Well-Known Member
toughen upI hate when people burn leaves. It's so lazy, and inconsiderate to neighbors. I feel like it's really unsafe too
toughen upI hate when people burn leaves. It's so lazy, and inconsiderate to neighbors. I feel like it's really unsafe too
They're supposed to ... just ... leave. cnAren't they supposed to burn leaves? isn't that what you're supposed to do with leaves? I don't get it.
agreed, if you aint man enough to tell them yourself first then you should just keep it to yourself, i never call the cops i knock on doors unless shit gets out of hand . . . which has happened a few times, id rather not have to put some kid in the hospital and then have to pay his billsyeah your neighbors are assholes you should take it up with them, but the cops usually solve nothing and just create more problems, not in all instances though, not if your being murdered or raped, but generally they are out to arrest whoever they can.... almost as if to fill a quota, which is illegal but I wouldnt be surprised
Fuck you. I hope for the sake of humanity you get hit by a bus and remove your genes from the pool.Honestly... Stop bitching. 4 houses down from me, lives a pedo. And you want people to stop burning leaves!!!???!!
If I were them, here's what I'd say: I'll stop burnig my leaves when you stop burning yours HAHAHA!! And then slam the door on you're face...
No. Are you illiterate or stupid? It was a 5 foot pile of wet leaves that was smoldering so bad and creating so much smoke I could not see the house across the street. I have the flu and sinus issues. Why on earth would I go out in that? We aren't talking about a small bon fire or the grass being too long or something nitpicky. This was an action that no sane and reasonable person would take. We aren't in the country here, my house is about 12 foot from their house. The lots are 40 feet wide by 120 feet you can't talk to the neighbours? I hate neighbours that acted cool with you, then talk shit about you behind your back. Those are the punk bitches!![]()
No. There is a massive pile of wet leaves in their yard still. They could not have burned them even if they wanted to. It eventually smothered itself. Yes it all ended peacefully; I went to bed right after posting this and just woke up.did everyone live thru the night?
are the leaves done burning?
is life good again?
i hope it all ended peacefully.
I would say smoke thick enough to not be able to see the house I was attempting to go to qualifies as out of hand.agreed, if you aint man enough to tell them yourself first then you should just keep it to yourself, i never call the cops i knock on doors unless shit gets out of hand . . . which has happened a few times, id rather not have to put some kid in the hospital and then have to pay his bills
. . . .
How about you go fuck your mother instead.move to the hills get a horse stop bothering people-Don Rickels
Fuck you faggot. I hope fall in the shower and hit your head and die.Guess you're gonna call the cops next time they mow the yard and you have a headache, cause the mower is tooo loud.. Get a grip dude, people do this every fall.. If you don't like neighbors or dealing with neighbors.. Move to the country and stop calling police for a bunch of BS
I'm not sure if you really understood the gravity of the situation. Nothing I said was an exaggeration. Is their any point where it is acceptable to call the police? The situation I explained is nothing like inadvertently rolling concrete onto your neighbors driveway.I wouldn't have called the police. That's not very neighborly. Neither is creating a thick fog of smoke but I would have went and talked to them. And suggested starting a compost pile as an alternative to burning. Just yesterday one of my neighbors was dumping concrete spoils from a job over his hill and some rolled down onto my driveway. Not sure he knew but I went and told him. Then told him I was trying to build up my hill and if he needed he was more than welcome to dump on my hill. He apologized and now I have the fill I needed.
Go kill yourself bitch.All the many problems in the world and you call the cops coz someone is burning leaves lol if i was the cops id bill you for wasting my time .
how about you go bitch about other people some more . . . . .if you are intolerant of others peolples lives affecting you, take yourself out of the equations. your response speaks volumes to your mindset . self centered and stubbornHow about you go fuck your mother instead.