I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

Mexico has universal healthcare. Juarez would be a lot safer if America ended the drug war. I feel safer here than I did in the US.
I can't even express how ignorant your comment is. When I see Mexican drug cartels post execution video's of their own people online, .JUST BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO BE MULES, your argument is empty and full of shit. I don't mean mules for American drug trade, I am talking about executing old men because they refuse to get on planes with COCAINE IN THEIR STOMACHS to deliver to Thailand, Great Britain, Germany, etc... America is one of almost 200 countries on this planet. We aren't the only ones demanding some coke you fucking moron.
Been looking for land where i can build a home as i see fit, raise some basic livestock, garden ;), distill, etc. and be left alone. Kinda hard to find in this country any more.
Please, PM when you find such land. I will gladly rent from you, even if it means I have to sit on a porch with two AR-15's in my hands just to guard your land 24/7
Please, PM when you find such land. I will gladly rent from you, even if it means I have to sit on a porch with two AR-15's in my hands just to guard your land 24/7

In THIS country, Nevada is my first choice, Montana is second.

i hear they are both pro 2nd amendment ;)
I speak common sense. And for the record, I never have claimed a religious identity. Funny that you immediately thought I was someone I am actually not.

What's funny is the fact that i'm going to be passing you the sweet potatoes at the table tomorrow, Rancid.

You didn't claim anything but that would be because you don't speak anything but troll nonsense.

Time and again.

There's more of a threat from biblical law than sharia law taking effect here.

Just look at the efforts to infringe upon women's reproductive issues made by the GOP this election cycle.

I think you don't mean half the shit you say and you're actually just trying to be an incognito-agitator.

It's amusing but I don't think it really fools anybody.
Canna- I respect you for your intelligence. I honestly think you are the most intelligent person on RIU. That fact is what befuddles me the most...how can the most intelligent guy on RIU not understand the coming Islamic threat? Are you another apologist for the Democratic cause? I ask that with the utmost sincerity.

Ever hear of the first amendment or tin foil?
Why do people relate kill the non believer with Islam when Christianity invented the idea"to free the world from Muslim rule" ...................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... "Enter upon the road to the Holy Sepulchre; wrest that land from the wicked race, and subject it to yourselves ... God has conferred upon you above all nations great glory in arms. Accordingly undertake this journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the Kingdom of Heaven." Pope Urban II 1088, and a for a time reference Muslim faith started in 600's (BTW they did this for 200 years and marched 2000 miles just to kill the non believers)
That is all covered by the first. As is no establishment of a religion.

Thannk you and please come again ( thats what she said?).

Yes it is covered. But you seem to believe it applies to you and people who share your opinion.

First amendment doesn't cover "hate speech" or "subversive speech" in you mind from my interpretation of your posts.
Yes, but my question was specific. That of which he could not answer with logic. Canna is only logical within his own realm.

Imo, Canna, while occasionally prone to wander from reality (as are the rest of us here, let's be honest) as I know it, is pretty logical in his thought process most of the time.

i'll NEVER agree with someone 100%. EVER, it's in my nature.

Oh, but GOODNESS! If i ever found someone who i could identify with 100%, we'd rule the world ;)
We aren't the only ones demanding some coke you fucking moron.

The rest of what you said is nearly undecipherable but I think you are telling me how dangerous Mexico is. LOL Swine Flu too, don't forget Swine Flu.

Anyway I'll reply to this. Actually, the US does in fact receive the lion's share of coke in the world. The US has far more addicts than any other nation per capita and yet the drug war has only one result, it exports violence south.

Still somehow, I feel safer. If an insult to my intelligence is your only reply to this opinion I have, you probably don't even realize how many times I have insulted yours. Quite a few times that have gone over your head actually.
Yes it is covered. But you seem to believe it applies to you and people who share your opinion.

First amendment doesn't cover "hate speech" or "subversive speech" in you mind from my interpretation of your posts.

All rights end when thry harm others. My right to swing my fist ends at your face. Welcome to america.