Myceliumbox easy shroom grow - 3 strains, first time


Well-Known Member
I heard vitamin C makes it stronger, but I dont know the fact. Every time I did shrooms I did them all at once, I heard you need to do it that way, otherwise your body is ready for the poison and will fight it off faster. Every time I have ate them all at once I have tripped pretty hard, even on just 2 grams.


Well-Known Member
About 3 weeks

- Harvesting the last of the Thai second flush tomorrow, then gonna go for round 3 :) the second flush was actually quite nice, very meaty.
- Orissa India are on third flush, so far there are some shrooms stuck down the side of the box and just one on top. So still waiting for the good shit! I hate the outside shrooms lol always prefer growing up the frikin sides.
- Harvested a bit more of the treasure coast first flush today, i think most this first flush will be pins. I heard a similar review on the website and the guy/girl had normal shrooms on the second flush so im looking forward to that

2012-11-01 16.14.17.jpg2012-11-01 16.14.26.jpg2012-11-01 16.14.37.jpg2012-11-01 16.24.52.jpg2012-11-01 16.25.05.jpg

I HAD to take a pic of this Thai shroom haha with two legs and an erection. Gonna save that one i think its special.



Active Member
About 3 weeks

- Harvesting the last of the Thai second flush tomorrow, then gonna go for round 3 :) the second flush was actually quite nice, very meaty.
- Orissa India are on third flush, so far there are some shrooms stuck down the side of the box and just one on top. So still waiting for the good shit! I hate the outside shrooms lol always prefer growing up the frikin sides.
- Harvested a bit more of the treasure coast first flush today, i think most this first flush will be pins. I heard a similar review on the website and the guy/girl had normal shrooms on the second flush so im looking forward to that

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I HAD to take a pic of this Thai shroom haha with two legs and an erection. Gonna save that one i think its special.

Nice thread Low , So did you tried some? i think it's pretty amazing to grow some shroom at home .... im thinking on doing it me too , did you have any suggestion on where to get it and how to do it ??

Take care budd


Well-Known Member
Nice thread Low , So did you tried some? i think it's pretty amazing to grow some shroom at home .... im thinking on doing it me too , did you have any suggestion on where to get it and how to do it ??

Take care budd
im in europe so i ordered from Yeah ive tried only a gram dry a few times with friends but they are scared and i dont wanna be sittin there trippin on 3g by myself. 1g dry is nice though. Gonna do 2g tonight with another friend and watch the fireworks display so ill let you know how that goes lol The most ive felt off 1g is an energy intensity like mdma, but its more like being stoned, not really making me wanna dance, but just sit and listen to music or play xbox or something or talk with friends. It made the bathroom in my friends house seem non-dimensional. Like everything was just there all at once, lol. I was still able to function normally and i didnt have any visuals on just 1g. So, yeah, ill report my 2g trip soon.
One of my other friends took 3g home with him and did it by himself during the evening up until about 5am he took the last shroom and started tripping, he said he had a good time but it was very intense but he stayed positive through it. He said he had a massive smile and he was trying to kiss himself and basically having sex with the air, and he watched some mighty boosh and thought it was the funniest thing ever lol
I wanna do the 3g dry trip too but in about a month when i have less commitments and i can have a couple days to myself :)

As far as where to do it, they need to be at 23oC and have indirect light. So i put my boxes in my weed cupboard under the shade of the flowering females, which is stable around 22-24oC even at night :) they seem to have done really well in there so i cant complain. The shrooms seem to prefer growing round the sides of the box, so next time if i order some more, im gonna order one of their 'XL myceliumboxes' which are like twice the size i think, so i think it will encourage the shrooms the grow more in the middle rather than the easy option (the gap between the substrate and the box). I also found that the colder the water soaking between flushes, the faster and heavier the next flush seems to be (I filled the myceliumboxes with refrigerated mineral water, and then place the lid on, and put the myceliumbox inside a large clean sandwich box so that they dont get contaminated, and then back in the refrigerator for about 5 hours.....although maybe i should be leaving them for even longer)

Its really simple, im just giving some finer details that i have realised here for better harvest. There are instructions on their website how to grow


Well-Known Member
I heard vitamin C makes it stronger, but I dont know the fact. Every time I did shrooms I did them all at once, I heard you need to do it that way, otherwise your body is ready for the poison and will fight it off faster. Every time I have ate them all at once I have tripped pretty hard, even on just 2 grams.

