Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Awesome shot supaM and a crazy cross : !) Yours?

Everything is looking good over there HC.

I found myself with a lack of space after up-canning last night.
Ill be thinking about how to remedy this...
Everything is looking good over there HC.

I found myself with a lack of space after up-canning last night.
Ill be thinking about how to remedy this...

I think we are both in the same boat bassman lol!

Just got back from having lunch with my daughter, she had a couple of hours between classes. She is a hippie whiz kid,,,just got the results of her bio chemistry exam which counts for a third of her grade and she aced it. She does the same in physics too lol! She's a junior and has an office with her name on the door lol! No I'm not a proud pops ;)

Now I'm trying to decide what to do first in the garden. Shmoking a bowl and having a coffe before I do much of anything now though :)
I think we are both in the same boat bassman lol!

Just got back from having lunch with my daughter, she had a couple of hours between classes. She is a hippie whiz kid,,,just got the results of her bio chemistry exam which counts for a third of her grade and she aced it. She does the same in physics too lol! She's a junior and has an office with her name on the door lol! No I'm not a proud pops ;)

Now I'm trying to decide what to do first in the garden. Shmoking a bowl and having a coffe before I do much of anything now though :)
I just sprayed a lil Karma on the girls, and put the sprouts in cups.
I bought another Urkle clone yday...lets hope this one is 'REAL"

My girls are doing well in school also...minus the office space lol though. Congrats on the success! Its great when our kids do well, nothing else can fill that spot!
I realized everyone in my life is a girl....well except for my dog...I guess its him and I and a million girls lol.
Guess you grow great kids too.

what he said ^^
Thats so wonderful you children have grown up to be so beautiful, smart and creative.
No surprise though, with such a caring and loving father as you!
Guess you grow great kids too.

Thanks man :)

I just sprayed a lil Karma on the girls, and put the sprouts in cups.
I bought another Urkle clone yday...lets hope this one is 'REAL"

My girls are doing well in school also...minus the office space lol though. Congrats on the success! Its great when our kids do well, nothing else can fill that spot!
I realized everyone in my life is a girl....well except for my dog...I guess its him and I and a million girls lol.

what he said ^^

Hey there bassman how's it going brother!

Thats so wonderful you children have grown up to be so beautiful, smart and creative.
No surprise though, with such a caring and loving father as you!

Ah your so sweet thanks love ;)

Thanks for the pics sensei...still owe you a pic of my DBL GA#4. Looks like the same pheno as yours.
That NHK is chunkin up like a beast... getting bigger every day noticabley... looks to be the early finisher :)

Yeah those babies hulk right up in the last week or two lol. I have 5 coming down starting tomorrow (well one is going to come down today). I had to rob peter to pay paul so to speak,,,there was 7 nhk in this run but two of them were taken down last week to make up weight for an order. The DBL GA are almost ready too, they will start coming down the first of the week.
Good mornin cave dwellers! Just checkin in, hope everyone has a good headstache for Turkey Day. Be safe everyone and Happy day of turkey!
I tried that heri, couldn't help it had to know.... Taste was more like bubba, kind of a coffee and carob with what I would describe as a taste like a grocery store smells (I guess a mix of produce and spices?) it's actually pretty tasty. Not nearly as potent as I was expecting though, with all the hype I was expecting absolute destruction considering my tolerance is even down. Not that it isn't strong it is, it's just a matter of hype I think one gets an unfair perception. Maybe it changes some with a deeper cure.
Good mornin cave dwellers! Just checkin in, hope everyone has a good headstache for Turkey Day. Be safe everyone and Happy day of turkey!

Thanks man and back at you! Not much of a headstash but got plenty drying ;) I'm having thanksgiving at my house this year so I'll be toking up after everyone goes home haha. It's getting to be a bit much for my mom to put out the spread that she usually does so I offered to have it at my house. It's pretty cool, this big old house is where all the family and cousins would come every holiday when I was growing up it will be nice to see that again albeit a much smaller family now.

You have a good turkey to bru!

I tried that heri, couldn't help it had to know.... Taste was more like bubba, kind of a coffee and carob with what I would describe as a taste like a grocery store smells (I guess a mix of produce and spices?) it's actually pretty tasty. Not nearly as potent as I was expecting though, with all the hype I was expecting absolute destruction considering my tolerance is even down. Not that it isn't strong it is, it's just a matter of hype I think one gets an unfair perception. Maybe it changes some with a deeper cure.

What's going on cowboy. With your tolerance being low you would think that would have blown your socks off lol. Interesting smells sounds nice on the boquet. Your right there is a lot of hype with the heri and I only know one other person who grows it so I have not heard much about it.

Have a good thanksgiving man!

Another day of trimming and cleaning my house lol.

Neighborhood Kush...



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Some chunky nuggets there HC, looks dank!
Nice that your family will be at your house for the t-day, my mom is pressing for a similar situation. Problem is I don't have a large house or table set up on, so this year I'm cooking but at her house. Whatever works right?!
Trying out some original sour diesel today, this here is a winner for sure. The sour isn't as prevalent as I would like but it taste so good.....
puff, puff, pass....
Hey hey cave dwellers!

Hope everyone is well in here. Bobo just dippin in to say highhhhhh.

Everything is looking dank in everyone's gardens from what I can see.... keep up the good work guys.

About to start it up again here pretty soon in the flower zone... can't wait to start sharing some pics with everyone . . . have a good Turkey Day. Good luck w/ all the trimming, HC ;) :peace:
"Yeah what's going on around here huh lol? RIU is turning into sleepy town. Or stoner town I should say : !) Glad to hear that some of Calibands' genes live on. Did you keep a citrus smelling green pheno? Lots of trics or no? "( HAVING TROUBLE WITH 'RETURN' KEY )It's nice and quiet. Winter time for most of us.Nice pheno, 'green' with only a few calyxes turning a beautiful purple.I'm hoping it'll have a passive purple trait with cold temps,because I like my buds green myself.The color is strange though, looking at the bud it's more of peach/skin tone due to trichome density,there's a reason this was my keeper out of the pack!Super, super nice balanced Indica.Citrus from hell. Like the indica sister in law to my lemon skunk.Thanks for her!Got one seed left, hoping for a nice stud someday in the future for a seed line.This one's funny though, every new leaf starts out looking like a banana. One hair-raising plant for sure.
What's up daddyo! Be looking forward to some reports and pics when you start up again...if you can find the time ;) I bet your stoked to grow your own again. Hit me up if you need anything ; !)

How's it going Indie. That sounds like a nice pheno glad you like it :) Some were pretty heavy in the citrus dept that's for sure lol. And you have one that I haven't seen,,,mine were either all green or all purple. Post a pic of her if you want.

Have a good turkey day tomorrow everyone!!

Just finished trimming and took a few pics to dump. Start taking the DBL GA down this weekend and wanted to get some shots before they got harvested. I don't take a lot of shots of my flowering girls because my pics just don't do them justice.