Little help?


First grow using 1x1000mh. Weed type: 5xCannadential (dna genetics)My question is my weed has been veg for nearly a month and it is only 10inches.. It is bushy with lots of nodes but its just not growing tall. I am using potting sole from my hydroshop. Its watered every 3 days. 1 gallon pots. Using pura vida grow with a bit of bloom. leafs are green and everything is fine. temp 25 humidity is around 40 to 45. Good air circulation. But why no grow????? I dont have picture my phone got stolen yesterday and my onle camera was on my phone.. Try any feed back would be nice...Peace upon the growers


From what I understand and based on my limited experience is that all plants and strains are different. Some grow tall and some grow bushy. In my humble opinion I'd rather have a bushy 10" plant with lots of nodes and tops than a lanky and stretched plant that is 18" with one top. Everybody's grow setup and environment is different and everyone will get different or varying results. I also find that some people exaggerate by showing a picture of A plant vegged for six weeks but saying it's only 4 weeks of veg. Sounds to me like you have a very healthy plant. It's great to get some advice and use other grows as a comparison. However, trust you own instincts and listen to your plant - they know what they want.

In my amateur opinion, I think your pots are too small and 1000 watts seems like a lot for what you have growing. Too much light can retard growth. I had this problem - everything was fine but my plants were tiny. I decreased the amount of light and they started to grow like crazy. What tipped me off was that the leaves were ever so slightly cupping upwards and when I researched the issue, I concluded my lights were too strong.

Sounds like you are doing great in that you have a healthy plant. So just have fun!!


Thats where im having an issue. I was told to flower them when they reach 20 inches but in that case i have to veg them another month?! I guess im simply being impatient just cant wait to smoke my own goods!Thanks for reply


Active Member
I would throw a screen above those puppies.. If they really do have all the nodes like you claim. Raising the light would stretch them a bit. I would repot them as well, maybe... 5 gallons would do


Active Member
Thats where im having an issue. I was told to flower them when they reach 20 inches but in that case i have to veg them another month?! I guess im simply being impatient just cant wait to smoke my own goods!Thanks for reply
Why would you have to flip to flower at 20"? That's kinda stupid.. Whoever told you that I would wright a very mean letter to them that I'd kill there family... Kidding... Kinda...


I would throw a screen above those puppies.. If they really do have all the nodes like you claim. Raising the light would stretch them a bit. I would repot them as well, maybe... 5 gallons would do
This is my first growth so i dont know what you bean by a screen?


If you flower at 20" - your plant will grow to between 40" - 60". I don't want my plants to get too tall. My goal is to Top, FIM and LST so it takes as long as possible to get my plant to about 18" which is where I plan on flowering. That said, I keep screwing it up when I try to FIM. All of us beginners can't wait to taste the fruits of our labour. Growing weed is lesson in patience and not fucking around with it when you have a good thing going. Good luck to you and may your yields be bountiful.


Im going to Transplant them in 5 gal next week or maybe this week. Is scrog something to try on first grow? I fim one of the ladies for fun. Her growth slowed dramatically.


Active Member
So either he breeds the strain and knows for a fact that it doesn't get 20" an he's fuckin with you. Or.... Yeah, I'll go with that. Was it a friend? Are a real seed bank? What's the strain again?


Active Member
Scrogging it hella fun, just like any other technique it takes time to succeed success. But it's really not that difficult if you know the basics


The strain is Cannadential by dna genetics (cannalope haze x la confidential) It was an actual seed bank store (headshop)


Active Member
If you got the light to the highest it will go, and the pots are the closest to the ground as possible. Measure, whatever you have, divide it by 3 just to be safe, and that's what you got. Flower doubles sometimes triples the plants height