Confused on what to expect for yeilds?


Well-Known Member
So been browsing sannies site and see like chocolate rain says up to 500g/m2, so does that mean I could do like 3-4 under a 1k and pull 2000G? lol that seems wrong, so how exactly is watt/g actually done?

Sorry if confusing lol high as hell right now!


Well-Known Member
500g/m2 means you can expect 500 grams from a square meter of plantS. A square meter can be any number of plants.
I think that estimate is based on those doing some kind of SOG grow. That's where smaller plants are jammed together
under a net of some kind. Mostly a pro or advanced grower thing.



bud bootlegger
500g/m2 means you can expect 500 grams from a square meter of plantS. A square meter can be any number of plants.
I think that estimate is based on those doing some kind of SOG grow. That's where smaller plants are jammed together
under a net of some kind. Mostly a pro or advanced grower thing.

this is what those numbers mean, but i like to tell new growers not to expect to get any yield, that way even if you yield say an ounce per plant or w/e, you'll be happier then say you were expecting 5 per plant..
and honestly, growing is not as easy as it may seem from the outside, and tons and tons of things effect things like yield, and it's honestly the one dpt i think i still struggle the most with after about 5 years or so of growing now.
i usually don't even pay attention to the numbers put up as honestly, they mostly are a best of type of thing, and like i said, tons of things come into play that can greatly effect yields ime..


Well-Known Member
so how long of a veg to get 500 from just one big plant? 2 months? im just curious because doesn't that mean my 1000 watt should turn out amazing plants in the 4-6 plant range.


Well-Known Member
^listen to rb on this. It seems like you max out at a 1:1 gram to watt ratio. But don't expect to even do that well.


Well-Known Member
well see thats my confusion I was assuming .7g a watt, but does that mean ill get 700 G from all 6 plants or is it saying if done properly 700 from each?

bob jameson

Active Member
The yield of a plant depends on the plant's genetics and how it's grown. Probably the best use of the numbers given for yield is to use them to compare one strain to another. How you grow it will determine the actual yield you get.

Decide on your method (ie sea of green, screen of green, individual plants grown to the biggest size you can accommodate, etc.) and grow your plant(s) the best you can and you will get the biggest yield you can.


as someone on there 1st grow too, jst chill out use this an a learning exp more than gettin the max yeild do a blog or take notes for ur next grow, if i get an oz a plant then i'm happy anymore is a bonus as i aint done it b4 so i'm not expecting gr8 things, something not too bad would b gd, i've read a ton of pages on how to grow/not to grow but no smarter for it, main components are light, air and water all extras will help of course, gl with ur grow :)


bud bootlegger
well see thats my confusion I was assuming .7g a watt, but does that mean ill get 700 G from all 6 plants or is it saying if done properly 700 from each?
no, if someone says that they got 1 gram per watt, which btw is not a very easy thing to do imo, that means if they had 1k of lights, they would get 1000 grams from the entire grow, not one plant..
even .5 gram per watt isn't all that easy at times till you get things dialed down.. that would mean if you used a 400 watter, you'd get 200 grams, dry.. off of the top of my head math that would be about 7 ounces for the grow.. say three or four plants, we're talking about 2 zips per each plants, which isn't crazy numbers, just not as easy as saying plugging in a light and watering some plants from time to time.


Well-Known Member
so essentially veg after certain time will be pointless, my plan was veg for 2-3 months then flower. I have 1600 watts total so should be nice :)


Active Member
so essentially veg after certain time will be pointless, my plan was veg for 2-3 months then flower. I have 1600 watts total so should be nice :)
If you are going to veg that long indoors, I would seriously consider some type of training be done on the plant. Whether it be LST or scrog. You have a lot of wattage but if that thing becomes a beast, it will be hard to get full usage out of your lights.


Well-Known Member
well see thats my confusion I was assuming .7g a watt, but does that mean ill get 700 G from all 6 plants or is it saying if done properly 700 from each?
....If after reading this you're still looking for some sort of fixed number, then you just don't get it.