OMG!! Its not used to help or do anything to "seeds"! If you would re read my 1'st
Post you would see that it is used on mother plants, to improve growth, yeild
If it's a mother plant what has yield got to do with ANYTHING? You do not flower mother plants...
Per your own words what you are saying though is that it is indeed bullshit, the seeds you buy are exactly that, normal cannabis seeds. So unless you are yourself carrying out this telsaponics on the plants you grow from their seeds, then the notion of the telsaponics is absolutely worthless.
It is a gimmick, it is advertising, it is all a load of bullshit. If you are still sat here trying to defend it you are either extraordinarily naive and foolish or you are here to promote as i stated earlier. You are not making one statement to convince anyone it is more than a gimmick yet you keep stating that it's a great new thing.
And no, i agree, if they feel the need to advertise in this fashion, then it is not a company i have any desire to do business with, i'll stick with breeders who can sell a product because the product is good, not by creating a word to convince stupid growers that it's something above the cut of the rest.
Telsaponics, if it works, effects the growing plant, not the seeds it creates, so unless you are using telsaponics as well, you are being ripped off thining there is something magical.
What a joke. I will "stand here" and firmly state that you are advertising, nothing more. That or you are stupid and do not udnerstand that them grwing their plants with electricity does not change the seeds in the slightest and you are still buying a 100% normal cannabis seed.
Maybe i should play my plants death metal while their seeds are growing and as such the seeds will be metalponic seeds offering greater yields and bug resistance because they're super freaking hardcore.