You got a bit of truth in there. But just a bit. No poison involved.

Google "lemon tek" and you will see lots on the effect of any acid (citric is good) on psilocybin mushrooms.

There are 2 primary chemicals we care about (no, not going into trace amounts) in these mushrooms.

#1 is psilocin. This is what makes us trip. This is a very unstable chemical and will break down in a blink when exposed to heat and oxygen. How much? Tiny fucking bits. When you bruise a shroom, this chemical is breaking down and turning blue. When you dry a shroom, KISS IT GOOD BYE. This is why fresh shrooms are somewhat stronger.

#2 is psilocybin. This does nothing for you. Really. When it hits your stomach, you stomach acid turns into into psilocin, which in turn makes you trip. The faster your stomach can convert, the faster the come up. If it has to break down cell walls in dried shrooms, it take a few minutes longer. If you extract into tea, no cell walls, all hits at once, you come up faster and harder.

But, if you mix your psilocybin contain material (I used blendered dry, 2-4 grams) with an acidic substance (lemon juice anyone?), hit converts the psilocybin to psilocin immediately, creating a ridiculously fast (for shrooms) come up (5-10 min), and hell of a peak, and then a pretty quick trip. Might last no more than 60-90 minutes. Then DOWN!

No poison. Ok?


Well-Known Member
You got a bit of truth in there. But just a bit. No poison involved.

Google "lemon tek" and you will see lots on the effect of any acid (citric is good) on psilocybin mushrooms.

There are 2 primary chemicals we care about (no, not going into trace amounts) in these mushrooms.

#1 is psilocin. This is what makes us trip. This is a very unstable chemical and will break down in a blink when exposed to heat and oxygen. How much? Tiny fucking bits. When you bruise a shroom, this chemical is breaking down and turning blue. When you dry a shroom, KISS IT GOOD BYE. This is why fresh shrooms are somewhat stronger.

#2 is psilocybin. This does nothing for you. Really. When it hits your stomach, you stomach acid turns into into psilocin, which in turn makes you trip. The faster your stomach can convert, the faster the come up. If it has to break down cell walls in dried shrooms, it take a few minutes longer. If you extract into tea, no cell walls, all hits at once, you come up faster and harder.

But, if you mix your psilocybin contain material (I used blendered dry, 2-4 grams) with an acidic substance (lemon juice anyone?), hit converts the psilocybin to psilocin immediately, creating a ridiculously fast (for shrooms) come up (5-10 min), and hell of a peak, and then a pretty quick trip. Might last no more than 60-90 minutes. Then DOWN!

No poison. Ok?

Is there any truth to what he said about the dosing, though? About doing them all at once I mean? I never heard that before so I'm kinda curious.

I almost always split them in half and do one half and then another once it starts coming on.


Active Member
im in europe so i ordered from Yeah ive tried only a gram dry a few times with friends but they are scared and i dont wanna be sittin there trippin on 3g by myself. 1g dry is nice though. Gonna do 2g tonight with another friend and watch the fireworks display so ill let you know how that goes lol The most ive felt off 1g is an energy intensity like mdma, but its more like being stoned, not really making me wanna dance, but just sit and listen to music or play xbox or something or talk with friends. It made the bathroom in my friends house seem non-dimensional. Like everything was just there all at once, lol. I was still able to function normally and i didnt have any visuals on just 1g. So, yeah, ill report my 2g trip soon.
One of my other friends took 3g home with him and did it by himself during the evening up until about 5am he took the last shroom and started tripping, he said he had a good time but it was very intense but he stayed positive through it. He said he had a massive smile and he was trying to kiss himself and basically having sex with the air, and he watched some mighty boosh and thought it was the funniest thing ever lol
I wanna do the 3g dry trip too but in about a month when i have less commitments and i can have a couple days to myself :)

