How old were you the first time you smoked?

When was the first time you smoked?

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Well-Known Member
I was 51 old I know but I never felt the need until I got cancer,then I became so desperate that I would have done anything to stop the pain,and sickness,insomnia and depression. My niece told me to try it and it worked so rather than buy it off the street I started to grow my own, and here iam today but I have to say I never thought I would enjoy communicating with people thousands of miles away and complete strangers you guys and girls have helped me as much as the weed. Also my outlook and attitude has changed dramatically iam more positive and I view people who smoke weed in a whole new light a very nice light actually x
Were you opposed to it before you tried it?


Well-Known Member
I'm using chrome, I have the no advance options issue alone with no matter how I space my posts it bunches it all together. Then my op over 2/3 my post is cut off, I had it copied, but no matter how much I past, post and reply it only show s that tiny first half.....


Well-Known Member
I was probably 9 years old when my neighbors were smoking pot, blowing hits out of the window...I ran up the the window and talked to them for about 15 minutes while they continued blowing hits out the, when I was 12, I found a metal pipe on the side of the road, and cleaned the shit outta it...Then I spent the next month asking my classmates at school ABOUT weed till one girl said her older brother smoked, and she could get me some of his stash....The next day, she brought me a film canister(remember those! lol) and after school I found a nice quiet spot to spark up by myself, with was hooked on the first bowl, and something clicked inside of me, as if I had just found my long lost brother or I knew I was gonna be smoking for a LOOOOONG time.


Well-Known Member
I'm using chrome, I have the no advance options issue alone with no matter how I space my posts it bunches it all together. Then my op over 2/3 my post is cut off, I had it copied, but no matter how much I past, post and reply it only show s that tiny first half.....
I am yet to have an issue on the forum. I can still do everything I used to be able to do. It doesn't make sense that only a hand full of people are having issues with the forum. It sounds like a browser or java type issue to me.


Well-Known Member
I am yet to have an issue on the forum. I can still do everything I used to be able to do. It doesn't make sense that only a hand full of people are having issues with the forum. It sounds like a browser or java type issue to me.
I'd been hearing rumblings of issues with the site for a few days now, and lo and behold, I wake up this morning and now it's MY turn to be having'm sure it'll all get ironed out soon enough.


Well-Known Member
I'd been hearing rumblings of issues with the site for a few days now, and lo and behold, I wake up this morning and now it's MY turn to be having'm sure it'll all get ironed out soon enough.
As long as it don't happen to me were good. :wink: :lol:


Active Member
First time I smoked was...7th grade. Me and my boy found his moms stash of pre-rolled joints in a prescription bottle(it wasnt prescription, I assure you.) Smoked in my bathroom and my oh my was it good shit. Been smokin ever since except one time when my moms found out and sent me to summer camp. good times...


Well-Known Member
First time I smoked was...7th grade. Me and my boy found his moms stash of pre-rolled joints in a prescription bottle(it wasnt prescription, I assure you.) Smoked in my bathroom and my oh my was it good shit. Been smokin ever since except one time when my moms found out and sent me to summer camp. good times...
I remember being around 12 and being sent to a church camp. Boy on boy what a fun time that was. Never showed up for bible meetings, me and my brother threw this kid out the cabin window "mattress and all" and at night we would sneak out and get fried and make our way to the girls camp.
One of the best moments of my time there was the last day of camp where me and the other hoodlums went around kidnapping all the counselors and tying them to trees. :lol:


Well-Known Member
And, do you feel it was a gateway to other substances?

If so, could you explain?

Also, do you feel it affected your mental function, attitude or outlook in any way?

edit: Cannabis, not tobacco

I was 15 buddy sold me a j for about $5.00 it did nothing for me.. so he agreed to smoke me out later on and he did.. there were 3 of us out in the woods behind our neighborhood we were all just sitting on a fallen tree passing the J when it hit me.. I noticed we were all kinda just sitting there listening to the woods
one of us was sitting forward with his hands covering part of his ears the other sitting there with his hands over his mouth and me laughing my ass off with my hands over my mouth.. all I could think about was how we looked like 3 monkeys sitting on a tree... hear no evil see no evil and speak no evil.. :)

I have never done anything but shrooms once (loved it) and weed which I stopped from age 22-40... I was on 22 years of legal narcotics and stopped when I started to use MMJ.. Have been offered many other drugs but was always too afraid to to take something and die shortly after...

mental functions are 100% clearer as is attitude and outlook..

