detroit lions

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Well-Known Member
I think this is honestly the first time I've seen Rogers with a truly angry face. All I see him doing is being all smiles in all those damn commercials and now that I see the look of psychotic anger in his eye I come to question what I really knew about him lol.


Well-Known Member
out of meds is worse..but Schwartz is a goner..a good coach can have that team 11-12 wins next season.


Well-Known Member
I had 2 packer fans over helping me install my AC unit. Thanks again Detroit. That was sweet. Now for the yearly embarrassment of getting our ass kicked on Thanksgiving, showing the country that we do infact still suck.


Well-Known Member
sorry m.f ers time for some heads to roll ..i dont know whats worse being outa meds for the hollidays or seeing the lions lose
I like Mikel Leshoure, but c'mon, throw the fucking ball!! I don't understand why they have been so committed to the run for the first 3 quraters of every game, and then decide to go no huddle and pass the ball in the 4'th and actually make a game of it. They don't have the horses on the O-line to pound the ball. They are built to pass the ball, and have the best WR in the game....... THROW THE FRIGGIN BALL!!!


Well-Known Member
hey dickhead, I thin you can lose the Sr. on your are 24 years old and it is doubtful someone will mistake you for your infant son.


Well-Known Member
Delmas is the only competent person in the secondary, gives us a much better chance to win. It's just too bad he can't stay healthy. That and for some reason our offense just flounders around for half the game.
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