THC ministry?


Active Member
So just last night a man by the name of Steven Swalick was arrested near my home town for growing upwards of 100 plants. When questioned about the plants swalick replied that he was a minister of the THC ministry. After some research i have found that this is actually a legitimate religion. Who thinks he will walk? Who thinks he will be charged?


Active Member
well i mean we do have freedom of religion by the constitution, and the THC ministry clearly states that cannabis is used as a sacrament. But im just wondering if anyone has heard of someone using the religion arguement and having it work.


Well-Known Member
well i mean we do have freedom of religion by the constitution, and the THC ministry clearly states that cannabis is used as a sacrament. But im just wondering if anyone has heard of someone using the religion arguement and having it work.
I have never heard of it working, but heard many stories of people trying......... sure makes you think about how strong our "Bill of Rights" is huh.


Well-Known Member
well that all depends I knew I had this in my longgggggggggg list of favorits took me a bit to find it... lengthy but informitive

opps i read to much


Well-Known Member
There is also a temple 420 that is along the same lines, and supposedly there are some major court decisions to back them all up. But really both places charge you like $100 or more a year to be a member, so it sounds like a way to get money. But it may server as a federal defense, maybe. So if you are the paranoid type and either don't have a med rec or just want more insurance it may be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
total bullshit /most likely just a scam to find out where you live and what your doing,would be better off in california with a script from a doctor.


Well-Known Member
How many people in the WORLD are THC Ministry Members?

A 'religion' has to have at least a certain number of members to be a religion (I can't remember the figure).

I imagine this would qualify more as a Cult or maybe a Sect, and I can't imagine either of those would protect you against the laws.


Well-Known Member
total bullshit /most likely just a scam to find out where you live and what your doing,would be better off in california with a script from a doctor.
thats what I'm thinking too..... but this should be a very viable option under our bill of rights and freedom of religious practices. So thats why I'm confused.


Well-Known Member
about that guy with the 100 plants may walk, but ur not allowed to sell or share with nonmembers of the sect or whatever. I'm gonna join THC ministries, and then have like, a joint of tabacco, go up to a cop, show him the stuff, and the papers. that way, I'll get an idea of what'll happen. I'll get back to y'all when I find out. might be a while tho, I'm kinda in the middle of some charges now... USA - United Silencing and Arresting


Well-Known Member
yeah, also, think about it orecal, the constitution Basically states that we, as americans, can do anything as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. ...........yeah mother fucking right. When and where did us tokers ever interfere with the rights of others?


Well-Known Member
okay, I just called the THC ministries, and this guy, uhh.. ROger Christie, he picked up the phone personally. I literally called less than 2 minutes ago. lol, woke the poor guy up, cause it's like 1:30am in Hawaii, but he picked up the phone, told me who he was, asked me where I was from, etc. after about a minute he told me it was the middle of the night and that he had to get to sleep, so I apologized and hung up with him. Sounds legit to me, i mean, he's only charging $250 for the kit, and it's got stuff in it that cost money to make, and he's also gotta deal with phone calls at all times, pay staff, and I'm under the impression that they have put together a rudimentary legal team, both locally and abroad. For $250, that's a drop in the bucket. IDK, I'm joining, and I'm trying to get the word out to others. the more people involved, the stronger the movement. Tell everyone, buy a kit, spread the word. Peace.


Well-Known Member
about that guy with the 100 plants may walk, but ur not allowed to sell or share with nonmembers of the sect or whatever. I'm gonna join THC ministries, and then have like, a joint of tabacco, go up to a cop, show him the stuff, and the papers. that way, I'll get an idea of what'll happen. I'll get back to y'all when I find out. might be a while tho, I'm kinda in the middle of some charges now... USA - United Silencing and Arresting
I can't wait to see how this turns out..... seriously, seriously let me know how this works out (if you get arrested or not)...... what state are you from btw? cause i know it's based in hawaii and all their stories are from hawaii, so i don't know if I trust it working outside of hawaii.