

Hello all. Im new one here. I know a decent amount of information about growing (: :leaf: but. Cant the "POLICE" just go on here. Get are IP addresses. Trace them down to where the server was at. Go from the server to are house. And then raid my house and arrest my family and sell my house at auction:?: lol. Im just curious before I go posting about a illegal substance on a web sight ( :-P:-PBut that certain substance does magical wonders. It is gods magical wonder, Its his natural choice of medicine.:-P:-P)

Anything about my question would be great.


Active Member
Highly doubtful. But if you start posting 100+ plant grows, you might raise an eyebrow. But there would be a lot of legwork for the police to do in order to bust you for what may be 3 plants, or could be no plants. Not everything on the internet is true.


Sector 5 Moderator
there always watching us............ shhhhh there goes one right there
LOL, the only reason they are watching you Chi is to make sure you don't bust a cap in them. OP, there is not the slightest chance that any LEO can even FIND where our servers are kept, much less get information from them. If you're worried, download and install some free proxy software.


Well-Known Member
LOL, the only reason they are watching you Chi is to make sure you don't bust a cap in them. OP, there is not the slightest chance that any LEO can even FIND where our servers are kept, much less get information from them. If you're worried, download and install some free proxy software.
Well thats a bonus!


Well-Known Member
Why are you worried? If you don't think your doing anything wrong then you aren't. Its a God given plant, so don't worry. There are loopholes around the law. Feds usually don't go after anyone who grows 99 or less plants total (Clone, Veg and Blooming plants). Unless your some famous guy or filthy rich :). Then I wouldn't worry to much.


Sure it's "possible" its also "possible" I hit the lottery tonight. My educated guess is...I have a better chance at WINNING the lottery tonight...than you do of getting "tracked down" by police from a website forum because of something you said on the internet about placing a seed in some soil and growin some marrywanna...YOU really arent that important to them =)...and certainly arent worth the payroll it would take to bust you for a couple 2 ounce plants.


Active Member
how bout the rest of the world though, i have often wondered if there is a dedicated police task force looking online for weed growers instead of people actually committing crimes. however if you are worried about this site , i think there is a greater risk of them looking through ebay feedback or hydro stores deliverys and credit card companies ect

there are alot of sites for this and thousands of folk posting pics of what could be other peoples plants, also they would have to get warrants and shit i assume.

that said i dont think i would post on here from the same ip address as my grow lol, if they bust in here it will give me fair warning, you here that you popo mofo's


Well-Known Member
Yeah where do all the grow pics come from ? come to think of it I have never even seen any weed ever I think I smelt someone growing it at school once I just saw that weed`s show and thought hmmm I could pose as one of these "pot heads" online I love gardening as I always watch them doing that on tv how hard could it be to fool them their more interesting then all the people that talk to me once they learn I`m 14 and in france and I`m a hot girl lol


New Member
I think it also has something to do with they only way a LEO could get data from this website would be obtaining it illegally, and any evidence obtained illegally is not considered in court.

Keep in mind that same government can call you a terrorist, strip you of your rights and fuck you sideways if they really wanted to.


Well-Known Member
ok but just like when a cop see`s you committing a crime on off duty he would be looking on here off duty and oh my god !!! no way

The cop`s can`t look on here unless the have a good reason or they are not working so either someone has to rat that their are big time growers exchanging information or something else like terrorism and that this website will trace that line to something worth while

or the cop is not working and is a stoner who post`s on here like all the rest of us

You know that guy "oh man work sucked today I had to burn all this weed guys it`s killing me"

And we all think he has no job and is just getting stoned all the time ??? No way he`s a cop a cop who hates his job cos he makes the burn weed so at home he grows weed, that guy he protects us all don`t he ?

See how easy it is I`m 14 and I`m a girl and I live in france and I don`t grow weed, but people think I do, cos I`m good at being a stoner online but you know maybe I bet I could grow weed if I really had to :)

See now I get to go back to being the edgy funny one that say`s sexist things and is a bit of a tech geek


Well-Known Member
Highly doubtful. But if you start posting 100+ plant grows, you might raise an eyebrow. But there would be a lot of legwork for the police to do in order to bust you for what may be 3 plants, or could be no plants. Not everything on the internet is true.
They can't post anything on the internet that isn't true.