubt low temp cloning is not the best route. Out of 10 cuttings only 4 really set roots, 2 more would have pulled through, and 4 never threw out a root. The one positive here is that the 2 that rooted best are from the only female.

As far as the use of coco, I'm impressed with how well the roots exploded, I didn't expect to see as much root structure when I broke the buckets down, being they were cut down 11 days after transplant. (The pictures above are several days old) At least I still have one coco bucket to get a full run out of it. Now that it has the whole space to itself I have to figure out how I want to train her. She already has 8 main stalks and a host of side branches, some of which are already over 2' long. I've got a stretcher ring shoved down the center right down to spread her out, I may take another larger diameter hoop(s) to keep spreading and growing horz, or I might just pull out the screen.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moebius! This is my 6th grow ever. I too following 420fied and fell in love with "Come SOG with me". I had the pleasure of having Xare follow my first ever 6 plant SOG under a 150 watt HPS. He was really insightful and got me on the right path with 2 liters and defoliation.

Yes, I start my seeds off in jiffy peat pucks with a heating mat and under a single T5. I actually cloned this run using jiffy peat pucks and that was a first for me. I was curious to see how they'd turn out and I got 100% success. The key was ensuring that the peat moss isn't too wet. Ive been working with it for a while, so I've gotten the feel for when its drenched vs moist. I have a turbo kloner too and will start off another round, but had issues my first go because I was using too much light and the plants tried to grow taller instead of roots and they fried. I like just misting the plants 2 times a day vs checking PH, but seeing visible root growth is key. I noticed when I used the turbo kloner that I got a lot of "teeth" for roots, but nothing ever dipped into the res. The clones just grew more and more teeth. I then tossed them into solo cup hempys and they took off.
420fied and Xare grew their clones with about 4-6 inches of roots before planting in their hempys. Its what I started doing too. Since using Mapito I find this unnecessary and actually counter-productive.

Now I believe its better to transfer the clones when roots are no more than 2 inches long, but only if the hempy substrate can be kept moist and in touch with the roots. I understand why those guys wait until the roots can hit the res before transplanting, they use perlite and it doesnt seem to hold the moisture throughout the hempy as well as Mapito or coco.

Edit: I followed those threads too, those guys inspired thousands. lol


Active Member
Hempy Style

Hempy buckets are by far the easiest, cheapest and most cost effective way to grow hydroponically. In my 7 years of growing I’ve done aeroponics, dwc, bio-buckets and Hempy and there is no comparing the simplicity.
• No pH testing needed
• No ppm meters
• No stress about root rot

all three of these true???


Well-Known Member
I trying something new with the seedlings for the next run. My seedling have 6 full nodes and are 8 to 10" tall. I stuck them in the flower space under 12/12, I want to sex them, top them and put em back in veg for another 6 to 8 wks. I wanted to know if anyone here at WOH has tried this before. I've read about it, thought I'd give it try after my 1 in 5 experience, after investing in 60 days of gardening.

Here's a couple of coco root shots, this one spent 15 days in the bucket.
coco_roots 002riu.jpgcoco_roots 011riu.jpg
If you want that explosion of growth, a big bucket that's laced with Osmocote is great. It's like opening up a full bag of food for your dog and leaving the house.