guy incognito
Well-Known Member
Yes I am aware of the mistake. There is a difference between an accidental grammatical mistake and being ignorant though.Pot, meet kettle. Or have you not read the title of your thread?
Yes I am aware of the mistake. There is a difference between an accidental grammatical mistake and being ignorant though.Pot, meet kettle. Or have you not read the title of your thread?
bet your pretty good on a unicycle, the amount of back pedaling you doYes I am aware of the mistake. There is a difference between an accidental grammatical mistake and being ignorant though.
Ignorant people call the cops for no real reasonYes I am aware of the mistake. There is a difference between an accidental grammatical mistake and being ignorant though.
I don't think you know what back pedaling is. I stand by my assertion that tokeholdcouch is an ignoramus, as well as every other assertion I have your pretty good on a unicycle, the amount of back pedaling you do![]()
Who's tokeholdcouch? It's TokeHoldCough, THC for short, funny thing you're the first one I had to explain that too... Imagine that.. A 5-0 caller..I don't think you know what back pedaling is. I stand by my assertion that tokeholdcouch is an ignoramus, as well as every other assertion I have made.
lmfao dude I was like the highest ever because I was rushing that shit down just so I could bail in case. Man when I saw the silhouette at the door I shat a fucking brick, yeah straight up ruined the high, answering the door with big ass pupils and looking like a ghost wouldnt have helped my case lol.I bet the reason why you didn't open the door was because you were high as shit!!! LOL! I would burry my neighbor for killing my high good call on that.If you're neighbor was guy inquadnedo, than you would have got the cops knocking on you're door, thank you're lucky stars man!!!
LOL!! You all open the door with dreadlocks and a rasta hat on, blacksmoke sunglasses like, yeah dude I smelled that too!! Must have been the next house down hahaha!!lmfao dude I was like the highest ever because I was rushing that shit down just so I could bail in case. Man when I saw the silhouette at the door I shat a fucking brick, yeah straight up ruined the high, answering the door with big ass pupils and looking like a ghost wouldnt have helped my case lol.
THC would be short for tokeholdcouch also dumbass. It's one letter different. One letter that is suspiciously close to the other one. Perhaps it was an accidental typo?Who's tokeholdcouch? It's TokeHoldCough, THC for short, funny thing you're the first one I had to explain that too... Imagine that.. A 5-0 caller..
Come on.. If it was THAT bad, wouldn't other neighbors call to complain too?Learn to read you ignorant piece of trash. It wasn't a little thing. It was hands down the smokiest I have ever seen a neighborhood, and I have witnessed entire houses burn to the ground.
Yes you read that right, it produced more smoke than burning an entire house. It was like this:
except instead of fog it was noxious wet leaf smoke.
EDIT: And no, there is no waiting until tomorrow, or ever. I would never expect anyone to do that near where anyone was living. I wouldn't do it within a half mile of my own house. (I would burn leaves, but not a large, wet, oxygen starved pile like they did.)
I'm sure they did. It didn't take long to go from nothing to total smoke out.Come on.. If it was THAT bad, wouldn't other neighbors call to complain too?
Um, maybee you've been under a rock.. but Obama is the president again.. that's not your air buddy. That's the states air.Good, fuck them. They deserve to be busted for being such assholes. I should be able to breathe the air in my own fucking yard.
Damn straight. That's Federal atmosphere, citizen. cnwhat does obama have to do with the states air?
Have you tried addressing the issue with the people burning?I live in the suburbs, and open burning is prohibited. No one seems to mind too much if someone has a bon fire and keeps it reasonable. My neighbors have about a 5 foot pile of leaves in their back yard burning. The smoke is so nasty and thick I cannot see across the street. I called the police to complain and they said they would send someone out when they get a chance. About 10 minutes go by and 2 cop cars show up. They sit there for awhile, I see a police officer from each vehicle get out and they talk to each other. I am not sure if they talked to the people at the house or not, but they left. The leaf pile is still burning and I can smell it in my house. I am dealing with the flu and would like to go outside and get some fresh air, but it looks like I am in a god damn cloud of smoke.
What should I do? Call the police back and ask why they didn't make them put the fire out? I am sure I was not the only person to call and complain. I literally cannot see the house across the street.
I am not a happy camper right now.
how did you manage to stop the fireman checking your garage out, i'd have been running around like a headless chickenWithout getting into the rest of the violence here, I do think burning leaves are a major bummer. Everyone does that out here, and it destroys every beautiful fall weekend, the only time of year its nice to open windows.3 years ago my neighbor started a leaf fire, and it quickly spread to my yard, damaging my garage, where my fucking grow is, burned the bottom my my swim platform on my ski boat, burned my table, and the embers burned holes in the $600 cover on the boat. The damn firemen tried to go in my garage to make sure there was no fire inside, that was a tricky one. People that do that around other homes are rude. Flat out. Its not just "hey this is my property", because guess goes everywhere. Calling the cops might have been a little extreme unless they said get fucked I'm not putting it out, but they're still rude.