Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I mix alcohol with everything lol. Just crunch up the shrooms real good and chug em down with beer. No chewing no taste. Easy peasy .


Well-Known Member
Fuck shroom's.. I'm all about natural is better but I'll take Cid over shrooms any day. After that first time I have never had a good trip on them. Not horrible but never an enjoyable. Not to mention the 10,000 year old stale sunflower seed taste and the texture of foam peanuts.

Out of 100's of hits of cid I have only had a few bad trips, one where I got picked up on a warrant (obviously sucked) and a few where I took too many different kinds in the same day. I really miss acid but I'm scared that one more time and i won't come back. Hell its been like 14 years and I still have visuals.


New Member
There's your problem, sounds like you're eating the wild ones, I don't much care for them either. You need to get some homegrown, they don't even compare with the wild ones, much better visuals and totally different buzz.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, when I ate the quarter I def had intense visuals. To the point I had to turn the xmas and black lights off and curl up on my bed in the fetal position with my eyes closed skyrocketing through the fractal lazer light show in my head.


New Member
Well wild ones tend to be really sandy and rougher to eat than homegrown. Try and get your hands on some nice fresh homegrowns, you won't regret it. Or you can grow them yourself, it's alot easier than people think, they practically grow themselves.On a side note, I've never had the chance to experience any other kind of psychedelics so I can't compare, but I've always had pretty good trips since I stay in a good mood and plan ahead so I know what is what and where I am, best to take nature walks at night when you're on them too.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could. Currently on Zoloft.... That and I have sever mold, fungus allergies. Not sure how shroom spores would do but prolly not very good.


New Member
Just wear a mask, they mostly just need to be super sterile during the inoculation process and just need a clean plastic tub to incubate in, and that'll be covered anyway so they should be fine there, after that, they practical grow themselves. Just make sure you shower and wear gloves and in your case, a mask when checking on them.


Ursus marijanus
Ah, not sure what all what you meant (as usual) but if it does that then I guess not.
Serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT. The serotonin receptors are many, and it's now accepted that the classical psychedelics are agonists at the 5HT2A receptor.
Zoloft is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and interferes with the brain's serotonin household. While this doesn't cancel the agonist's effects, it can change them in unpleasant ways. cn



New Member
Doesn't sound unpleasant really, just need to take more than usual is what that report shows. Which wouldn't be a problem since you can get about 3-5oz or more with just 1 syringe.


Well-Known Member
I'ma make sure they know about me...........I'm make sure they know about me.............I'ma make sure they know about me.........I'ma make sure they know about me..........I'ma make sure they know about me............I'ma make sure they know about me!! LOL...