The men who built America

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Keep telling yourself that althor. It is just one more of the lovely lies the right manages in order to romanticise our past.

The immigrants weren't whipped, sold, their families weren't sold and they had the option of actually leaving where they worked.

In short, no matter how bad immigrants had it it was in NO cases as bad as slaves had it.
Care to prove that?


Well-Known Member
Care to prove that?
Prove what? that the right tends to believe that slaves MUST have been treated well because they were property, expensive property at that and because they were property, why that property was kept shiny clean and well fed because, that's what people do,it's called pride of ownership, it is prudent and wise. But it didn't happen that way.

That the right believes that slaves had it better than immigrants and workers in the north? yet immigrants weren't whipped or beaten, their wives were not taken from them and sold, their children not taken and sold and there was at least a possibility that they could leave their situation, something that were a slave to try, would get him hung.

So what is there to prove?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Prove what? that the right tends to believe that slaves MUST have been treated well because they were property, expensive property at that and because they were property, why that property was kept shiny clean and well fed because, that's what people do,it's called pride of ownership, it is prudent and wise. But it didn't happen that way.

That the right believes that slaves had it better than immigrants and workers in the north? yet immigrants weren't whipped or beaten, their wives were not taken from them and sold, their children not taken and sold and there was at least a possibility that they could leave their situation, something that were a slave to try, would get him hung.

So what is there to prove?
Prove that the "right" believes that. I have never heard that premise in my life. And coming from a partisan hack makes it much less believable.


Well-Known Member
Prove that the "right" believes that. I have never heard that premise in my life. And coming from a partisan hack makes it much less believable.

I have heard it, I have read it. you have not. What DOES the right believe about the condition of slaves in the south?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I have heard it, I have read it. you have not. What DOES the right believe about the condition of slaves in the south?
I have heard individuals say it. I have never heard a political party say it. That seems to be your problem. EVERYTHING is partisan in your eyes. If an individual says it and he is a republican automatically in your black and white mind that is the view of the party. Seems you need to open your eyes a little bit and look beyond the 2 party system.

You saying "What DOES the right believe about the condition of slaves in the south" just proves my point further. You are asking what a political party in 2012 thinks about an issue that was resolved over a century ago.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
thats right sweaty men covered in grime and dirt and making less than most in there time . . . . . . . .the real heroes and men of America work diligently without acknowledgement or 401ks or stock options and in a environment second to few in deaths and accidents

real men putting life on the line for rich wieners to wear hair pieces and talk about deep dark secrets


Active Member
When it comes to regulation, left says more regulation, right says less regulation. To me regulation seems important. They are like rules, we have rules to protect us. How are we going to live in a deregulated country in the 21st century? When it seems that there are so many avenues to manipulate the system and scam people with the technology we have today. Versus back in the day, some of the scams we are capable of today wouldn't be possible back then. The thing with regulation that sucks, is the sometimes the rule that is being put in place can effect small business or the little guy to adhere to a rule that doesn't really pertain to them, but they have to abide by now.



Active Member
iron workers built America . . . and if you dont agree . .suck steel
I agree a 100%. Those men were tough as fuck. But Big business and the right would have you believe if it weren't for the rich none of this would have happened. So who really built america? Almost the chicken or egg saying. But not really cause if the business man didn't take the risk, then none of that would have happened. Look how that trickle down economy worked lol. Businessmen making millions while the workers scraped by to live.



Well-Known Member
I have heard individuals say it. I have never heard a political party say it. That seems to be your problem. EVERYTHING is partisan in your eyes. If an individual says it and he is a republican automatically in your black and white mind that is the view of the party. Seems you need to open your eyes a little bit and look beyond the 2 party system.

You saying "What DOES the right believe about the condition of slaves in the south" just proves my point further. You are asking what a political party in 2012 thinks about an issue that was resolved over a century ago.

It wasn't resolved a century ago, as evidenced by how this black president is treated now, in the 21st century. It is only those who individualy or collectively (as in a political party) who hold that to be true, all the while wagging fingers in the president's face, calling out in a state of the union address "you lie", claiming that Obama is not an American, or that he is lazy or stupid.

Indeed, it may be a few who say what may believe, it is in what is whispered, or intoned that we get the real picture and that is to that picture I refer.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Poor Thomas Edison? HAHA!That poor guy tried and failed to sue Hollywood for sprocket width.He made the Motion Picture PattentCorp in order to only allow those who paid him to make movies.The courts later found his MONOPOLY illegal.You libs are hilarious!


Active Member
You do realize that JP Morgan bought enough shares fire Thomas Edison from his own company. I bet you would be pissed if you invented something that dramatically changed the world, and just cause someone has enough money to buy you out doesn't mean they should or allowed to. Sounds like you would like things to go back the way they used to. Who ever has the most money wins.



Well-Known Member
You do realize that JP Morgan bought enough shares fire Thomas Edison from his own company. I bet you would be pissed if you invented something that dramatically changed the world, and just cause someone has enough money to buy you out doesn't mean they should or allowed to. Sounds like you would like things to go back the way they used to. Who ever has the most money wins.

Thomas Edison didn't invent shit. Karma got him good.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that JP Morgan bought enough shares fire Thomas Edison from his own company. I bet you would be pissed if you invented something that dramatically changed the world, and just cause someone has enough money to buy you out doesn't mean they should or allowed to. Sounds like you would like things to go back the way they used to. Who ever has the most money wins.


The lightbulb only changed the world for the extremely rich people, things didn't REALLY change until Tesla came along and invented a way to get power to your home. You think Edison invented some cool things, he was a simpleton compared to Tesla, hell even Einstein himself thought he was small potatoes compared to Tesla. Tesla invented the Radio, the LASER, Robotics, Remote control, Wireless power transfer, Florescent bulbs, Neon Signs, Tesla Coil, X-Ray, Electric Motor, A/C Generator. A/C Electricity. That's just a few of the more than 278 important ones.

Does the show say anything about Tesla?

I don't watch TV, don't have cable and cannot receive any stations without a high-power antenna, so its not like I can watch.


Well-Known Member
The lightbulb only changed the world for the extremely rich people, things didn't REALLY change until Tesla came along and invented a way to get power to your home. You think Edison invented some cool things, he was a simpleton compared to Tesla, hell even Einstein himself thought he was small potatoes compared to Tesla. Tesla invented the Radio, the LASER, Robotics, Remote control, Wireless power transfer, Florescent bulbs, Neon Signs, Tesla Coil, X-Ray, Electric Motor, A/C Generator. A/C Electricity. That's just a few of the more than 278 important ones.

Does the show say anything about Tesla?

I don't watch TV, don't have cable and cannot receive any stations without a high-power antenna, so its not like I can watch.
If it weren't for Tesla who knows what would have happened with DC. Remember, Tesla worked for Edison and Edison screwed him.

Show praises Tesla and how he gave up his royalties in AC in order to save Westinghouse.


Well-Known Member
If it weren't for Tesla who knows what would have happened with DC. Remember, Tesla worked for Edison and Edison screwed him.

Show praises Tesla and how he gave up his royalties in AC in order to save Westinghouse.
You know, its funny, Edison argued that Tesla's A/C power was dangerous. He would set up stage acts where he would electrocute animals to death to demonstrate how bad it was.

Edison invented the Electric Chair.


Active Member
You guys are right. They did end up using tesla's AC vs edisons DC. I wonder why history reveres edison and you barley here about tesla?