As far as where to do it, they need to be at 23oC and have indirect light. So i put my boxes in my weed cupboard under the shade of the flowering females, which is stable around 22-24oC even at night :) they seem to have done really well in there so i cant complain. The shrooms seem to prefer growing round the sides of the box, so next time if i order some more, im gonna order one of their 'XL myceliumboxes' which are like twice the size i think, so i think it will encourage the shrooms the grow more in the middle rather than the easy option (the gap between the substrate and the box). I also found that the colder the water soaking between flushes, the faster and heavier the next flush seems to be (I filled the myceliumboxes with refrigerated mineral water, and then place the lid on, and put the myceliumbox inside a large clean sandwich box so that they dont get contaminated, and then back in the refrigerator for about 5 hours.....although maybe i should be leaving them for even longer)

Its really simple, im just giving some finer details that i have realised here for better harvest. There are instructions on their website how to grow
Thanks a lot for the info buddy! +red for the reply!

Have a good one!


Well-Known Member
Haha, well I was in a rush before leaving the other day, and i wanted the shrooms to kick in faster, so i broke up some dry shrooms (about 1.3g) in a cup and added pure lemon juice, and gave a swirl for a few minutes till the colour went kinda brown. Then........i added a tea bag, hot water and milk.......LOL i was thinking 'hmmm this lemon might separate the milk' but i thought it would reassemble wheen i added the hot water. Well it never reassembled. It turned into a cup of what looked like vomit, and it even tasted all acidic like vomit. I think next time im gonna add this lemon/shroom mix to a GREEN tea lol with NO MILK hahaha i still drank it all though. Just ate a mint afterwards and left. It was a really pleasant a mild trip. I didnt do the full 2g because i was in a rush to leave and i didnt have to time to weigh out the shrooms so i underestimated on purpose. Plus i had a 2000 word essay to do the next day. But anyways, it was really nice, i felt really warm inside and everything was more peaceful. It was great.

The second flush of the treasutre coast are hollow, and i did a bit of research and found this is normal for alot of strains. The mazaptec and thai ban hua were meaty though and i prefer their structure. All in all, so far i have prefered the orissa india in terms of size of first and second flush. The thai are more meaty though and weigh more and look prettier. The treasure coast have been a bit disappointing so far, first flush was tonnes of pins that i just had pull out covered in substrate, so theyre are not really edible until i stew them in tea and strain off the substrate. The second flush is more sparse and hollow, and the caps are kinda slimey feeling. All 3 boxes have withstood any contamination so far though so im really happy with my purchase overall. On the 3rd flush of thai now, 4th flush of india (nothing appearing yet, maybe all gone) and 2nd of treasure coast.


Well-Known Member
One month later....

2012-11-09 19.03.58.jpg2012-11-09 19.04.05.jpg
^ Second flush treasure coast on the left, not hollow like the last ones, these ones are long and thin but pretty dense lol feel kinda weird, i think they gonna b strong. There are 1/3 of my third Thai flush on the right. These pics were taken about the middle of last week. The orissa India produced its last one lovely lil shroom hehe looks weird, its kinda sad sayin goodbye. Nice shroom tho, its the thickest one its popped up yet and its got a perfect cap on and kinda looks like it was gonna b strong. I twisted it off the substrate and when i brushed the substrate off, it immediately strained a DEEP blue lol so i think its gonna be a strong one :D So ive thrown away the orissa now. The TC and Thai boxes have gone back in for their 3rd and 4th flushes, respectively. Im gettin rid of the boxes after this flush anyway, because my haze plants are gettin cut down in under a week and so tehre will be no light or warmth for them to grow coz im using my grow cupboaird to dry my weed. Im really happy how these shrooms have turned out. I think ill be able to space out what ive grown so far over quite a long time


Well-Known Member
2012-11-12 16.15.52.jpg2012-11-12 16.16.11.jpg2012-11-12 16.19.15.jpg2012-11-12 16.20.16.jpg
^ the last orissa shroom. I wanted to eat it fresh for a change again so i ate it tonight before i went to my friend's. Thats orange juice on the right with a chopped up fresh shroom in haha I think it would kick in faster if i blended it and left it for a bit longer, but it still got me wrecked ive had a wicked night lol always makes teh evenings seem like they've taken a few days. Played some mrtal kombat and fifa and we were pretty even lol i managed to do some intense gaming tonight and i was gurnin pretty hard off the shroom. Proppa trippy feeling evening with nice weed n good tunes too


Well-Known Member
I think that one would prob be 1g dry or so, im not too sure, maybe 0.9 or something, it was pretty chunky. p.s. you might wanna brush ur teeth after eating orange jucie covered shrooms lol i got about 20 cavities from eating this slop


Well-Known Member
2012-11-18 00.04.18.jpg

third flush treasure coast. for what it was worth ive put them for their 4th flush lol weed aint quiet ready to harvest.

View attachment 2414453 weed and banana cakes :D(there are 4 with no weed in on top, the specled ones have weed in) pretty tasty!


hey grape i have a quick question about growing mushrooms if your game. After you steralize your jars in the pressurecooker and let them cool for the night. When you innoculate them when you take the tin foil off the lid is it ok to have a couple of drops of water on the lid or should their be none??


Well-Known Member
hey grape i have a quick question about growing mushrooms if your game. After you steralize your jars in the pressurecooker and let them cool for the night. When you innoculate them when you take the tin foil off the lid is it ok to have a couple of drops of water on the lid or should their be none??
That should be ok. Probably just condensation.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2414445

third flush treasure coast. for what it was worth ive put them for their 4th flush lol weed aint quiet ready to harvest.

View attachment 2414453 weed and banana cakes :D(there are 4 with no weed in on top, the specled ones have weed in) pretty tasty!
Any white fruits? TC is known to throw off some white ones from time to time. I grew some from sporeworks about a year ago looking for a white one to clone but didn't get any.


Well-Known Member
Any white fruits? TC is known to throw off some white ones from time to time. I grew some from sporeworks about a year ago looking for a white one to clone but didn't get any.
nah i didnt find any :( its supposed to be the white strain of TC but nah, just got the regular ones pop up


Well-Known Member
2012-11-19 12.46.08.jpg2012-12-06 07.54.59.jpg
^ the last proper flush of TC that was about two weeks ago. Since then had another flush with about 4 'medium to big' ones and the pic on the right is what i harvested from the same box yesterday, with another medium sized one still growing, then im gonna throw it away coz its starting to smell a bit funky. No mould whatsoever, just a stagnant damp smell. The large one on the second pic is a similar size to the largst one from last weeks flush, which weighed up as 2.5g bone dry. These TC are described as 'high potency' by the website so ill freeze the 2.5g ers till im a bit more experienced


Active Member
Doesnt vitamin C stop the trip? I thought thats why people drink orange juice if they cant handle it. And 7-15g dry of these shrooms and i dont think you would be coming back from narnia....think ill just do the 3g dry max tek and space that shit out lol i can handle writhing around on my bed trying to kiss myself till 6am but, 3x that = not for me lol
Vitamin C enhances shroom and LCD trips, I always drink orange juice while trippin :P
Calcium stops it or rather brings you down faster. So if you or your buddies are bad trippin, chug some milk.


Well-Known Member
I am nearing the end of my second myceliumbox combi pack purchase from the same site. Got to say im very happy! This time I ordered Hawaiian, cambodian and McKennai (yeah I know this strain is not mean't to even exist, so i dunno) and whats in the box there is around 1/3 of what I have got dry so far and they are still goin. I also got a 'super envy' promotion pot with my last order but that deal is over now. The super envy was put in a small round pot, unlike the other standard myceliumboxes. There were a couple deformed things that grew on top like slugs and when i squeezed them a load of liquid just seeped out with a squeal. Other than that there was a mass of thick crud. I figured the abnormal growth was because of the small surface area that the shrooms had to grow out of on top, so I slipped the whole thing out and turned it upside down on a plant saucer, and placed it in a tub and back in the grow bag, and now a week later I have some super envy (they say the super envy is the fruit of their labor in trying to create a PE viable myceliumbox)

PE 1.jpgPE 2.jpgdry.jpg

So once again O'm very happy with this company. In fact today they have a 30% discount on all their products to celebrate the birthday of their new king i think. So yeah check em out, but they don't ship to certain places