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Were you opposed to it before you tried it?
No I wasn't really,my son did it and he made no secret of it but I thought it was for youngsters and something that they grew out of, when I started doin it my youngest son and his mates said I was a legend what ever that meant! But my other son and daughter weren't impressed but they didn't lecture me because they knew how miserable I was and saw how much better I was for doin it. I suppose to be honest even though I wasn't totally against it my opinion of people who did it was not great,however now I'm one of those people I can see the attraction and why it's so widely used.


Well-Known Member
No I wasn't really,my son did it and he made no secret of it but I thought it was for youngsters and something that they grew out of, when I started doin it my youngest son and his mates said I was a legend what ever that meant! But my other son and daughter weren't impressed but they didn't lecture me because they knew how miserable I was and saw how much better I was for doin it. I suppose to be honest even though I wasn't totally against it my opinion of people who did it was not great,however now I'm one of those people I can see the attraction and why it's so widely used.
Could you expand on that? Why do you think it's so widely used? What do you, personally, feel it accomplishes?


Active Member
12... I was camping with my fellow boyscouts. When the bowl was gone, we chilled in the tent, it freaked us out we looked like dead clowns, we had no face paint on.. I'm pretty sure it was laced.. Anyways, didn't like it. Moved to E-Bombs, and methadone.. Back gave out, smoked weed again. I did sell weed, which was why I didn't smoke it. I was around it everyday, I wanted something else... Was not a gateway LOL. I laugh at people for saying that


Well-Known Member
First time I smoked I was 16, went outside and smoked the shitty first joint I ever made. The thing that stuck out most was my socks felt fucking amazing, and music was awesome, listened to dead combo. I just lied in the grass enjoying the music. I would say it isn't a gateway drug, you make the decision to do other drugs, but it did make me more open to drugs as a whole. I realized that you can't trust everything the authority says, and eventually came to find that if you're smart and safe with what you take, how often and how much, every "drug" has it's purpose and can be enjoyed rather than abused.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Could you expand on that? Why do you think it's so widely used? What do you, personally, feel it accomplishes?
I know it's widely used because my sons mates all use it,girls I went to school with people I've worked with and several members of my family they all swear by it. My son says he can't understand why they won't legalize it here because it makes people friendly and chilled where as alcohol makes people want to fight each other,for me it eases my pain,depression,and helps me sleep where as before I had to dose myself with sleeping pills,and pain killers so I've accomplished a better life by using weed.


Well-Known Member
First time i smoked pot was 16 when at a school party. Was already drunk at the time, don't remember it having any effect on me really, don't really remember much of the night though.

As to a gateway drug, i have no interest in taking anything other than cannabis so i guess that's a no from me. Well i take that back. The only gate it opened was that which caused me to become a cigarette smoker. In the UK, partly because of "tradition" and the fact that it's too expensive to smoke as it is (there is no pipe and bong ulture over here other than for hardcore stoners, it's joints or joints normally) so it is always mixed with tobacco and as such, oh hiya mr nicotine craving. Maybe it's all a government orchestrated ploy to get us addicted to tobacco and paying lots of tax on it :lol: I know while a lot of stoners in the UK won't smoke cigs, they also won't roll a joint without tobacco even if they have enough weed to justify it.
A common query, but PadPad is doing a good job of consolidating and standardizing questions in this subforum :3 I smoked cigarettes first at 16; when I started smoking weed, I gave up cigarettes and practically stopped drinking altogether. Therefore, it has had the opposite effect of a gateway drug- pulling me out of depression, getting me passionate about writing and the arts again.


I would say I was about 13. My brother and two of my cousins from La and Sweden were here so they lit up and well i puffed up. And we all walked from our place to mcdonald by foot!!!!! Thats like a good 10km did i say we did that at like 2 am at 13? Yeah that was a big deal for me in the time... Gateway ? No way!!! Hell i didnt smoke often before but since i got involved in the world of pot I quit alcohol even though i work in a liquor store!


Well-Known Member
no i don't think it's a gateway drug but i do think that if you are willing to step over the proverbial line with pot, it makes it easier to step into something else :eyesmoke: