Curing... Is this going right?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone hope all is good!

So i cut my plant down 4 days ago.. I went and checked it this morning and the outside had a nice dry feeling with a nice crisp sound.. I thought that this was a good time to place the buds into jars and start my cure ( I know 4 days may be quick but the buds felt smokable)

After leaving the weed in the jars for around 8 hours i opened the jar had a feel and they felt fresh again. So at this point i allowed them to air dry for an hour layed out flat..Once again it felt slightly crisp so i placed them back in the jars..

I have just checked the buds again and once more they feel fresh so i have placed them back layed out air drying..

My problem is that the smell has become a very earthy fresh smell... Will my buds smell progress as the cure goes or am i doing something wrong?

Any help will be appreciated :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i have found the 'hay' smell goes away, and is replaced in time. about two weeks. the longer the better, just be sure to keep it jared as soon as it firms up and starts to smells right.


Well-Known Member
i have found the 'hay' smell goes away, and is replaced in time. about two weeks. the longer the better, just be sure to keep it jared as soon as it firms up and starts to smells right.
Yeah this is my last lot of weed to dry so just a bit concerned about messing it up ha :) The good smell is still there if i give the buds a little squeeze..

Whats would the effect be of jarring to early? this is my main worry.


the effects could be many things, mold, mildew, you need to be careful at this point, that weird smell will go away, this takes time just like growing. the good smell will come back in a few weeks, just make sure they arent to wet when they are put into jars, leave them in jars for awhile and check and make sure the glass isnt fogging or the buds dont feel to much different (like wet soft) they will change a little but not much, if your really worried put a little meter in there dont let it get above like 65 or 70 humidity.


Well-Known Member
A proper jar cure is 30 days. keep sealing them up, and airing them out. Soon you won't need to take them out of the jar, just open the jar. Once the extra moisture is gone, seal them up and put them away for a while while the next run is started.



Well-Known Member
bro if you took the time to grow take the time to cure.thats a lesson i had learned the hard way LOL. i dryed for 5 days cured for a week and thought i was the shit lol dumb ass me. im doing 17 pineapple express and in week 8 . bet yousweet ass im doing it wright this buds look wright on the outside but clear and milky on the inside.i plan on chopping in a week or 2. i already got nmy next grow ready to go in.i plan on curing for 2-3 months .best of luck