What's happening to my baby? newbie needs help!!!


Well-Known Member
for the past couple of days i've noticed all these marks on the leafs...its not on all of them, but the ones that hand any are in the pictures...

I've only just started feeding it nutrients from ECOLIZER GROW-UP on the last watering which was 2 days ago.

The plant is alive since 28th of april. I usually water it until water starts coming out of the bottom, and then just leave it 2ish days to dry out completely and repeat the process...is this the right method to be watering it?

I was planning on repotting soon...is that a good or bad idea?

I've also got a Cheese feminized sitting next to it which is looking much nicer, no burns, no problems, so the issue is just with this unknown sativa...

thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
Someooneeee Please!!! The Colorations In The 3rd Image Have Spread Out Even More... I Dont Understand What's Causing This Shiiiittttt


Well-Known Member
wow that was helpfull...heheheh

i dont know the ph because my ph tester hasnt arrived yet, which is what i htink is wrong.. the light is about 20cm above the plant..should it be higher?


Well-Known Member
wow that was helpfull...heheheh

i dont know the ph because my ph tester hasnt arrived yet, which is what i htink is wrong.. the light is about 20cm above the plant..should it be higher?
what kind of light are you using?


Well-Known Member
The plant is alive since april 28th? What does that mean? Alive from clone, alive from seeds? Have you been using the HPS since you sprouted seeds or something? Please give as much detailed info as you can when you are asking for help.

I'm inexperienced at growing but I have a guess for you.

Were the spots there before you started using the nutrients? If not, then I say that it's most likely early signs of nute burn. It's too early (only 9 days old?) to be using nutes anyways (from what I've read) especially in soil, which already contains lots of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
that must be the issue... april 28th is when it first shot out of the soil, from seed. i started giving it the first dosage of food 3 days ago i believe...so i've done it too early? when should i do it.. and the weird thing is i've treated both plants the same..the cheese is blosoming and the other one is fukd.


Well-Known Member
i havent been using HPS at all yet..im using a metal halloide if that's how u write it...

i've read the hps is better just for flowering...?


Well-Known Member
i havent been using HPS at all yet..im using a metal halloide if that's how u write it...

i've read the hps is better just for flowering...?
red spec. = flowering
blue spec = veg

for CFL you can use either red or blue for veg I haven't noticed a diffrence compared between my plants and my friend's plants since they are the same strain


Well-Known Member
did you get the unknown seed out of a bag you bought?
if so that might be why there is alot of difference betw2een the two plants. bagseed is crap.(in my opinion)though i have seen some great bagseed plants.


Well-Known Member
did you get the unknown seed out of a bag you bought?
if so that might be why there is alot of difference betw2een the two plants. bagseed is crap.(in my opinion)though i have seen some great bagseed plants.
is bagseeds the seeds that you get when you buy weed and it has seeds in the bud?


Well-Known Member
first, i wouldnt degrade myself to smoking sandy shit with stalks and seeds...hehe thats males form the middle east and i know caust i grew up there ;)

the random seed is from a colleciton i've been picking from amazing buds (mostly from switzrland) for year now...i planted it last year, it was a great great great plant growing outdoors but it became a hermie... when it was harvested it only had about 20 seeds on the whole plant. so i kept them, and one of those seeds is the random one that suffering now...

poor baby... u think it nutes then? even tho im using ogranic ones....?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Its not nute burn or the tips and edges of the leaves would look like picture 2. i would say its probably a mineral difficentcy of some sort or some type of root rot.

this is a good listing of the different mineral difficentcies and what they look like. if its root rot you may want to try hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp per gallon of water)

Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table

hope that helps:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanx mate, its a bit hard to actually diagnose the problem into words and compare it to the table..it all sounds very similar.. what would you classify the leaf with the colourless spots in the 3rd picture? just spots?? in that case its Mn...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I don't know, you gave it nutes for the first time and this happened. I'm a relative newb and I way overdosed my plants the first time and look at the pics. Looks very similar. Flush with two times the amount of water as your container size. If it's a gallon container use two gallons. Soak them good, then check exactly how much nutes you gave them and start over with a less harsh dose.

Dont worry, they came out okay, see?

