Help I need somebody.

Could all this be from humidity cause I got the room back
down to 52 rh for the night. Never had a humidity prob so besides
reading about it I don't really have a clue. Also today I gave ffirst feeding
for flower. Ppm is 800 and next feed will jump up to 1100ppm. My night
temp is around 72 and day is 82/84. I'll put some more pics on in an hour.


Well-Known Member
Foliar spray with Magnesium! I guarantee they wont be yellow anymore after spraying for once a day for three days.
How can you guarantee that? Not saying you are wrong, just wondering what the telltale sign is that you see? I thought Mg was yellow on the outsides of the leaves and starts with lower branches?


Active Member
How can you guarantee that? Not saying you are wrong, just wondering what the telltale sign is that you see? I thought Mg was yellow on the outsides of the leaves and starts with lower branches?
Because, anytime the new growth tips go yellow, I spray with epson salt and it always goes away. Sorry I meant to say Sulphur deficiency. Use Epson at 1 TPS per Gallon. I was very tired when I said that and epson salt contains MG. Try it, Im sure it will fix it. Be sure to Rep me when it works! JK!
View attachment 2417043Flowering day 5 of a super og Kush,Plants are between 18 and 21". Only lime green on the tops where the buds are starting to form. What a differance this last week has been from the start of the post till now. They are definitely do better since last night all grew a half to an inch bigger.